Chapter 5: The Integumentary System

Integumentary System

the skin, complex set of organs that protects body

The Skin

1.5-4.0 millimeters (mm), composed of two distinct regions, the epidermis and dermis


composed of epithelial cells, is the outermost protective shield of the body. A keratinized stratified squamous epithelium consisting of 4 distinct cell types and 4 or 5 distinct layers


makes up the bulk of the skin, is a tough leathery layer composed mostly of fibrous connective tissue. Only the dermis is vascularized

Hypodermis (Superficial Fascia)

the subcutaneous tissue deep to the skin. It is not part of the skin, but it shares some of the skins protective functions. It is superficial to the tough connective tissue wrapping (fascia) of the skeletal muscles, consists mostly of adipose tissue. Func

Cells of the Epidermis

keratinocytes, melanocytes, epidermal dendritic cells, and tactile cells


main role is to produce keratin, the fibrous protein that helps give the epidermis its protective properties


the spider-shaped epithelial cells that synthesize the pigment melanin, are found in the deepest layer of the epidermis. As melanin is made it is accumulated in membrane bound granules called melanosomes, that are moved along actin filaments by motor prot

Epidermal Dendritic Cells

arise from bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. Also called Langerhans cells.
Functions: they imgest foreign substances and are key activators of pur immune system

Tactile Cells

are present at the epidermal-dermal junction. Shaped like a spiky hemisphere. Each cell is associated with a disclike sensory nerve ending. (touch receptors)

Layers of the Epidermis (a)

thick skin which covers the palms, fingertips, and soles of feet; Epidermis consists of 5 layers , or strata (bed sheets); deep to superficial: Stratum Basale, Stratum Spinosum, Stratum Granulosum, Stratum Lucidum, and Stratum Corneum.

Stratum Basale (Basale Layer)

Deepest epidermal layer firmly attached to the dermis, Single row of stem cells, Also called stratum germinativum: cells undergo rapid division, Journey from basal layer to surface
Takes 25-45 days, 10 - 25% made of melanocytes

Startum Spinosum (Prickly Layer)

several cell layers thick, Cells contain a weblike system of intermediate prekeratin filaments attached to desmosomes, Abundant melanin granules and dendritic cells, the keratinocytes appear to have spines

Stratum Granuosum (Granular Layer)

thin layer that consists of 3 to 5 layers in which kerainocyte appearance changes drastically and the process of keratinization (in which the cells fill with the protein keratin) begins. Keratohyaline (help to form keratin in upper layers) and lamellated

Stratum Lucidum (Clean Layer)

appears as a clear translucent band just above the stratum granuosum. 2 to 3 rows of flat, dead keratinocytes

Stratum Corneum (Horny Layer)

20 to 40 cell layers of dead, flat keratinized, membranous sacs, accounts for up to 3 quarters of epidermal thickness.
Functions: Protects from abrasion and penetration, Waterproofs, Barrier against biological, chemical, and physical assaults

Layers of the Epidermis (b)

Dermis (b)

the second major skin region, is strong flexible connective tissue. Its cells are fibroblast, macrophages and occasional mast cells. Richly supplied with nerve fibers, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels. Has two layers, papillary and reticular layers

Papillary Layer

thin superficial layer is aerolar connective tissue, with fine interlaced mat of loosely woven collegen and elastic fibers. Has superior surface callled dermal papillae.

Dermal Papillae

contain Capillary loops, Meissner's corpuscles (touch receptors), Free nerve endings (pain receptors). Indent overlying epidermis.

Reticular Layer

accounts for 80% of the thickness of the dermis, it is coarse, irregularly arranged, and dense fibrous connective tissue. Collagen fibers provide strength and resiliency, Elastic fibers provide stretch-recoil properties

Cleavage/ Tension Lines

seperations, or less dense regions. Invisible lines that run longitudinally in the skin of the head and limbs. Collagen fibers arranged in bundles form cleavage (tension) lines, Incisions made parallel to cleavage lines heal more readily

Flexure Lines

dermak folds that occur at or near joints, where the dermis is tightly secured to deeper structures (deep creases in palm)

Friction Ridges

Epidermal ridges lie atop deeper dermal papillary ridges to form friction ridges of fingerprints

Skin Color

three pigments contribute to skin color: melanin, carotene, and hemoglobin


made in the skin. A polymer made of tryosine amino acids. Range in colors from yellow to tan to reddish-brown to black. Its synthesis depends on an enzyme in melanocytes called tyrosinase and it passes from malanocytes to the basal keratinocytes.


yellow to orange pigment, that tends to accumulate in the stratum corneum and in fatty tissue of the hypodermis. Its color is most obvious in palms and soles of feet, where stratum corneum is the thickest.


the pinkish hue of fair skin, its is oxygenated in the blood cells circulating through dermal capillaries.

Skin Appendages

include nails, sweat glands, sebacous (oil) glands, and hair follicles and hair.

Sweat Glands

aka sudoriferous glands, are distributed all over the body, except nipples and parts of external genetelia. up to 3 million per person. Two types of glands, eccrine and apocrine.

Eccrine Sweat Glands

secreting glands, are far more numerous and are abundant on palms, soles of feet and forehead. Each is a simple, coiled, tubular gland. Ducts connect to pores. Sweat: 99% water, NaCl, vitamin C, antibodies, dermcidin, metabolic wastes.

Apocrine Sweat Glands

approx. 2000 of them are confined in axillary and anogenital areas. Release product by exocytosis. They are larger and lie deeper in the dermis, and ducts empty into hair follicles. Sebum: sweat + fatty substances and proteins. Functional from puberty onw

Ceruminous Glands

modified specialized apocrine glands found in the lining of the external ear canal. Secretion mixes with sebum and produces cerumen or earwax.

Mammary Glands

secrete milk

Sebaceous (Oil) Glands

simple branched alveolar glands that are found all over the body except in the thick skin of palms and soles. Small on body trunk and limbs but large on face neck and upper chest. Secrete oily substance called sebum. Most develop from hair follicles, Beco


Oily holocrine secretion, Bactericidal , Softens hair and skin


Produced by hair follicles, consists of dead keratinized cells. 3 Layers of keratinized cells (medulla, cortex, cuticle)
Functions: Alerting the body to presence of insects on the skin
Guarding the scalp against physical trauma, heat loss, and sunlight


central core of hair, consists of large cells and spaces. Soft keratin absent in fine hairs.


a bulky layer surrounding the medulla, consists of several layers of flattened cells

Outermost Cuticle

is formed from a single layer of cells that overlap one another from below the shingles on a roof. Provides strength and helps keep inner layers tightly compacted

Hair (image)

Hair Follicles

fold down from the epidermal surface into dermis. Two-layered wall: outer connective tissue root sheath, inner epithelial root sheath, Hair bulb: expanded deep end

Hair follicle receptor (root hair plexus)

Sensory nerve endings around each hair bulb, Stimulated by bending a hair

Arrector pili

Smooth muscle attached to follicle, Responsible for "goose bumps

Vellus (Hair Type)

pale, fine body hair of children and adult females

Terminal (Hair Type)

coarse, long hair of eyebrows, scalp, axillary, and pubic regions (and face and neck of males)

Hair Growth

Growth phase (weeks to years) followed by regressive stage and resting phase (1-3 months), Growth phase varies (6-10 years in scalp, 3-4 months in eyebrows)


Scalelike modification of the epidermis on the distal, dorsal surface of fingers and toes

Functions of Integumentary System

1. Protection
2. Body Temperature Regulation
3. Cutaneous Sensation
4. Metabolic Functions
5. Blood Reservoir
6. Excretion


three types of barriers: chemical (Low pH secretions (acid mantle) and defensins retard bacterial activity), physical/mechanical (Keratin and glycolipids block most water and water- soluble substances
Limited penetration of skin by lipid-soluble substance

Body temperature regulation

~500 ml/day of routine insensible perspiration (at normal body temperature), At elevated temperature, dilation of dermal vessels and increased sweat gland activity (sensible perspirations) cool the body

Cutaneous Sensations

Temperature, touch, and pain

Metabolic Functions

Synthesis of vitamin D precursor and collagenase
Chemical conversion of carcinogens and some hormones

Blood Reservoir

up to 5% of body's blood volume


nitrogenous wastes and salt in sweat

Developmental Aspects: Old Age

Epidermal replacement slows, skin becomes thin, dry, and itchy, Subcutaneous fat and elasticity decrease, leading to cold intolerance and wrinkles, Increased risk of cancer due to decreased numbers of melanocytes and dendritic cells

Skin Cancer

Most skin tumors are benign (do not metastasize), Risk factors: Overexposure to UV radiation, Frequent irritation of the skin. Some skin lotions contain enzymes in liposomes that can fix damaged DNA
3 types: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma,

Basal Cell Carcinoma

least malignant, most common, Stratum basale cells proliferate and slowly invade dermis and hypodermis, Cured by surgical excision in 99% of cases

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

second most common, Involves keratinocytes of stratum spinosum, Most common on scalp, ears, lower lip, and hands, Good prognosis if treated by radiation therapy or removed surgically


most dangerous, Involves melanocytes , Highly metastatic and resistant to chemotherapy, Treated by wide surgical excision accompanied by immunotherapy
Characteristics (ABCD rule)
A: Asymmetry; the two sides of the pigmented area do not match
B: Border exh

Rules of Nines

Used to estimate the volume of fluid loss from burns

First Degree Burns

Epidermal damage only, Localized redness, edema (swelling), and pain

Second Degree Burns

Epidermal and upper dermal damage, Blisters appear

Third Degree Burns

Entire thickness of skin damaged
Gray-white, cherry red, or black, No initial edema or pain (nerve endings destroyed), Skin grafting usually necessary

Developmental Aspects: Fetal

Ectoderm - epidermis , Mesoderm - dermis and hypodermis , Lanugo coat: covering of delicate hairs in 5th and 6th month, Vernix caseosa: sebaceous gland secretion; protects skin of fetus

Developmental Aspects: Adolescent to Adult

Sebaceous gland activity increases, Effects of cumulative environmental assaults show after age 30, Scaling and dermatitis become more common

Integumentary System

the skin, complex set of organs that protects body

The Skin

1.5-4.0 millimeters (mm), composed of two distinct regions, the epidermis and dermis


composed of epithelial cells, is the outermost protective shield of the body. A keratinized stratified squamous epithelium consisting of 4 distinct cell types and 4 or 5 distinct layers


makes up the bulk of the skin, is a tough leathery layer composed mostly of fibrous connective tissue. Only the dermis is vascularized

Hypodermis (Superficial Fascia)

the subcutaneous tissue deep to the skin. It is not part of the skin, but it shares some of the skins protective functions. It is superficial to the tough connective tissue wrapping (fascia) of the skeletal muscles, consists mostly of adipose tissue. Func

Cells of the Epidermis

keratinocytes, melanocytes, epidermal dendritic cells, and tactile cells


main role is to produce keratin, the fibrous protein that helps give the epidermis its protective properties


the spider-shaped epithelial cells that synthesize the pigment melanin, are found in the deepest layer of the epidermis. As melanin is made it is accumulated in membrane bound granules called melanosomes, that are moved along actin filaments by motor prot

Epidermal Dendritic Cells

arise from bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. Also called Langerhans cells.
Functions: they imgest foreign substances and are key activators of pur immune system

Tactile Cells

are present at the epidermal-dermal junction. Shaped like a spiky hemisphere. Each cell is associated with a disclike sensory nerve ending. (touch receptors)

Layers of the Epidermis (a)

thick skin which covers the palms, fingertips, and soles of feet; Epidermis consists of 5 layers , or strata (bed sheets); deep to superficial: Stratum Basale, Stratum Spinosum, Stratum Granulosum, Stratum Lucidum, and Stratum Corneum.

Stratum Basale (Basale Layer)

Deepest epidermal layer firmly attached to the dermis, Single row of stem cells, Also called stratum germinativum: cells undergo rapid division, Journey from basal layer to surface
Takes 25-45 days, 10 - 25% made of melanocytes

Startum Spinosum (Prickly Layer)

several cell layers thick, Cells contain a weblike system of intermediate prekeratin filaments attached to desmosomes, Abundant melanin granules and dendritic cells, the keratinocytes appear to have spines

Stratum Granuosum (Granular Layer)

thin layer that consists of 3 to 5 layers in which kerainocyte appearance changes drastically and the process of keratinization (in which the cells fill with the protein keratin) begins. Keratohyaline (help to form keratin in upper layers) and lamellated

Stratum Lucidum (Clean Layer)

appears as a clear translucent band just above the stratum granuosum. 2 to 3 rows of flat, dead keratinocytes

Stratum Corneum (Horny Layer)

20 to 40 cell layers of dead, flat keratinized, membranous sacs, accounts for up to 3 quarters of epidermal thickness.
Functions: Protects from abrasion and penetration, Waterproofs, Barrier against biological, chemical, and physical assaults

Layers of the Epidermis (b)

Dermis (b)

the second major skin region, is strong flexible connective tissue. Its cells are fibroblast, macrophages and occasional mast cells. Richly supplied with nerve fibers, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels. Has two layers, papillary and reticular layers

Papillary Layer

thin superficial layer is aerolar connective tissue, with fine interlaced mat of loosely woven collegen and elastic fibers. Has superior surface callled dermal papillae.

Dermal Papillae

contain Capillary loops, Meissner's corpuscles (touch receptors), Free nerve endings (pain receptors). Indent overlying epidermis.

Reticular Layer

accounts for 80% of the thickness of the dermis, it is coarse, irregularly arranged, and dense fibrous connective tissue. Collagen fibers provide strength and resiliency, Elastic fibers provide stretch-recoil properties

Cleavage/ Tension Lines

seperations, or less dense regions. Invisible lines that run longitudinally in the skin of the head and limbs. Collagen fibers arranged in bundles form cleavage (tension) lines, Incisions made parallel to cleavage lines heal more readily

Flexure Lines

dermak folds that occur at or near joints, where the dermis is tightly secured to deeper structures (deep creases in palm)

Friction Ridges

Epidermal ridges lie atop deeper dermal papillary ridges to form friction ridges of fingerprints

Skin Color

three pigments contribute to skin color: melanin, carotene, and hemoglobin


made in the skin. A polymer made of tryosine amino acids. Range in colors from yellow to tan to reddish-brown to black. Its synthesis depends on an enzyme in melanocytes called tyrosinase and it passes from malanocytes to the basal keratinocytes.


yellow to orange pigment, that tends to accumulate in the stratum corneum and in fatty tissue of the hypodermis. Its color is most obvious in palms and soles of feet, where stratum corneum is the thickest.


the pinkish hue of fair skin, its is oxygenated in the blood cells circulating through dermal capillaries.

Skin Appendages

include nails, sweat glands, sebacous (oil) glands, and hair follicles and hair.

Sweat Glands

aka sudoriferous glands, are distributed all over the body, except nipples and parts of external genetelia. up to 3 million per person. Two types of glands, eccrine and apocrine.

Eccrine Sweat Glands

secreting glands, are far more numerous and are abundant on palms, soles of feet and forehead. Each is a simple, coiled, tubular gland. Ducts connect to pores. Sweat: 99% water, NaCl, vitamin C, antibodies, dermcidin, metabolic wastes.

Apocrine Sweat Glands

approx. 2000 of them are confined in axillary and anogenital areas. Release product by exocytosis. They are larger and lie deeper in the dermis, and ducts empty into hair follicles. Sebum: sweat + fatty substances and proteins. Functional from puberty onw

Ceruminous Glands

modified specialized apocrine glands found in the lining of the external ear canal. Secretion mixes with sebum and produces cerumen or earwax.

Mammary Glands

secrete milk

Sebaceous (Oil) Glands

simple branched alveolar glands that are found all over the body except in the thick skin of palms and soles. Small on body trunk and limbs but large on face neck and upper chest. Secrete oily substance called sebum. Most develop from hair follicles, Beco


Oily holocrine secretion, Bactericidal , Softens hair and skin


Produced by hair follicles, consists of dead keratinized cells. 3 Layers of keratinized cells (medulla, cortex, cuticle)
Functions: Alerting the body to presence of insects on the skin
Guarding the scalp against physical trauma, heat loss, and sunlight


central core of hair, consists of large cells and spaces. Soft keratin absent in fine hairs.


a bulky layer surrounding the medulla, consists of several layers of flattened cells

Outermost Cuticle

is formed from a single layer of cells that overlap one another from below the shingles on a roof. Provides strength and helps keep inner layers tightly compacted

Hair (image)

Hair Follicles

fold down from the epidermal surface into dermis. Two-layered wall: outer connective tissue root sheath, inner epithelial root sheath, Hair bulb: expanded deep end

Hair follicle receptor (root hair plexus)

Sensory nerve endings around each hair bulb, Stimulated by bending a hair

Arrector pili

Smooth muscle attached to follicle, Responsible for "goose bumps

Vellus (Hair Type)

pale, fine body hair of children and adult females

Terminal (Hair Type)

coarse, long hair of eyebrows, scalp, axillary, and pubic regions (and face and neck of males)

Hair Growth

Growth phase (weeks to years) followed by regressive stage and resting phase (1-3 months), Growth phase varies (6-10 years in scalp, 3-4 months in eyebrows)


Scalelike modification of the epidermis on the distal, dorsal surface of fingers and toes

Functions of Integumentary System

1. Protection
2. Body Temperature Regulation
3. Cutaneous Sensation
4. Metabolic Functions
5. Blood Reservoir
6. Excretion


three types of barriers: chemical (Low pH secretions (acid mantle) and defensins retard bacterial activity), physical/mechanical (Keratin and glycolipids block most water and water- soluble substances
Limited penetration of skin by lipid-soluble substance

Body temperature regulation

~500 ml/day of routine insensible perspiration (at normal body temperature), At elevated temperature, dilation of dermal vessels and increased sweat gland activity (sensible perspirations) cool the body

Cutaneous Sensations

Temperature, touch, and pain

Metabolic Functions

Synthesis of vitamin D precursor and collagenase
Chemical conversion of carcinogens and some hormones

Blood Reservoir

up to 5% of body's blood volume


nitrogenous wastes and salt in sweat

Skin Cancer

Most skin tumors are benign (do not metastasize), Risk factors: Overexposure to UV radiation, Frequent irritation of the skin. Some skin lotions contain enzymes in liposomes that can fix damaged DNA
3 types: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma,

Basal Cell Carcinoma

least malignant, most common, Stratum basale cells proliferate and slowly invade dermis and hypodermis, Cured by surgical excision in 99% of cases

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

second most common, Involves keratinocytes of stratum spinosum, Most common on scalp, ears, lower lip, and hands, Good prognosis if treated by radiation therapy or removed surgically


most dangerous, Involves melanocytes , Highly metastatic and resistant to chemotherapy, Treated by wide surgical excision accompanied by immunotherapy
Characteristics (ABCD rule)
A: Asymmetry; the two sides of the pigmented area do not match
B: Border exh

Rules of Nines

Used to estimate the volume of fluid loss from burns

First Degree Burns

Epidermal damage only, Localized redness, edema (swelling), and pain

Second Degree Burns

Epidermal and upper dermal damage, Blisters appear

Third Degree Burns

Entire thickness of skin damaged
Gray-white, cherry red, or black, No initial edema or pain (nerve endings destroyed), Skin grafting usually necessary

Developmental Aspects: Fetal

Ectoderm - epidermis , Mesoderm - dermis and hypodermis , Lanugo coat: covering of delicate hairs in 5th and 6th month, Vernix caseosa: sebaceous gland secretion; protects skin of fetus

Developmental Aspects: Adolescent to Adult

Sebaceous gland activity increases, Effects of cumulative environmental assaults show after age 30, Scaling and dermatitis become more common

Developmental Aspects: Old Age

Epidermal replacement slows, skin becomes thin, dry, and itchy, Subcutaneous fat and elasticity decrease, leading to cold intolerance and wrinkles, Increased risk of cancer due to decreased numbers of melanocytes and dendritic cells