Herbs II; Quiz2; Cool/Transform Phlegm Heat and Warm/Transform Cold Phlegm; B Herbs

Bi Qi
Water Chestnut

1) Transforms phlegm & reduces accumulations.
2) Clears Lung & Stomach heat, generates fluids, & stops thirst.
1) Cough from phlegm-heat or phlegm nodules such as scrofula.
2) Intense thirst & constipation from heat in Lungs & Stomach,

Hai Dai
Brown Alge

Used interchangeably w/Kun Bu.

Huang Yao Zi
Air Potato

1) Dissipates nodules & reduces goiter.
2) Clears heat & resolves toxicity.
3) Cools the blood & stops bleeding.
4) Stops cough & calms wheezing.
1) Goiter.
2) Toxic swellings, swollen & painful throat, animal bites; emergency phase of

Ming Dang Shen
Changium Root

1) Moistens the Lungs & transforms phlegm.
2) Nourishes the Stomach & harmonizes the middle.
1) Cough due to Lung-heat damaging the Yin, or cough due to externally-contracted dryness w/difficult-to-expectorate sputum.
2) Damaged Stomac

Pang Da Hai
Sterculia Seed

1) Clears and disseminates Lung Qi.
2) Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels.
3) Encourages the expression of rashes.
1) sore throat, hoarseness, phlegm-heat cough & constrained Lung Qi. Used alone as a tea for hoarseness.
2) m

Ze Qi
Sun spurge

1) Transforms phlegm, stops cough, & arrests wheezing.
2) Transforms phlegm & dissipates nodules.
3) Promotes urination & reduces edema.

Dan Nan Xing
Jack-in-the-pulpit Rhizome(cow bile prepared)

1) Clears & transforms phlegm-heat,
2) extinguishes wind, and arrests tremors.
Tremors, seizures, or stroke due to phlegm-heat.

Zao Jia
Chinese Honeylocust Fruit

1) Dispels phlegm.
2) Opens the orifices & revives the spirit.
3) Dissipates clumps & reduces swellings.
4) As a suppository, unblocks the bowels, & expels roundworms.
1) Obstruction due to stubborn phlegm impairing Lung Qi, w/cough or

Zao Jiao Ci
Chinese Honeylocust Thorn

1) Draws out toxicity, discharges pus, invigorates the blood, & reduces swelling.
2) Expels wind & kills parasites.
1) Frequently used during the early stages of swollen sores to encourage suppuration or to induce those formed to burst

Zhi Bai Fu Zi
Typhonium Rhizome (prepared)

1) Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, expels wind, stops spasms.
2) Resolves toxicity & dissipates nodules.
3) Dries dampness & stops pain and itching.
1) Wind-phlegm affecting the head resulting in windstroke,
facial paralysis, hemipl