Chapter 17 Child Development Test Review

intuitive thinking

Preschool children mainly figure out problems by ____.

Piaget and Vygotsky

The major theorists who described children's mental development are ____.

preconceptual substage

Substage of the preoperational stage in which children ages two to four years are developing some concepts.

preoperational stage

Second of Piaget's developmental stages in which children have begun to do some mental thinking rather than solving all problems with their physical actions.

intuitive substage

Substage of the preoperational stage in which children can solve many problems correctly by imagining how they would act out the solution instead of using logic.


Child's belief that everyone thinks in the same way and has the same ideas as he or she does.

mental images

Symbols of objects and past experiences that are stored in the mind


Something that is only thought about and not shared with others.


Anything that stands for, but is detached from, the real object, such as words

logical thinking concepts

Ideas that are not directly experienced through the senses, but are developed through thought.


Ability to choose an attribute and group all the objects from a set (either physically or mentally) that possess that attribute.


Talking to oneself as though thinking aloud.

collective monologue

Talking to another person, but not listening to what the other person has said


t/f The advancing motor skills of preschoolers aid their intellectual development.


t/f Pretend play has intellectual value for preschoolers


t/f Preschoolers can retrace the steps to undo a task


t/f Preschool children only see a figure as a whole rather than noting its parts.


t/f When learning vocabulary, children learn words for abstract ideas before they learn words for concrete ideas


t/f Preschool children learn some rules of grammar.


t/f Brain wiring for grammar occurs during the preschool period.


t/f symbols of objects and past experiences are stored in the mind, when words or experiences trigger these pictures they are called mental images

believe everyone thinks as they do

preschool children are egocentric because they

involves changing the "real" world into the desired world

Pretned play for the child_________

cannot follow a line of reasoning back to where it started

Children cannot always think logically because they ____.


Preschool children may assign human qualities to nonhumans, such as plants, animals, and objects. This is known as ____.

pretend play

Play for the child that involves changing the "real" world into the desired world

intellectual development

Development that partly consists of how people express what they know through language

mental images

images that are private and internalized

logical thinking

classifying objects is an example of what type of thinking?

Speech of four & five year olds

often using incorrect pronouns, speaking sentences that have conjunctions and prepositions, asking some questions in the correct order

Major grammatical errors of preschool children:

incorrectly using negatives, asking questions with incorrect word order, incorrectly using pronouns

examples of egocentric speech:

using pronouns without naming the person, repeating words without speaking to anyone, telling a story from the middle instead of the beginning

Most preschool children have some problems making all the sounds in their spoken language. Some facts and examples of challenges with articulation include:

In the English language, children master sounds between the ages of three and eight years, the time frame in which preschool children master sounds varies, the order in which preschoolers master sounds is about the same for most children

Examples of grammar problems for older preschool children:

trouble using the correct case of pronouns, trouble with the many irregular verb forms in the English language

Ways in which communication is made easier in the preschool years:

egocentric speech disappears, articulation gets better, vocabulary gets larger

Facts regarding the logical thinking concepts of preschool children:

classification is the ability to mentally group objects by their similar attributes, many preschool children can count without understanding numbers, preschool children have problems knowing what is on the other side of the wall in their house

T/f when children count it shows that they understand the concept of numbers