A&P - jason

What is mediastinum?

loc of heart. Space between lungs and diaphragm

3 Layers of heart

Pericardium - surrounds heart, lubes
Myocardium - myo of heart, contracts heart
Endocardium - inner lining of heart

2 Atrium L & R
2 Valves L & R

Upper Heart
Lower Heart

Bicuspid Valve

located L Atrium, L Ventricle of heart

Tricuspid Valve

located R Atrium, R Ventricle of heart


largest blood vessel, oxygen/nutrient rich blood heart

Pulmonary Trunk

artery carries blood to lungs to release Carbon & intake oxygen

Superior Vena Cava

vein returns de-oxygenated blood to R atrium from upper extremities

Inferior Vena Cava

vein returns de-oxygenated blood to R atrium from lower extremities

Pulmonary Veins/Arteries

4 Veins, 2 from lungs that take oxygen from lungs to L atrium

Coronary Veins/Arteries

base of aorta, supply heart myo oxygenated blood

Sino-atrial Nodes

upper part R Atrium of heart, bundle of neurons. "pacemaker", heart beater

Systole (BP S/D)

blood pressure, heart contracting, max arterial pressure

Diastole (BP S/D)

heart, period of relaxation & dilation

Order of blood vessels largest to smallest

aorta, pulmonary trunk, arteries, arterioles, capillaries

What helps to assist the venous return of blood

Valves in the veins which stop blood flowing backwards, As the myos around the veins contract they squeeze the veins, therefore forcing blood back to the heart

Blood Pressure Range: Newborn


Blood Pressure Range: Teenager


Blood Pressure Range: Healthy/Young Adult


Blood Pressure Range: HYPOtension


Blood Pressure Range: HYPERtension


Red Blood Cells

90% of blood, transports oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from cells. In chest, vert., pelvis.

White Blood Cells

Lack hemoglobin, 1 to 500 ratio. Protects from pathogens, removes dead cells & substances


55% of blood in body, blood in lymph, 90% water, rest is gases, nutrients and waste products. Moves water between tissues and blood.