The Heart: Chapter 20

The blood vessels in the cardiovascular system are subdivided into the

pulmonary and systemic circuits

Blood is carried away from the heart by the


The left atrium receives blood from the pulmonary circuit and empties it into the

left ventricle

The double pump function of the heart includes the right side, which serves as the ________ circuit pump, while the left side serves as the ______ pump

pulmonary; systemic

The major difference between the left and right ventricles relative to their role in heart function is

the LV pumps blood through the high-resistance systemic circulation

The great cardiac vein drains blood from the heart muscle to the

right atrium

The visceral pericardium, or epicardium, covers the

outer surface of the heart

The valves of the heart are covered by a squamous epithelium, the


The three distinct layers of the heart wall include the

epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

Atrioventricular valves prevent backflow of blood into the _______; semilunar valves prevent backflow into the _________

atria; ventricles

Blood flows from the left atrium into the left ventricle through the ________ valves

bicuspid, L. atrioventricular, mitral

When deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle through a semilunar valve, it is forced into the

pulmonary arteries

Blood from systemic circulation is returned to the right atrium by the

superior and inferior vena cava

Oxygenated blood from the systemic arteries flows into

peripheral tissue capillaries

The lung capillaries receive deoxygenated blood from the

pulmonary arteries

One of the important differences between skeletal muscle tissue and cardiac muscle tissue is that cardiac muscle tissue is

striated involuntary muscle

Cardiac muscle tissue

does not require nerve activity to stimlate a contraction

The primary differences that characterize cardiac muscle cells when comparing them to skeletal muscle fibers are

small size, a single centrally located nucleus, the presence of intercalated discs

Blood from coronary circulation is returned to the right atrium of the heart via

coronary sinus

The right coronary artery supplies blood to

the right atrium, portions of the conducting system of the heart, portions of the right and left ventricles

The correct sequential path of a normal action potential in the heart is

SA node -> AV node -> bundle of His -> bundle branches -> Purkinje fibers

If the papillary muscles fail to contract, the

AV valves will not close properly

The events between the start of one hearbeat and the start of the next is called the

cardiac cycle

The sinoatrial node acts as the pacemaker of the heart because these cells are

the ones that depolarize and reach threshold first

After the SA node is depolarized and the impulse spreads through the atria, there is a slight delay before the impulse spreads to the ventricles. The reason for this delay is to allow

the atria to finish contracting

If each heart muscle cell contracted at its own individual rate, the condition would resemble


The P wave of a normal electrocardiogram indicates

atrial depolarization

The QRS complex of the ECG appears as the

ventricles depolarize

ECGs are useful in detecting and diagnosing abonormal patterns of cardiac activity called

cardiac arrhythmias

An excessively large QRS complex often indicates that the

heart has become enlarged

The "lubb-dubb" sounds of the heart have practical clinical value because they provide information concerning

the action and efficiency of the AV and semilunar valves

When a chamber of the heart fills with blood and prepares for the start of the next beat the chamber is in


At the start of the atrial systole, the ventricles are filled to around

70% of capacity

The amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle per minute is the

cardiac output

The amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle during a single beat is the

stroke volume

Under normal circumstances, the factors responsible for making delicate adjustments to the heart rate as circulatory demands change are

autonomic activity and circulatory hormones

The cardiac centers in the medulla oblongata monitor baroreceptors and chemoreceptors innervated by the

glossopharyngeal N IX and vagus N X

The atrial reflex (Bainbridge reflex) involved adjustments in heart rate stimulated by an increase in

venous return

The difference between the end-distolic volume (EDV) and the end systolic volume (ESV) is the

stroke volume

Starling's Law of the Heart describes the relationship that states

increasing the EDV results in an increase in the stroke volume

Parasympathetic from the vagus nerve results in

a decrease in heart rate

Cutting the vagus nerve

increases the heart rate

If the heart rate is 78 bpm and the stroke volume is 80 ml per beat, the cardiac output will be


Assuming anatomic position, the best way to descibr the specific location of the heart in the body is

within the mediastinum of the thorax

The function of the chordae tendinae is to

anchor the AV valve flaps and prevent backflow of blood into the atria

Which one of the following would not show up on an electrocardiogram


During ventricular diastole, when the pressure in the left ventricle rises above that in the left atrium

the left AV valve closes

During ventricular systole, the blood volume in the atria is _______, and the volume in the ventricle is _______

increasing; decreasing

During most of the ventricular diastole

the pressure in the L. ventricle is slightly lower than the pressure in the L. atrium

When the pressure within the L. ventricle becomes greater than the pressure within the aorta

the aortic semilunar valve is forced open

The volume of blood in the L. ventricle is at its lowest when

the AV valve opens

The dicrotic wave indicates a brief rise in the aortic pressure. The rise in pressure is due to

the closure of the semilunar valve

During isovlumertric contraction, pressure is highest in the


Blood pressure in the large systemic arteries is greatest during

systolic ejection

Decreased parasympathetic (vagus) stimulation to the heart results in

speeding the heart rate

Serious arrhythmias that reduce the pumping efficiency of the heart may indicate

damage to the myocardium, injury to the SA and AV nodes, abnormalities in the ionic composition of the extracellular fluids

During exercise the most important mechanism to increase cardiac output is

increased sympathetic activity to the ventricles

The diastolic phase of the blood pressure indicates that

the ventricles are "resting

Which of the following does not control the movement of blood through the heart

size of the atria and ventricles

The ANS can make very delicate adjustments in cardiovascular function to meet demands of other systems through

dual innervation and adjustments in autonomic tone

Normally, the only electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles is the

bundle of His

If the SA node or internodal pathways are damaged, the

AV node assumes command

Tetanic contractions cannot occur in a normal cardiac muscle cell, regardless of the frequency or intensity of stimulation, because

summation is not possible