cardiovascular quiz & lab

flap-like lateral wall of each atrium is called the


the _________ valve is also known as the mitral or left AV valve


the right AV valve is also known as the what valve?


aortic semilunar valve has how many pocketlike flaps of tissue?


___________ are fibrous structures that prevent the cuspid valves from prolapsing

chordae tubernae

mitral valve prolapse, which is abnormal, may allow blood to enter the ________ during contraction of the left ventricle

left atrium

one-way flow of blood from the right ventricle is ensured by the presence of the _________________ valve

pulmonary SL valve

small cardiac vein and right coronary artery can be found along the right ______ __________ sulcus

atrial ventricular

great cardiac vein and anterior interventricular artery can be found along the anterior ______________________ sulcus


____________________ is a muscular wall between the left and right ventricles

interventricular septum

myocardium of the _______ ventricle is thicker than the other ventricles


wall of the aorta is thicker or thinner than the wall of the superior vena cava?


beamlike processes of the inner face of the myocardium


point of the heart is called


which have valves? arteries or veins


t or f. internal layer of the tissue in the heart is the epicardium

false; endocardium

t or f. mitral valve has three flaps

false; 2

t or f. receiving chambers of the heart are the atria.


t or f. anteriorly, the heart sits between the points of attachment of the 7th-9th ribs.


t or f. left ventricle is the driving pump for systemic circulation.


t or f. chordae tendineae are cordlike structures that connect semilunar valves to papillary muscles.

false, connect cusps of AV valves

t or f. blood flow from the pulmonary arteries leads to the lungs


saclike structures around the heart:


another name for the visceral layer of the pericardium?


valve that guards the left atrioventricular orifice is called the

bicuspid and mitral

right AV valve is known as:


which of the following is not an atrioventricular valve?
aortic, mitral, bicuspid, tricuspid


which the following is a semilunar valve?
aortic, mitral, tricuspid, bicuspid


cavity of the heart that normally has the thickest wall?

left ventricle

if this valve were damaged, it could allow blood to leak back into the right atrium


if this valve were damaged, it would allow blood to leak back into the left ventricle

aortic semilunar valve

which of the following vessels carries blood from the lungs to the heart?

pulmonary vein

t or f. tunica intima of arteries is the middle layer of the artery wall.


t or f. precapillary sphincters are located in venules.


t or f. capacitance is a characteristic of veins


t or f. veins get smaller as they get closer to the heart.


t or f. the ECG measures the electrical activity of the heart.


t or f. the u wave appears prior to the T wave on an ECG.


t or f. during a normal ECG, the tracing should never go below the zero mark of the graph.


t or f. pacemaker of the heart is the SA node


t or f. pacemaker cells in the heart possess intrinsic rhythm


t or f. as the action potential enters the AV node, the speed of conduction increases to stimulate ventricular contraction


which of the following vessels do not have the ability to constrict and dilate?


both tunica media and tunica adventitia are absent in:


what acts as blood reservoirs?


order of blood flow through the vessel?

arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins

what accurately describes what is measured by an ECG?

electrical conductivity

QRS complex represents:

repolarization of the atria and depolarization of the ventricles

what is true regarding the pulse?

it gets stronger as you get closer to the heart

on an ECG, the T wave represents:

repolarization of the ventricles

which of the following structures is part of the conduction system of the heart?

SA node, AV node, AV bundle

form when there is a blockage in a coronary artery, so they create a detour for the blood to follow to ensure that it gets to its final destination


site in the heart that develops abnormal self-excitability and becomes a pacemaker

ectopic pacemaker

smallest size veins


regulate flow through capillaries

precapillary sphincters

3 factors that determine arterial pressure:

cardiac output
peripheral resistance
diameter of arterioles

name of the device used to measure blood pressure


how many pulmonary veins?


pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated or deoxygenated blood?


most commonly caused by chronic systemic hypertension and results in hypertrophy of the left ventricle

congestive heart failure

results in a dramatic increase in myocardial tissue, it is a genetic condiction that may cause sudden heart failure without any warning symptoms. it is the cause of sudden, unexplained death in young athletes
