Herbs that Clear Heat and Drain Fire (CHDF)

Heat Signs

Dry throat, red face, red eyes, dry stools, dark and scanty urine, sensation of warmth in the five centers

Heat tongue and pulse

yellow tongue coat, rapid pulse

exterior heat

fever, chills, headache, thirst, moderate sweating, floating rapid pulse

interior heat

fever without chills, dry mouth, thirst, irritability, scanty and dark urine, yellow tongue coat, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal distention

CHDF herbs are used for what?

interior heat, they are cold in nature, alot are bitter
high fever, irritability, thirst, delirium
a lot of them moisten and go to the LU/ST

review of the function of cold and bitter herbs

bitter - urine
cold - down, drain, cool down

What level/stage doe CHDF herbs correspond to in terms of Shang Hun Lun and Wen Bing

S - Yangming
W - Qi Level

The yangming is the path to what

path from heart to kidneys is the yangming

The qi level is associated with what symptoms

the 4 Bigs - Thirst, pulse, sweat, fever

a CHDF type of person

big red face, hot sweaty - from interior heat

heat that has affected this level or stage

stomach heat, lung heat
alot of these herbs have to do with fluid metabolism
damp-heat - inflammation
dry - heat - chronic inflammation

General C&C's of the CHDF herbs

sp/st def, MJ cold, SP/ST cold,
these herbs (yang ming problems) are mainly for excess problems

Shi Gao Latin Name

Gypsum fibrosum

Properties of Shi Gao

sweet, acrid, very cold

channels entered by Shi Gao

Lu, St

Dosage of Shi Gao


C&C of Shi Gao

cold from def of the sp/st
fever from yin def

Actions of Shi Gao 1-2

Clears heat and drains fire
Clears heat from excess in the lungs

Actions of Shi Gao 3-4

Clears blazing Stomach fire
For eczema, burns, and ulcerated sores

How does Shi Gao treat the skin?

usually applied topically after being calcined and mixed with other herbs

Uniqueness of Shi Gao

coldest in the materia medica
crush it before you decoct it

Shi Gao vs Ma Huang?

Ma Huang pattern that has gone internal

What is Gout in TCM?

yangming heat, blocked heat went sideways into a joint -- Shi Gao cant treat this

Shi Gao and Fluids

doesnt moisten but moves fluids around, pulls water along with it, draws fluid into whatever organ its trying to cool

Zhi Mu Latin Name

Anemarrhenae Rhizoma
Know Your Mother

Properties of Zhi Mu

bitter, sweet, cold

Channels Entered by Zhi Mu

Lung, Stomach, Kid

Dosage of Zhi MU


C&C of Zhi Mu

cold from def of the Sp/St, or diarrhea

Actions of Zhi Mu 1-2

Clears heat and drains fire: Lu/St heat
Enriches the yin and moistens dryness: Lu/Kid Yin

Actions of Zhi Mu 3-4

Generates fluids and clears heat
Ameliorates the dryness of tonifying or warming substances

signs of lu and kid yin def

night sweats, steaming bone disorder, irritability, afternoon or low grade fevers, heat in the five centers, bleeding gums

other kidney heat signs from yin def

spermatorrhea, nocturnal emissions, abnormally elevated sex drive
yang escapes when yin is def

What s/sx is zhi mu useful for in terms of its function of Generates fluids and clears heat?

oral ulcers, inflammation due to yin def
wasting and thirsting disorder

Zhi Mu is often paired alot with what other herbs

Shi Gao - combat its dryness
Fu Zi
Zhi Mu can be used for excess of def heat

Zhi Zi Latin Name

Gardeniae Fructus

Zhi Zi Properties

bitter, cold

Channels Zhi Zi goes to

Heart, Lung, Stomach, Liver, Triple Burner

Dosage of Zhi Zi


C&C of Zhi Zi

cold from deficiency of the Spleen/Stomach with reduced appetite and loose stools

Actions of Zhi Zi 1-2

Drains heat and eliminates irritability
Clears heat and resolves dampness

Actions of Zhi Zi 3-4

Cools blood and resolves toxicity
Reduces swelling and moves blood stasis due to trauma

Dampness that Zhi Zi treats

painful urinary dribbling due to damp-heat in the lower burner
damp heat and constrained Liver and GB (middle burner) with jaundice
damp heat in the GB/SJ channels in the face (nose and eyes, sore in the mouth or facial region)

Zhi Zi and the blood

heat in the blood - nosebleed, blood in vomit, stool or urine
herb is slightly charred - red and black

other ways zhi zi can be used

topically for blood stasis, sprained ankle
when you decoct this herbs - crush it/crack it open, active ingredient is inside of shell

Herb Preps

chao - dry fried (Bai Zhi), damp/MJ makes herbs more yellow (earth)
tan - charred - jing jie
duan - calcined - shi gao
all of these makes them more drying, absorbs fluids

dan zhu ye latin name

Lophatheri Herba

dan zhu ye properties

sweet, bland and cold

dan zhu ye channels

heart, small intestines, stomach

dosage of dan zhu ye


C&C of dan zhu ye

none noted

actions of dan zhu ye

clears heat and eliminates irritability
promotes urination and clears damp heat:(especially useful for heat in SI)

what kind of heat is dan zhu ye good for and what are some s/sx?

heart or stomach heat
sores underneath tongue (heart luo goes here)
mouth ulcers
irritability and thirst
swollen painful gums

urination problems that dan zhu ye is good for?

rough scanty painful urination

thom says dan zhu ye should go where and not where

to the BL not the ST

Xi Gua Latin Name

Citrulli Fructus

Xi Gua properties

sweet, cold

channels that xi gua goes to

bladder, heart, stomach

dosage of xi gua


c&c of xi gua

cold from def of sp/st

xiang ru vs xi gua

ru - heat and cold summer heat
gua - dry summer heat, useful with Lu Dou (mung beans)

actions of xi gua

clears summer heat and generates fluids
promotes urination and expels jaundice

Xia Ku Cao Latin Name

Prunellae Spica

Xia Ku Cao properties

bitter, acrid, cold

Xia Ku Cao channels

GB, Liv

dosage of xia ku cao


c&c of xia ku cao

sp/st weakness and def

actions of xia ku cao 1-2

clears liver fire and brightens the eyes
clears heat and dissipates nodules (neck and inguinal canal)

actions of xia ku cao 3

hypertension from liver fire or ascending yang

xia ku cao and nodules

doesnt transform phlegm or damp but clears heat,
stops nodules from getting bigger

ge gen and hypertension vs xia ku cao

ge gen - softens nodules and sends fluids out
xia ku cao - liver contraint, fire, yang goes up

Lu Gen Latin Name

Phragmitis Rhizoma

Lu Gen Properties

sweet, cold

Lu Gen Channels

Lu, ST

Lu Gen dosage


C&C of Lu Gen

cold from def of sp/st

Actions of Lu Gen 1-2

clears heat and generates fluids
clears heat and promotes urination

Actions of Lu Gen 3

encourages rashes to surface

Sheng Jiang vs Lu Gen

Sheng Jiang is for a wet stomach and Lu gen is used for a dry stomach

what kind of heat is lu gen used for?

especially for heat surging upwards

Tian Hua fen Latin Name

Trichosanthis Radix

Properties of Tian Hua fen

bitter, slightly sweet, cold

dosage of tian hua fen


Channels entered by Tian Hua fen

Lu, St

C&C of Tian Hua fen

cold from def of sp/st
not to be used with herbs of the genus aconitum
PREGNANCY - abortion herb

Tian Hua fen and pregnancy

abortion herb - will expel out a pregnancy that wont come out

Actions of Tian Hua fen 1-2

drains heat and generates fluids
clears and drains lung heat

Actions of Tian Hua fen 3

resolves toxicity and expels pus (breast abscess)

tian hua fen and lung heat

transforms phlegm and moistens lung dryness

tian hua fen and ge gen -- generating fluid

generates fluids in ST
T - to whole back
G - to upper back and neck

Jue Ming Zi Latin Name

Cassiae Semen

Jue Ming Zi properties

bitter, sweet, salty, slightly cold

Jue Ming Zi channels

liver, large intestine, kidney

dosage of jue ming zi


c&c of jue ming zi

laxative properties - diarrhea from sp def or low blood pressure

actions of jue ming zi 1-2

clears the liver and the eyes
calms the liver and anchors the errant yang (hypertension)

actions of jue ming zi 3-4

moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels
prevent atherosclerosis and lowers both bp and serum cholesterol


Jing Jie
Bo He
Niu bang zi
Ge gen
Sheng ma
Chan Tui
Lu Gen

patterns that jue ming zi is good for

liv/kid yin def
liver qi stagnation
excess or def

Heat Signs

Dry throat, red face, red eyes, dry stools, dark and scanty urine, sensation of warmth in the five centers

Heat tongue and pulse

yellow tongue coat, rapid pulse

exterior heat

fever, chills, headache, thirst, moderate sweating, floating rapid pulse

interior heat

fever without chills, dry mouth, thirst, irritability, scanty and dark urine, yellow tongue coat, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal distention

CHDF herbs are used for what?

interior heat, they are cold in nature, alot are bitter
high fever, irritability, thirst, delirium
a lot of them moisten and go to the LU/ST

review of the function of cold and bitter herbs

bitter - urine
cold - down, drain, cool down

What level/stage doe CHDF herbs correspond to in terms of Shang Hun Lun and Wen Bing

S - Yangming
W - Qi Level

The yangming is the path to what

path from heart to kidneys is the yangming

The qi level is associated with what symptoms

the 4 Bigs - Thirst, pulse, sweat, fever

a CHDF type of person

big red face, hot sweaty - from interior heat

heat that has affected this level or stage

stomach heat, lung heat
alot of these herbs have to do with fluid metabolism
damp-heat - inflammation
dry - heat - chronic inflammation

General C&C's of the CHDF herbs

sp/st def, MJ cold, SP/ST cold,
these herbs (yang ming problems) are mainly for excess problems

Shi Gao Latin Name

Gypsum fibrosum

Properties of Shi Gao

sweet, acrid, very cold

channels entered by Shi Gao

Lu, St

Dosage of Shi Gao


C&C of Shi Gao

cold from def of the sp/st
fever from yin def

Actions of Shi Gao 1-2

Clears heat and drains fire
Clears heat from excess in the lungs

Actions of Shi Gao 3-4

Clears blazing Stomach fire
For eczema, burns, and ulcerated sores

How does Shi Gao treat the skin?

usually applied topically after being calcined and mixed with other herbs

Uniqueness of Shi Gao

coldest in the materia medica
crush it before you decoct it

Shi Gao vs Ma Huang?

Ma Huang pattern that has gone internal

What is Gout in TCM?

yangming heat, blocked heat went sideways into a joint -- Shi Gao cant treat this

Shi Gao and Fluids

doesnt moisten but moves fluids around, pulls water along with it, draws fluid into whatever organ its trying to cool

Zhi Mu Latin Name

Anemarrhenae Rhizoma
Know Your Mother

Properties of Zhi Mu

bitter, sweet, cold

Channels Entered by Zhi Mu

Lung, Stomach, Kid

Dosage of Zhi MU


C&C of Zhi Mu

cold from def of the Sp/St, or diarrhea

Actions of Zhi Mu 1-2

Clears heat and drains fire: Lu/St heat
Enriches the yin and moistens dryness: Lu/Kid Yin

Actions of Zhi Mu 3-4

Generates fluids and clears heat
Ameliorates the dryness of tonifying or warming substances

signs of lu and kid yin def

night sweats, steaming bone disorder, irritability, afternoon or low grade fevers, heat in the five centers, bleeding gums

other kidney heat signs from yin def

spermatorrhea, nocturnal emissions, abnormally elevated sex drive
yang escapes when yin is def

What s/sx is zhi mu useful for in terms of its function of Generates fluids and clears heat?

oral ulcers, inflammation due to yin def
wasting and thirsting disorder

Zhi Mu is often paired alot with what other herbs

Shi Gao - combat its dryness
Fu Zi
Zhi Mu can be used for excess of def heat

Zhi Zi Latin Name

Gardeniae Fructus

Zhi Zi Properties

bitter, cold

Channels Zhi Zi goes to

Heart, Lung, Stomach, Liver, Triple Burner

Dosage of Zhi Zi


C&C of Zhi Zi

cold from deficiency of the Spleen/Stomach with reduced appetite and loose stools

Actions of Zhi Zi 1-2

Drains heat and eliminates irritability
Clears heat and resolves dampness

Actions of Zhi Zi 3-4

Cools blood and resolves toxicity
Reduces swelling and moves blood stasis due to trauma

Dampness that Zhi Zi treats

painful urinary dribbling due to damp-heat in the lower burner
damp heat and constrained Liver and GB (middle burner) with jaundice
damp heat in the GB/SJ channels in the face (nose and eyes, sore in the mouth or facial region)

Zhi Zi and the blood

heat in the blood - nosebleed, blood in vomit, stool or urine
herb is slightly charred - red and black

other ways zhi zi can be used

topically for blood stasis, sprained ankle
when you decoct this herbs - crush it/crack it open, active ingredient is inside of shell

Herb Preps

chao - dry fried (Bai Zhi), damp/MJ makes herbs more yellow (earth)
tan - charred - jing jie
duan - calcined - shi gao
all of these makes them more drying, absorbs fluids

dan zhu ye latin name

Lophatheri Herba

dan zhu ye properties

sweet, bland and cold

dan zhu ye channels

heart, small intestines, stomach

dosage of dan zhu ye


C&C of dan zhu ye

none noted

actions of dan zhu ye

clears heat and eliminates irritability
promotes urination and clears damp heat:(especially useful for heat in SI)

what kind of heat is dan zhu ye good for and what are some s/sx?

heart or stomach heat
sores underneath tongue (heart luo goes here)
mouth ulcers
irritability and thirst
swollen painful gums

urination problems that dan zhu ye is good for?

rough scanty painful urination

thom says dan zhu ye should go where and not where

to the BL not the ST

Xi Gua Latin Name

Citrulli Fructus

Xi Gua properties

sweet, cold

channels that xi gua goes to

bladder, heart, stomach

dosage of xi gua


c&c of xi gua

cold from def of sp/st

xiang ru vs xi gua

ru - heat and cold summer heat
gua - dry summer heat, useful with Lu Dou (mung beans)

actions of xi gua

clears summer heat and generates fluids
promotes urination and expels jaundice

Xia Ku Cao Latin Name

Prunellae Spica

Xia Ku Cao properties

bitter, acrid, cold

Xia Ku Cao channels

GB, Liv

dosage of xia ku cao


c&c of xia ku cao

sp/st weakness and def

actions of xia ku cao 1-2

clears liver fire and brightens the eyes
clears heat and dissipates nodules (neck and inguinal canal)

actions of xia ku cao 3

hypertension from liver fire or ascending yang

xia ku cao and nodules

doesnt transform phlegm or damp but clears heat,
stops nodules from getting bigger

ge gen and hypertension vs xia ku cao

ge gen - softens nodules and sends fluids out
xia ku cao - liver contraint, fire, yang goes up

Lu Gen Latin Name

Phragmitis Rhizoma

Lu Gen Properties

sweet, cold

Lu Gen Channels

Lu, ST

Lu Gen dosage


C&C of Lu Gen

cold from def of sp/st

Actions of Lu Gen 1-2

clears heat and generates fluids
clears heat and promotes urination

Actions of Lu Gen 3

encourages rashes to surface

Sheng Jiang vs Lu Gen

Sheng Jiang is for a wet stomach and Lu gen is used for a dry stomach

what kind of heat is lu gen used for?

especially for heat surging upwards

Tian Hua fen Latin Name

Trichosanthis Radix

Properties of Tian Hua fen

bitter, slightly sweet, cold

dosage of tian hua fen


Channels entered by Tian Hua fen

Lu, St

C&C of Tian Hua fen

cold from def of sp/st
not to be used with herbs of the genus aconitum
PREGNANCY - abortion herb

Tian Hua fen and pregnancy

abortion herb - will expel out a pregnancy that wont come out

Actions of Tian Hua fen 1-2

drains heat and generates fluids
clears and drains lung heat

Actions of Tian Hua fen 3

resolves toxicity and expels pus (breast abscess)

tian hua fen and lung heat

transforms phlegm and moistens lung dryness

tian hua fen and ge gen -- generating fluid

generates fluids in ST
T - to whole back
G - to upper back and neck

Jue Ming Zi Latin Name

Cassiae Semen

Jue Ming Zi properties

bitter, sweet, salty, slightly cold

Jue Ming Zi channels

liver, large intestine, kidney

dosage of jue ming zi


c&c of jue ming zi

laxative properties - diarrhea from sp def or low blood pressure

actions of jue ming zi 1-2

clears the liver and the eyes
calms the liver and anchors the errant yang (hypertension)

actions of jue ming zi 3-4

moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels
prevent atherosclerosis and lowers both bp and serum cholesterol


Jing Jie
Bo He
Niu bang zi
Ge gen
Sheng ma
Chan Tui
Lu Gen

patterns that jue ming zi is good for

liv/kid yin def
liver qi stagnation
excess or def