

A point of contact between 2 or more bones, between bone and cartilage, or between teeth and bone

Synovial Cavity

The space or joint cavity filled with synovial fluid and found between articulating bones

Fibrous Joint

Structural classification of a joint that has no synovial cavity, and the bones are held together by fibrous connective tissue

Cartilaginous Joint

Structural classification of a joint that has no synovial cavity and the bones are held toegether by cartilage

Synovial Joint

A joint that has a synovial cavity and the articulating bones are united by an articular capsule and accessory ligaments


A functional classification for an immovable joint


A functional classification for a semi-movable joint


A functional classification for a freely movable joint (ALL diarthoses are synovial joints!)


A synarthrosis joint that is found between the bones of a skull


A synarthrosis joint that is found between the teeth and bone


A synarthrosis joint that has hyaline cartilage as the connecting material (such as the growth plate of the bone)


An amphiarthrosis joint that has more fibrous tissue than a suture, but not as good as a fit as a suture


An amphiarthrosis joint that is fitted with a piece of broad, flat fibrocartilage

Articular Cartilage

The hyaline cartilage that covers the ends of the bones in the joint

Articular Capsule

The capsule that surrounds the entire joint and synovial cavity and unites the bones

Fibrous Capsule

The outer layer of the articular capsule upon which the ligaments of the joint connects; it is made of dense irregular connective tissue

Synovial Membrane

The inner layer of the articular capsule made of areolar connective tissue that secretes synovial fluid

Synovial Fluid

Fluid that fills the synovial cavity and provide lubrication and nutrients for the joint


Sac-like structures found in a joint that help to absorb shock and reduce friction

Gliding Joint - Description

A diarthrosis joint that has a flat articulating surface which provides a back & forth and side to side motion

Gliding Joint - Examples

Carpals, Tarsals, Sternum & clavicle

Hinge Joint - Description

A diarthrosis joint that has a convex surface of one bone that fits into a concave surface of a second bone, allowing for flexion and extension

Hinge Joint - Examples

Elbow, knee, fingers, toes

Pivot Joint - Description

A diarthrosis joint that has a rounded/pointed surface of a bone that articulates witha ring formed by either bones or ligaments, producing a rotational movement

Pivot Joint - Examples

Atlas & axis of the neck; Proximal end of the radius & ulna

Condyloid Joint - Description

A diarthosis joint that has an oval-shaped surface that fits into a depression of a 2nd bone

Condyloid Joint - Example

The Radius with the Scaphoid & Lunate or the Tibia with the Talus

Saddle Joint - Description

A diarthrosis joint that has an articular surface where one surface has the shape of a saddle, and the other has the shape of the legs of a horseback rider; it produces a side-to-side and back & forth movement

Saddle Joint - Example

Trapezium & 1st Metacarpal

Ball & Socket Joint - Description

A diarthrosis joint that has a ball-like surface on one bone which fits into a cup-like depression on a 2nd bone

Ball & Socket Joint - Examples

Shoulder, Hip