Chapter 5 Study Guide- Human A & P

endocrine glands

glands that secrete their products into tissue fluids or blood

stratified squamous

forms the outer layer of the skin and lines the throat, esophagus, vagina, and anus

intercalated disc

where each cell touches another cell is a specialized intercellular junction called a _____


the accumulation of the protein keratin in which cells harden and die


term meaning composed of two or more layer

blood vessels

epithelial tissue lack____

simple cuboidal epithelium

single layer of cube shaped cells with centrally located nuclei

epithelial membranes

thin, sheetlike structures composed of epithelium and underlying connective tissue covering body surfaces and lining body cavities


cells are arranged into groups and layers called____

extracellular matrix

Connective tissue has an abundance of ____

transitional epithelium

is designed to distend and return to its normal size

areolar tissue

binds the skin to the underlying organs and fills spaces between muscles

collagenous fibers

important components of body parts that hold structures together


connect muscle to bone


composed of formed elements suspended in a fluid extracellular matrix

apocrine glands

lose portions of their cell bodies during secretion

neuroglial cells

nervous tissue includes _____ that are critical to the functions of neurons

calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate

hardness of bone is largely due to miner salts _______ and ______

fixed cells

cells that reside in the tissue for an extended period of time

simple cuboidal epithelium

functions in secretion and absorption in the kidneys and in secretion in certain glands

smooth muscle cells

spindle shaped and contain a single nuclei

free surface

epithelial tissue always has a ____ that is exposed to the outside or to an open surface

cutaneous membranes

are most commonly called skin

neuroglia cells

support and bind the components of nervous tissue

specialized connective tissue

includes carriage, bone, and blood

serous glands

merocrine glands, called______, produce a watery fluid that has a high concentration of enzymes

collagenous fibers

thick threads of the protein collagen

mucus glands

are merocrine glands which produce a thick, protective substance


means composed of a single layer of cells

glandular epithelium

composed of cells designed to produce and secrete substances into ducts or into body fluids

simple columnar

binds the skin to the underlying organs and fills spaces between muscles

dense connective

______tissue, as tendons and ligaments, bind muscle to bone and bone to bone


the basic cells of nervous tissue

intervertebral disks

fibrocartilage forms pads, called ______, between individual vertebrae


The osteocytes and layers of extracellular matrix, which are concentrically clustered around a central canal, form cylinder shaped units called

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

appears layered due to the varying position of the nuclei within the cells


large, star shaped cells that produce fibers by secreting protein into the matrix

transitional epithelium

lines the urinary bladder, uterus and parts of the urethra

epithelial tissue

covers organs, forms linings of body cavities and lines hollow organs


cylindrical processes that increase the surface area of the cell membrane

dense connective tissue

tissue containing abundant collagenous fibers


a shock absorber for structures that are subject to pressure

exocrine glands

secrete their products into ducts that open onto some internal or external surfaces

elastic fibers

composed of the protein elastin

adipose tissue

develops when cells store fat as droplets in their cytoplasm enlarge

osteocytes and chondrocytes

bone cells are called______ and carriage cells are called_____


most common type of fixed cell in connective tissue


means composed of thin, flattened cells

serous membranes

lines body cavities that lack openings to the outside and cover viscera

basement membrane

the underside of epithelial tissue is anchored to connective tissue by a thin, nonliving layer called the ____


bone cells have cytoplasmic processes that extend outward and pass through small tubes in the extracellular matrix

skeletal muscle tissue

found in muscles that attaches to bone and is under conscious control

mast cells

release heparin and histamines

simple columnar

protects underlying tissue, secretes digestive fluids and absorbs nutrients

simple squamous epithelium

lines the air sacs of the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged

holocrine glands

release entire cells during secretions

hyaline cartilage

most common type of cartilage


____ provides support, frameworks and attachments, protects underlying tissue and forms structural models for many developing bones

nervous tissue

found in the brain, spill cord, and peripheral nerves

simple squamous epithelium

made of a single layer of thin, flattened cells

elastic cartilage

provides the framework for the external ear and parts of the larynx