Infant Growth And Development

Does growth and development mean the same thing?

No, growth is changes in size like length and weight in comparison to development which refers to increases and changes in social, emotional, or intellectual skills

Head to toe

When the baby gains control of the head like holding their own head up, then their arms and head, lastly is their legs and feet at about age 1 when they can walk

Near to far

First babies wave their arms when they want something, then they point their finger, and lastly they grasp the object

Simple to complex

The baby develops large muscles first like neck, arms, torso and legs then they can control these muscles they increase in complex movements like crawling, then walking, then coloring

What are developmental milestones and why are they useful?

DM are key skills used to check a child's progress. It is useful because if a child gets sick for a long time, they might miss out on a developmental milestone such as strengthening the body bc they're not as active

Will inherited talents always emerge in children?

No if they're not exposed to it

Why is proper nutrition essential for an infant?

Proper nutrition is essential for an infant bc it fuels their development. It affects their physical growth and development like height, bone strength and brain development

How does good health influence an infant's development?

It causes the baby to be more likely to eat well and have more energy to be active.They will also have more experiences that help with muscle development and that stimulates the brain.

Is the quantity or variety of a child's experiences that impact brain development?


What makes a place a stimulating environment for a baby?

An environment where the baby has a wide variety of things to see, taste, smell, hear, and touch.

At one year boys are typically longer than girls


At birth boys and girls typically weigh about the same


Between the ages of 3 and 12 months, girls typically weigh less than boys


When should parents be concerned if their baby is above or below average in weight according to the growth charts

If there is inconsistent growth or sudden decrease

How does the development of depth perception impact a baby's interaction with the world?

The baby can track people's movements and learn to reach for objects by judging how far away they are by the development of depth perception

Gross motor skill

Rolling over, crawling


Grabbing a finger placed in the baby's hand, sucking

Fine motor skill

Drinking from a cup, picking up food with the thumb and forefinger

What age do baby's walk

1 year

Why is the development of hand-eye coordination important?

It allows people to eat, catch a ball, color pictures, tie shoes. Almost everything we do in a class.

What special precaution must be taken when picking up or holding a newborn

Support baby's head and neck at all times

What causes shaken baby syndrome? What are the consequences?

When someone severely shakes a baby when they try to stop the crying. It can lead to brain damage, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, blindness, breaks in bones or death

How do you get a one month baby to stop crying?

Make sure they are comfortable, fed and dry. Then try rocking, talking, singing or other comfortable techniques to soothe the baby

Should you put stuffed animals in a baby's crib?

No because it can cause suffocation

How can you prevent SIDS?

place a baby on its back while sleeping, use firm bedding, avoid overheating room, breastfeed baby,

What is the American Association of Poison Control Centers number?

1 (800) 222-1222

A 10 day old baby is put to bed but still crying, what do you do?

Go right away and comfort it. Check again later if still is crying. Make sure it doesn't have a wet diaper or if it is sick. Check more frequently than an older baby.

First Solid food ideas

watery rice cereal, strained fruit and vegetables

Why is fruit juice bad during their first 6 months?

It promotes tooth decay and may limit a child's appetite for nutritious foods.

Advantages of breastfeeding

It contains all the nutrients a baby needs, antibodies, it is germfree, easy to digest, cost free, and causes babies to have fewer allergies

Why would someone use formula?

mother isn't physically able, other family members want to feed baby, mom is busy/working, easy for travel(breast pump too)

How much should a baby be allowed to eat?

How much they want

Solid foods that are chocking hazards

raw veggies, hot dogs, nuts, peanut butter, whole grapes, candy, chips, pretzels, popcorn

Why should you burp a baby?

Because babies often swallow air as they drink and they need to get it out to be comfortable (circular motion waist up)

What is weaning and when should you wean a baby?

It is changing from bottle or breast to cup. At about 9-12 months.

Why should new foods be introduces 4 months apart from each other?

Just in case the baby is allergic to something, it is easy to tell which food it was if you space it out.

What condition could result if a baby doesn't receive enough of the right types of food?


How much more should you dress a baby than an adult?

with one more layer

characteristics for baby clothing

knit fabrics that are comfortable and stretchy, snaps, generous hems, or extra buttons for ease, elastic, straps

At 2-3 months how often should they be bathed?

2-3 times a week

Symptoms of cradle cap

yellowish and crusty patches on the scalp

How do you treat diaper rash?

Change the diaper more frequently, thoroughly clean the baby at each change and use medicated cream

Steps to change a diaper

Remove old diaper and clean the baby, put on a fresh diaper, dispose of used supplies

What age do babies start teething?

about 4-6 months

What are 3 signs a baby is teething?

they're cranky, they drool a lot, they want to chew on something hard

How can you reduce the baby's risk of injury from falling?

do not leave a baby alone on any raised area

How do immunizations work to protect against disease?

It is a shot of dead/weakened disease-carrying germ given so that the baby's body may build resistance to the disease