Ch 18: Blood - The Circulatory System

circulatory system

consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood

cardiovascular system

refers only to the heart and blood vessels


the study of blood

functions of the circulatory system

transport, protection, & regulation

circulatory system transport function

transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes, hormones and stem cells

circulatory system protection function

inflammation, limit spread of infections, destroy microorganisms and cancer cells, neutralize toxins, and initiates clotting

circulatory system regulation function

fluid balance, stabilizes pH of ECF, and temperature control

Adult blood amount

4-6 L of blood


a liquid connective tissue consisting of cells and extracellular matrix


matrix of blood - a clear, light yellow fluid

formed elements

blood cells and cell fragments - RBCs, WBCs, and platelets

How many kinds of formed elements?



red blood cells


cell fragments from special cell in bone marrow


white blood cells

How many types of Leukocytes?


Leukocytes are divided into ...

two categories


have granules

Leukocytes in the Granulocytes category

neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil


do not have granules

Leukocytes in the Agranulocytes category

lymphocytes & monocytes


centrifuge blood to separate components


liquid portion of blood


remaining fluid when blood clots and the solids are removed - identical to plasma except for the absence of

3 major categories of plasma proteins

albumins, globulins, & fibrinogen


smallest and most abundant - contributes to viscosity & osmolarity, influences blood pressure, flow & fluid balance


(antibodies) provide immune system functions

3 types of globulins

alpha, beta, and gamma globulins


precursor of fibrin threads that help form blood clots

plasma proteins are formed by the?

liver except globulins

globulins are produced by?

plasma cells


resistane of a fluid to flow, resulting from the cohesion of its particles

whole blood viscosity

whole blood 4.5-5.5 times as viscous as water

plasma viscosity

plasma is 2.0 times as viscous as water
important in circulatory funciton

osmolarity of blood

the total molarity of those dissolved particles that cannot pass through the blood vessel wall

if blood osmolarity is
too high

blood absorbs too much water, increasing the blood pressure

if blood osmolarity is
too low

too much water stays in tissue, blood pressure drops and edema occurs

optimum osmolarity

is achieved by bodies regulation of sodium ions, proteins, and RBCs


deficiency of plasma proteins - extreme starvation, liver or kidney disease, sever burns


chlildren with severe protein deficiency - fed on cereals once weaned results to thin arms and legs, and swollen abdomens

Adult production of platelets/RBCs/WBCs daily

adult production of 400 billion platelets, 200 billion RBCs and 10 billion WBCs every day


the production of blood, especially its formed elements

hemopoietic tissues produce

blood cells -- yolk sac produces stem cells for first blood cells that (colonize fetal bone marrow, liver, spleen, and thymus), liver stops producing blood cells at birth, spleen remains involved with lymphocyte production, and red bone marrow produces al

pluripotent stem cells (PPSC)

formerly called hemocytoblasts or hemopoietic stem cells

colony forming units

specialized stem cells only producing one class of formed element of blood

myeloid hemopoiesis

blood formation of the bone marrow

lymphoid hemopoiesis

blood formation in the lymphatic organs

2 principal functions of erythrocytes

1. carry oxygen from lungs to cell tissues
2. pick up carbon dioxide from tissues and bring to lungs

erythrocytes physical characteristics

disc-shaped cell with thick rim, 7.5 micrometer diameter and 2.0 micrometer thick at rim

Erythrocytes: lack mitochondria

anaerobic fermentation to produce ATP

Erythrocytes: lack of nucleus & DNA

no protein synthesis or mitosis

blood type is determined by?

surface glycoprotein and glycolipids

Erythrocytes: cytoskeletal proteins (spectrin & actin)

give membrane durability and resilience
- stretch and bend as squeeze through small capillaries

Erythrocytes: gas transport

-increased surface area/volume ratio
-due to loss of organelles during maturation
-increases diffusion rate of substances

Erythrocytes: 33% of cytoplasm is ...

hemoglobin (Hb)
-280 million hemoglobin molecules on one RBC
-oxygen delivery to tissue and carbon dioxide transport to lungs