A & P II Chapter 19C

function as resistance vessels

The ability of the arterioles to contract and relax allows them to

decreased peripheral resistance

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of sympathetic nerve stimulation? a) increased afterload b) peripheral vasoconstriction c) elevation of blood pressure d) decreased peripheral resistance

secretion of a vasopressor hormone

Which of the following is an effect of the activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system? a) secretion of a vasopressor hormone b) vasodilation and a decrease in vascular resistance c) decreased blood pressure d) sodium excretion adn decreased bl


Pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesia and paralysis are caused by

reflex tachycardia

With regard to the baroceptor reflex, indicate the event that occurs last

capillary filtration pressure decreases; tissue fluid is absorbed

In the dehydrated state

all of the above are true

If capillary pore size increases as in severe burns a) capillary filtration of water increases b) albumin is filtered and is deposited in the tissue space c) edema develops d) all of the above is true

loss of plasma protein such as albumin

A decreased plasma oncotic pressure is due to

intermittent claudication

A person who experiences the 5 cool Ps of the lower extremities is also likely to complain of

the medulla oblongata interprets the signal as high blood pressure and therefore fires the vagus nerve

Digital pressure is exerted over the carotid sinus. You expect

blood pressure is higher in the arteries than in the veins

Which of the following is TRUE about the blood pressure? a) the radial artery is most commonly used to monitor blood pressure b) blood pressure is higher in the capillaries than the large arteries c) blood pressure is higher int he veins than in the capil

generally accompanied by hypotension

Which of the following is LEAST true of vasoconstriction? a) caused by sympathetic nerve stimulation b) improves return of blood from the legs to the heart c) generally accompanied by hypotension d) increases afterload

arteriolar constriction

An increased vascular resistance is most associated with


The function of the nozzle on a garden hose most closely resembles the function of the


Epinephrine (adrenalin) and angiotensin II are

assist in the return of blood to the right heart

The skeletal muscle pump, respiratory pump and vasoconstriction

plasma albumin

creates the osmotic pressure necessary for the reabsorption of interstitial fluid


These are located in the carotid sinus and aortic arch and sense changes in blood pressure

blood pressure = heart rate stroke volume vascular resistance

Which of the following is TRUE? a) cardiac output = heart rate vascular resistance b) blood pressure = heart rate stroke volume vascular resistance c) cardiac output = blood pressure stroke volume d) cardiac output = stroke volume vascular resistance


A decline in blood pressure causes a reflex

changes in blood pressure

What kind of information is carried to the CNS by CN IX and CN X?

elevates blood pressure

An agent that is described as a vasopressor

reflex bradycardia

A sudden elevation in blood pressure causes

increase blood pressure

An increase in systemic vascular resistance is most likely to


A blood pressure of 160/98 mm Hg is


A patient has a heart rate of 120 beats/min, a blood pressure of 90/60 mm HG and an ejection fraction of 40%. The pulse pressure is:


What is the effect of an accumulation of protein in the interstitial space?


A person with poor skin turgor is most likely to be

In response to the blood loss, the baroreceptor reflex has "kicked in", causing a sympathetic discharge

A patient has hemorrhaged one liter of blood; he is diaphorectic (profuse perspiration), oliguric (decreased urinary output) and tachycardic. Physiologically, what is happening?

have poor skin turgor

A child with nephrotic syndrome has severe albuminuria. He is least likely to: a) develop edema b) have hypoalbuminemia c) have poor skin turgor d) gain water weight


What is the consequence of a diminished lymphatic drainage in the leg?

lowers blood pressure

Which of the following is NOT true of angiotensin II? a) is a powerful vasoconstrictor b) lowers blood pressure c) stimulates the release of aldosterone d) causes the elevation of blood pressure by increasing vascular resistance and by expanding blood vol

lowers blood pressure

Whaqt is the consequence of inhibiting converting enzyme?

vessel radius

Vascular resistance is determined primarily by

arterioles dilate

Vascular resistance decreases when the

acute elevation in BP over the carotid sinus (tight collar)

Carotid sinus syncope is caused by

arteriolar constriction exerts a pressor effect

Which of the following statements is TRUE? a) arteriolar dilation increases blood pressure b) arteriolar constriction exerts a pressor effect c) blood pressure is independent of (not affected by) vascular resistance d) the length of the tube has a greater

sympathetic discharge

A decrease in blood pressure stimulates

all of the above

An alpha, adrenergic blocker (antagonist) a) causes vasodilation b) lowers blood pressure c) lowers vascular resistance d) all of the above

an attempt to lose heat by radiation

A person exercises strenuously and becomes flushed. The flushing is