C172 Maneuvers


Wing flaps-Up
Carburetor Heat-Cold
Elevator Control-Lift nose wheel at 60 MPH
Climb Speed 75-85

Max performance T/O

Wing flaps-Up
Carburator Heat-Cold
Airplane Attitude-Slightly Tail Low
Climb Speed- 68 mph (until obstacles clear

Before Landing

Fuel Selector Switch-Both
Carburetor Heat-ON
Airspeed-70-80mph (FLAPS UP)
Wing Flaps- Retract

After Landing

Wing Flaps-Up
Carburetor Heat-Cold

Engine Failure during Takeoff

Airspeed- 75mph (flaps up)
70 mpg (flaps down)
Mixture-Idle cuts-off
Fuel selector Valve-Off
Ignition switch-OFF
Wing Flaps- As required (40 deg recommended)
Master Witch-Off

Engine failure Cruise

Airspeed- 80 mph
Carburetor Heat--ON
Fuel selector valve-Both
Ignition switch-Both or start
Primer--IN and LOCKED
If it can't be restarted-forced landing

Emergency landing without engine power

Before landing at unimporoved surface, fly over it to check it out
Airspeed-75(flaps up)/70(flaps down)
Mixture-IDLE CUT-off
Fuel selector valve-off
Ignition switch- Off
Wing Flaps--AS REQUIRED (40 deg recommended)
Master Switch-OFF
Doors-Unlatch prior to

PL with engine power

Drag over field with 20 deg flaps at 70 mph
Radio, electrical switches-off
Wing Flaps-40 deg
Airspeed- 70 mph
Master Switch-Off
Doors--Unlatch prior to touchdown
Touchdown-slightly tail low
Ignition switch-off
Brakes-apply heavily


PLan approach into winds
Approach with flaps 40 deg and sufficient power for a 300 Ft/min rate of descent at 70 MPH
Unlatch Cabin Doors
Maintain continuous descent until touchdown in level attitude. Avoid landing flare
Place folded coat or cushion in fron


During Start on ground:
-Continue cranking in an attempt to get a stat which would suck the flames and accumulated fuel through the carburetor and into the engine
-If unseuccessful, run the engine at 1700 rpm for a few minutes before shutting it down

Engine fire in flight

Fuel selector valve-OFF
Master Switch-OFF
Cabin heat and air-OFF (Except overhead vents)
Airspeed-120mph, if not extinguished adjust to find incombustible mix

Electrical fire in flight

Master switch-OFF
All radio/electrical switches-off
Vents/Cabin Air Hear-CLosed
Fire Extinguisher--Activate
If fire appears out and electrical PWR is necessary:
Master switch -ON
Circuit Breakers-Check for faulty circuit, do not reset
Radio/electrical swi

Recover from a spiral Dive

-Close throttle
-Stop the turn by using coordinated aileron and rudder control to align the symbolic aircraft in the turn coordinator with the horizon reference line
-Cautiously apply elevator ack pressure to slowly reduce the indicated airspeed to 90 MPH

Flight into Icing

Turn pitot heat switch ON
Turn back or change attitude to obtain an outside air temperature that is less conducive to icing
Pull Cabin heat control full out and open defroster outlet to obtain maximum defroster airflow

Carburetor Icing

Indicated by gradual RPM loss/engine roughness
-Apply full throttle and pull carburetor heat knob full out until engine runs smoothly, then remove carburetor heat and readjust throttle.

Before Landing

Fuel Selector-Both
Mixture-Full Rich
Airspeed/Flaps-As desired
Carborater heat- As required