Eye, Ear, and Digestive System-Models

inferior palpebra

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

superior palpebra

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

lacrimal gland

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

ciliary muscle

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify structure number 10

vitreous humor

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

tendon of superior oblique muscle

Identify structure number 7

levator palpebrae superioris muscle

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

lateral rectus muscle

Identify which eye muscle the arrow is pointing

superior rectus muscle

Identify which eye muscle the arrow is pointing to

fovea centralis

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

macula lutea

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to

optic nerve

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

anterior chamber of anterior cavity

Name the space in this image that is labeled with the number 2

posterior chamber of anterior cavity

Name the space in this image that is labeled with the number 4


Identify what the arrow is pointing to

medial rectus muscle

Identify structure number 8

inferior rectus muscle

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

inferior oblique muscle

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify in this image the structure labeled number 1

optic disc

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

fovea centralis

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

scala vestibuli

Name the space that is labeled with a star

scala tympani

Name the space that is labeled with a star

scala media

Name the space that is labeled with a star

organ of Corti

Identify the structure that has been circled in this image

tectorial membrane

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

basilar membrane

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

semicircular canals

Identify what the arrows are pointing to

hair cells

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

cochlear nerve

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

vestibular nerve

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

vestibulocochlear nerve

Identify the structure that has been circled in this image


Identify what the arrow is pointing to (hint: also called pinna)

external auditory canal

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

round window

Identify structure number 14


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to

tympanic membrane

Identify what the arrow is pointing to (Hint: it's also called the ear drum)

auditory tube

Identify what the arrow is pointing to (Hint: it's also called the Eustachian tube)


Identify what the arrow is pointing to

parotid gland

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

sublingual gland

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

submandibular gland

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

pancreatic duct



Identify what the arrow is pointing to

sphincter of Oddi

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrows are pointing to

sigmoid colon

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

central incisor

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to

lateral incisor

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrows are pointing to


Identify what the arrows are pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to

ascending colon

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


bile canaliculi

Identify what the arrows are pointing to

central vein

Identify what the arrows are pointing to

descending colon

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


iliocecal sphincter

Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to


Identify what the arrow is pointing to

transverse colon

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

taenia coli

Identify what the arrow is pointing to




bile duct

Identify what the arrows are pointing to

hepatic portal artery

Identify what the arrow is pointing to

hepatic portal vein

Identify what the arrow is pointing to
