The Chemical Level of Organization


the study of the structure and interactions of matter


that which has mass and occupies space


the force of gravity acting on matter

Potential energy

stored energy

Kinetic energy

energy of motion;actively involved in doing work

Chemical Elements

The building blocks of matter
117 elements
26 element are present in human body

Oxygen (O)

Major Element: Atomic Number 8

Carbon (C)

Major Element: Atomic Number 6

Hydrogen (H)

Major Element: Atomic Number 1

Nitrogen (N)

Major Element: Atomic Number 7

96% of the body's mass is composed from what elements?

O: oxygen
C: carbon
H: hydrogen
N: nitrogen


Elemental Sign: P
Found in the human body


Elemental Sign: K
Found in the human body


Elemental Sign: S
Found in the human body


Elemental Sign: Na
Found in the human body


Elemental Sign: Cl
Found in the human body


Elemental Sign: Mg
Found in the human body


Elemental Sign: Fe
Found in the human body


Elemental Sign: Ca
Found in the human body


Elemental Sign: I
Found in the human body


basic unit of matter; the smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element


the positively charged dense center of an atom
A part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction

Subatomic Particles

The small parts that comprise an atom: protons, neutrons, and electrons

Atomic Number

the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

What does NOT change inside an atom?

The number of protons in the nucleus

Atomic Number = 1
Mass Number = 1 or 2

Atomic Number = 6
Mass Number = 12 or 13

Atomic Number = 7
Mass Number = 14 or 15

Atomic Number = 8
Mass Number = 16, 17 or 18

Mass Number

protons + neutrons


Atoms of the same element that have the same atomic number but different atomic masses due to a different number of neutrons


electrically charged atoms that have gained or lost electrons.


a positively charged ion


a negatively charged ion


Two or more elements that are chemically combined

Chemical Bonding

the joining of atoms to form new substances. when formed electrons are shared, gained, or lost.

Ionic Bond

Chemical Bond: They stick together like magnets attract to each other; attraction force that holds together ions with opposite charges; one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion

Covalent Bond

Chemical Bond: Involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule
Sharing can be equal or unequal

Hydrogen Bond

Chemical Bond: Weak attraction between a hydrogen atom and another atom

What is the most common chemical bond in the compounds of the body's structures


Types of covalent bond

Single, Double, Triple which is all dependent on the number of electron pairs shared between atoms

Single Covalent Bond

Double Covalent Bond

Covalent Bonding

Sharing can be equal or nonequal

Solid structures are formed by what type of bonds?


Polar Covalent Bond

Unequal sharing of electrons between the two atoms

If there is only a single element what type of bond will take place?

Non Polar Covalent

What type of bond forms water molecule?

Polar Covalent Bond

Non Polar Covalent Bond

Covalent bond in which the bonding electrons are shared equally by the bonded atoms, resulting in a BALANCED distribution of electrical charge
Two different elements have different atomic number, therefore 1 side will get the partial positive, while the o


Water-fearing"; pertaining to NONPOLAR molecules (or parts of molecules) that do not dissolve in water.

The bonds between C and H in methane molecule

NonPolar Covalent

ALL polar covalent bond are____



water loving- polar or ionic, water clings to compound but does not dissolve

Carbon & Oxygen C--O

Polar Covalent

Carbon & Nitrogen C--N

Polar Covalent

Hydrogen & Nitrogen H--N

Polar Covalent

Hydrogen & Oxygen H--O

Polar Covalent

Hydrogen Bonding

a type of weak bond that occurs between the hydrogen atoms of one molecule and a slightly negative atom within another molecule -- typically between H and O

This type of bond forms water molecule

Polar Covalent

Surface Tension on water is the result of this type of bond?


Chemical Reactions

The process in which substances undergo chemical changes that results in the formation of new substances.


The starting materials for chemical reactions.


elements or compounds produced by a chemical reaction

Synthesis (Anabolic) Reaction

A+B --> C
Energy Absorbing
a reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a single NEW and/or LARGER molecules

Decomposition (Catabolic) Reaction

AB --> A+B
Energy releasing
a reaction in which a single compound breaks down to form two or more simpler substances

Exchange Reaction

AB + CD ---> AD + CB
a reaction in which molecules are exchanged to create new products

Reversible Reaction

AB <---> A+B
Can happen in either direction
Chemical reaction in which the products REFORM the original reactants

Combining amino acids to form proteins is an example of this type of chemical reaction

Synthesis or Anabolic
Think: Muscle cells

E+G --> P+P+E

Decomposition Reaction (Catabolism)

Type of reaction that consists of both anabolism and catabolism


This type of reaction can occur in the SAME cell and can also be seen in the digestive system

Reversible Reactions

Include the growth and mineralization of bone and increases in muscle mass

Synthesis (Anabolic) Reaction

Exergonic Reactions

reactions in cells that break down chemical bonds and RELEASE free energy (ATP)
Reactants have more potential energy than the products

Endergonic Reactions

reactions in cells that build chemical bonds CONSUMING / ABSORBING free energy (ATP)

Where reactants have less potential energy than the products

Energy is absorbed from the environment or surrounding area

Activation Energy

Kick Start Energy
the minimum amount of energy required to start a chemical reaction


chemical agents that selectively speed up chemical reactions in the cell without being consumed by the reaction
Lowers the activation energy necessary
Think: Enzymes


Molecules usually proteins or nucleic acids that act as biochemical catalysts
Can be used over and over again
Have specific 3-D shapes


55-60% of body mass
Major component in mucus & serous fluids
Helps to maintain the homeostasis of body temp
Excellent solvent for ionic or polar substances
Can be BOTH a reactant or product

1 or more _____ dissolve in _____ to form a _______


Non polar molecules are ______

Hydrophobic -- water fearing, do NOT dissolve in water


BREAKING down complex molecules by the chemical addition of water (reactant)
Essential in digestion

A-B + HOH --> A-H + B-OH

As HOH splits, it BREAKS a bond in another reactant

Dehydration Synthesis

to join by removing water (product)
BUILDING reaction


Dissolves in water (Hydrophilic)
Raises the H+ ion concentration
pH below 7


Dissolves in water (Hydrophilic)
Lowers H+ ion concentration
pH above 7

pH Scale

measurement system used to indicate the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in solution; ranges from 0 to 14

pH of blood

It is a neutralizing agent as it moves around the body
Higher or lower pH will cause Acidosis / Alkalosis

Acidosis / Alkalosis

Acid-Base Imbalances
Acidosis = pH < 7.35 greater acid than base
Alkalosis = pH > 7.45 greater base than acid

Organic Compounds

carbon-based molecules (most abundant compound besides water)
Chains, branches, rings, etc...form the carbon skeleton
Always contain C and H

Functional Groups

A specific configuration of atoms commonly attached to the carbon skeletons of organic molecules and usually involved in chemical reactions.
May include O, N, P, S

Major Functional Group


Major Functional Group


Major Functional Group


Major Functional Group


Major Functional Group



large molecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, or lipids

Formation of Macromolecules

Monomer --> Polymer
Process: Anabolism
Mechanism: Dehydration Synthesis

Breakdown of Macromolecules

Polymer --> Monomer
Process: Catabolism
Mechanism: Hydrolysis


Source of chemical energy
Building structural unit
organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

Why can't we survive without carbohydrates?

Don't have a source of energy
Cells can't form
Without carbohydrates, you get no fiber. Without fiber you have incomplete digestion, thus poor assimilation of nutrients.

Major Groups of Carbohydrates



simple sugars (glucose, galactose (from milk), fructose (from fruit))
Named according to the # of carbons in the carbon skeleton

Suffix always contains "-ose

Tri-ose = 3 carbons = Glycolysis
Pent-ose = 5 carbons = Ribose, Deoxyribose
Hex-ose = 6 carbons = Glucose, Glalactose, Fructose


compounds with the same simple formula but different 3D structures resulting in different physical and chemical properties

What makes isomers different?

The arrangement. They have the same simple formula but different 3D structures resulting in different physical and chemical properties


A double sugar, consisting of two monosaccharides joined by dehydration synthesis.

Sucrose, maltose, and lactose are all ____________


glucose + fructose


glucose + glucose


glucose + galactose



macromolecules formed by repeated dehydration synthesis reactions; complex carbohydrates; ex: cellulose, starches formed from glucose molecules (monosaccharide)

Serve as storage material, hydrolyzed as needed to provide sugar for cells; building material for structures that protect a cell or an organism

--Glycogen, Starches, Cellulose


Main Polysaccharide used by the body: Stored form of glucose in plant cells that consists entirely of glucose monomers linked in unbranched chains


Stored form of glucose in fibers
Structural component of plant walls; once formed, resists hydrolysis, (indigestible) so not an energy source.


Macromolecules made mainly from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms;
includes fats, oils, and waxes; hydrophobic
used for long-term storage of energy
building structural parts of cell membranes (cell protection)
fatty acids and glycerol make up the simple

Lipid Types



Chief form of fat (lipids) in body cells; composed of three molecules of fatty acids (tails) and one molecule of glycerol (backbone) thru dehydration synthesis

Formation of triglycerides

Dehydration synthesis links the fatty acids to the glycerol backbone


Three carbon atoms each liked to a hydroxyl group (OH)

Fatty Acids

carboxylic acid often with a long unbranched aliphatic tail (chain), which is either saturated or unsaturated derived from natural fats and oils

Saturated Fatty Acid

solid at room temperature, animal derived, all carbons have single bonds to hydrogens
Have Carboxyl group
NO double covalent bond C-C

Unsaturated Fatty Acid

liquid at room temperature, plant derived, not all carbons have bonds to hydrogen,
1 or more double covalent bonds C=C
Have Carboxyl group

Examples of unsaturated fatty acids

Mono-unsaturated: olive oil, canola oil, avocados, 1 C=C bond
Poly-unsaturated: corn oil, fatty fish multi C=C bonds


It contains three types of monmers
glycerol- and fatty acids and phosphate group., Structure for cells; cell membrane
Polar head- hydrophilic likes water. fatty acid- hydrophobic doesn't like water

Phosphate Group

Linker to other side groups
A chemical group consisting of a phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms; important in energy transfer.

Cell Membranes

Phospholipid Bilayer with hydrophilic & hydrophobic regions
Serves as a boundary between the cell and its external environment. It is flexible and allows the cell to vary its shape if necessary.
It controls the movement of materials entering and exiting t


3 six-sided rings and 1 five-sided ring
Many of this type of lipid serve as chemical messengers or as parts of the cell membrane; examples include cholesterol (#1), testosterone, and estrogen

Examples of Steroids

See the shape? 3 six-sided rings and 1 five-sided ring
Cholesterol: a component of cell membrane
Estradiol: The female sex hormone
Testosterone: the male sex hormone
Cortisol: secreted by adrenal gland


20-carbon fatty acid called arachidonic acid
Lipids that exert complex control over many bodily systems, mainly in inflammation or immunity, and as messengers in the central nervous system.


contains C, H, O, N & S
Source of energy.
Needed by tissue for repair and growth

Chemical Substance that is involved in body regulation


A protein that helps destroy pathogens


Amino Acid

Building Block of protein
20 Amino acids are used to make proteins
Only obtained thru diet
Linked together by dehydration synthesis to form peptide bonds

Primary Protein Structure

simplest -- linear-- sequence of amino acids, forming polypeptide
The order of amino acids in a protein; order matters; different order of amino acids = different structure/shape/function of the protein

Secondary Protein Structure

sequence of AA starting to fold and coil, held together by hydrogen bonds

Tertiary Protein Structure

3-D shape the molecule assumes, as a result of twisting, bending, and folding cause by various types of bonding between H bonds, ionic bonds, sulfur bonds

Quaternary Protein Structure

made up of 2+ strands of polypeptides
Most complex (many enzymes are quaternary proteins)
Hydrogen, ionic, and sulfur bonds hold the polypeptide chains together


For proteins, a process in which a protein unravels and loses its native 3D conformation, thereby becoming biologically inactive.
For DNA, the separation of the two strands of the double helix.
Occurs when protein is exposed to extreme conditions of pH, s

Once_______occurs, the protein is rendered unusable and thus lost forever



protein that acts as a biological catalyst, speed up reactions by lowering activation energy
Very complex, yet efficient
Some contain 2 parts
Apo-enzyme = protein part
CoFactor = Nonprotein portion

Apoenzyme + Cofactor

Functionality of Enzyme: The 2 puzzle pieces of certain enzymes
Requires both parts to become catalytically active
Apo=Protein Portion
Cofactor = non protein portion

Why do we need enzymes?

Enzymes can build structures inside the body, can help provide the body with energy or can break down structures or molecules in various places in our body. Without enzymes, our bodies would cease to exist.

Enzyme Action

1 -Begins with the binding of the substrate (or substrates) to the active site on the enzyme.
(The active site is the specific region of the enzyme which combines with the substrate.)
2-Binding of the substrate to the enzyme causes changes in the chemical

Enzyme Action

Nucleic Acids

very long organic compounds made up of C, H, N, & P
Source of genetic info -- contain instructions or "recipes" that cells need to carry out all the functions of life


building blocks of nucleic acids
3 Subunits
Nitrogenous Base, Pentose Sugar, Phosphate Group

How many nucleotides are present?


Nitrogenous Bases

What composes the rungs of the DNA ladder
The purines (adenine and quanine) and pyrimidines (thymine, cytosine and uracil) that comprise DNA and RNA molecules

DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid

A nucleic acid found in all living cells which carry the organisms hereditary information
Sugar is deoxyribose
Nitrogenous Bases:
Adenine (A)
Guanine (G)
Cytosine (C)
Thymine (T)
Hydrogen bonds form double helix

DNA is always contained inside the _______ of a cell except during ________________

Nucleus / Cell division

Why should a nucleus hold onto DNA?

So the structure is not changed

RNA: Ribonucleic Acid

transfers genetic information from nucleus (DNA) to cytoplasm in order to build protein
Single-stranded nucleic acid that contains the sugar ribose
Nitrogenous bases are:
Adenine (A)
Guanine (G)
Cytosine (C)
Uracil (U)

Types of RNA

mRNA = messenger
tRNA = transfer
rRNA = ribosomal


messenger RNA; type of RNA that carries instructions from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome

_______ is free and can travel inside the cytoplasm



transfer RNA; type of RNA that carries amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis
Located in cytoplasm


Ribosomal RNA: The most abundant type of RNA, which together with proteins forms the structure of ribosomes.
Ribosomes coordinate the sequential coupling of tRNA molecules to mRNA codons


DNA is located in the nucleoid (prokaryotes) or nucleus (eukaryotes) and protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm. DNA does not move to the site of protein synthesis (ribosomes) to directly guide the process. Instead, it transfers its information to mRNA


Process by which mRNA is decoded and a protein is produced
Location = Ribosome
Reactant = Amino Acid
Product = Polypeptide

The process of the formation of RNA from the DNA template is called _________



Adenosine Triphosphate, an organic molecule that acts as the MAIN ENERGY SOURCE for cell processes; composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and three phosphate groups
Energy rich

Identify the 3 Phosphate groups

Light green

Enzymes are either ______ or _________

Proteins or ribozymes