Lord Of The Flies Vocab ch. 1-12

Efflorescence (n)

the action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower

Enmity (n)

positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will enemy, hatred

Decorous (adj)

showing or having good taste

Chorister (n)

the leader of a church choir

Bastion (n)

a fortified area or position

Hiatus (n)

an interruption in time or continuity

Ebullience (n)

the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings

Recrimination (n)

a retaliatory accusation

Tumult (n)

disorderly agitation or milling about of a crowd with uproar and confusion of voices

Tirade (n)

a protracted speech usually marked by intemperate, vituperative, or harshly censorious language

Oppressive (adj)

unreasonably burdensome or severe

Inscrutable (adj)

not really investigated, interpreted or understood

Vicissitudes (n)

natural change or mutation visible in nature or in human affairs

Declivities (n)

downward inclination

Tacit (adj)

expressed or understood without being directly stated

Blatant (adj)

very obvious and offensive

Mirage (n)

something that is seen and appears to be real but that is not actually there

Taboo (adj)

banned as constituting a risk

Sinewy (adj)

tough, strong

Malevolently (adj)

having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred

Apex (n)

the uppermost point

Derisive (adj)

expressing or causing contemptuous ridicule or scorn

Effigy (n)

an image or representation especially of a person; especially; a crude figure representing a hated person

Gesticulate (v)

to make gestures especially when speaking

Tempestuously (adj)

full of strong emotions(such as anger or excitement)

Interminable (adj)

having or seeming to have no end

Tremulously (adj)

shaking slightly especially because of nervousness, weakness, or illness

Incredulity (n)

a feeling that you do not or cannot believe or accept that something is true or real

Diffidently (adj)

hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self- confidence

Impenetrable (adj)

incapable of being comprehended; not being able to pass through

Obtuseness (n)

difficult to comprehend: not clear or precise in thought or expression

Apprehension (n)

suspicion or fear especially of future evil

Crestfallen (adj)

feeling shame or humiliation

Sagely (adv)

a mature or venerable man of sound judgment; in a wise manner

Impervious (adj)

not capable of being affected or disturbed

Contemptuously (adj)

manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval

Rebuke (v)

to criticize sharply

Jeer (v)

a mocking and insulting remark or sound

Covert (adj)

not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed; hiding place

Demoniac (adj)

possessed or influenced by a demon

Festoon (n)

a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points

Parody (n)

a feeble or ridiculous imitation

Garlanded (n)

a wreath or rope of material (as leaves or flowers)

Saunter (v)

to walk along in a slow and relaxed manner

Phosphorescence (n)

an enduring luminescence without sensible heat

Convulsively (adj)

involving or causing a sudden violent shaking of the muscles in your body that you are unable to control

Torrid (adj)

parched with heat especially of the sun

Illumination (n)

one of the decorative features used in the art of illuminating or in decorative lighting

Embers (n)

a glowing fragment(as of coal) from a fire

Quavering (v)

to utter sound in tremulous tones

Myopia (n)

a condition of the eye that makes it difficult to see objects that are far away

Multitudinous (adj)

forming a multitude or great number; existing, occurring, or present in great numbers; very numerous

Propitiatingly (v)

so as appease or conciliate

Pinnacles (n)

a lofty peak

Truculently (adj)

fierce; cruel; savagely brutal

Inimical (adj)

not friendly

Ululate/Ululation (v)

to howl, as a dog

Crepitation (v)

to make a crackling sound

Excruciatingly (adj)

very intense: extreme

Incantation (n)

the chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power