chap 27

What are male gametes called?


Leydig cells ________.

secrete testosterone

Which hypothalamic hormone contributes to the
regulation of the male reproductive system?

gonadotropin-releasing hormone

What is the function of the epididymis?

sperm maturation and storage

Spermatogenesis takes place in the ________.

. seminiferous tubules

What are the female gonads called?


When do the oogonia undergo mitosis?

before birth

From what structure does the corpus luteum originate?

dominant follicle

Where does fertilization of the egg by the sperm
typically occur?

uterine tube

Why do estrogen levels fall after menopause?

there are no follicles left to produce estrogen

The vulva includes the ________.

mons pubis, labia majora, and Bartholin's glands

What controls whether an embryo will develop testes
or ovaries?

Y chromosome

Without SRY expression, an embryo will develop

female reproductive structures

The timing of puberty can be influenced by which of
the following?

genes, stress, and amount of body fat