Child Development

Briefly summarize the process of conception. Use the following terms in your summary:

Fallopian tube, uterus, sperm, ovum.
about once every 28 days an OVUM is released by one of a woman's two ovaries. this release is part of a woman's menstrual cycle and is called ovulation. Hormones are released during ovulation which prepare the uterus i

what is infertility

infertility is the inability to achieve pregnancy after one year of regular, unprotected sex

the germinal stage

conception to two weeks,
formation of a zygote. A zygote is the fertilized egg. Growth through cell division. Zygote is implanted into the lining of the uterus.

the embryonic stage

third through eight week.
cells start to develop into major systems of the body that include the heart, lungs, bones, and muscles. neural tube closes. first movements of the embryo. amniotic sac (protects the baby) is formed. placenta develops (tissue tha

the fetal stage

eighth or ninth week through birth.vocal cords and digestive system begin to develop and kidneys begin to function. Fetus starts to kick. the bodys major organs become ready to function without any help from the mother's body. fetus gains weight quickly.

Compare and contrast miscarriage and stillbirth.

When the developing baby dies prior to the twentieth week of pregnancy, the event is called a miscarriage. If the baby dies after the twentieth week, it is called a stillbirth. Miscarriages are more common to occur, while stillbirth occurs in about 2 perc

What are the four main causes for birth defects?

Factors in the environment (radiation, pollution, smoking, mercury), Hereditary factors, errors in chromosomes, and a combination of environmental and hereditary factors

What is a genetic counselor?

is the process by which patients or relatives at risk of an inherited disorder are advised of the consequences and nature of the disorder, the probability of developing or transmitting it, and the options open to them in management and family planning.


blood test on the expecting mother from 15 to 20 weeks. Detects abnormal AFP levels which can cause birth defects. looking for abnormal protein in mom. No known risk


Sound waves are used to make a video image of the unborn baby. no threat


withdrawing a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. Often used to test down syndromes. some risk

Chorionic villi sampling

prenatal test that uses a sample of the tissue from the membrane that encases the fetus to check for specific birth defects. greater risk than the amniocentesis test.

Compare fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and fetal alcohol effects. How are they similar? How are they different?

FAS is an incurable condition found in some children of mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy. FAS includes a wide range of deformities that last a life time. Fetal alcohol effects are abnormalities caused by the mother consuming alcohol during pr

Why is it critical to avoid taking medications in the first three months of pregnancy unless specifically prescribed?

drugs can cause serious birth defects, there is also no such thing as a completely safe drug for a developing fetus

Describe the possible effects on a baby of each hazard listed below.

Caffeine: When woman consumes large amounts of caffeine during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight.
Tobacco: Respiratory infections, low birth weights, and allergies
Cocaine: All drugs in the mother'

What is SIDS?

Sudden infant death syndrome, is the sudden, unexpected death of a baby under one year of age with no clear cause. Linked with smoking and premature birth.

What are three examples of hazardous substances pregnant women should avoid?

Paint. Low- Odor latex paint in a well-ventilated area may not pose a problem.
Lead, in water and paint
Carbon monoxide


Blindness, Deafness, Heart disease, and Mental Retardation. There is a vaccine


Blindness, Hearing loss, and Learning disabilities. Some cases are so serious the baby dies or is left with long term Mental disabilities.
Never clean a cat's litter box, should not eat uncooked meat, and should wash her hands immediately and thoroughly a

chicken pox

If a mother gets chicken pox during the first half of her pregnancy, her baby has a slight risk of getting congenital varicella syndrome. this can cause scarring of the skin, limb defects, eye problems, and other serious abnormalities. very seldom it can


STDs can be passed on to the unborn baby, causing serious. illnesses, physical disabilities, or even death.
Doctors routinely test pregnant women for syphilis and group B streptococcus. Doctors also treat the eyes of newborns with a solution that will kil


35 to 65% risk that the virus will be passed down from the mother to the baby. This attacks the brain, and infected babies often have seizures and retarded mental development.
The mother can take a medication to reduce the baby's exposure to the desease.

Identify six common signs of pregnancy

A full feeling or mild ache in the lower abdomen, Tiredness or faintness, A frequent, urgent need to urinate, Swollen breast, causing discomfort or tenderness, Nausea or vomiting, particularly in the morning. Which is usually first? A missed menstrual per

What is an obstetrician?

A doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth.

Why is it important for a pregnant woman to receive regular medical care throughout her pregnancy?

It is important for the babies health. It gives the mother and doctor a chance to respond if a problem should occur.

List seven discomforts that commonly occur during pregnancy.

Nausea or Vomiting, Sleepiness, Heartburn, Shortness of Breath, Varicose Veins, Muscle Cramps in the Leg, Lower back pain.

What are some serious complications associated with pregnancy?

Vaginal bleeding, Unusual weight gain or loss, Excessive thirst, Severe abdominal pain, Persistent headaches, Severe vomiting, Fever, Increased vaginal mucus, Swelling, and Blurred vision.

Why is good nutrition important during pregnancy?

They babies growth and development, including crucial brain development, depend on nutrients from the mother. When a woman has a balanced diet, it helps her babies development.

What are advantages of breast-feeding?

it is the best source of nutrition for the baby. It builds the baby's immune system. Could boost brain development. Causes a physical bond between the mother and her child. Speeds the return of the mothers uterus to normal size. reduces mothers risk of ha

What are some reasons a mother may choose to bottle-feed?

A mother may choose to bottle-feed because it allows the mother to have a more flexible schedule, Eliminates concern about mother's diet or medications she takes, Ensures that baby gets essential nutrients, Babies need feeding less often, and available in

Compare the cost of breast vs. bottle feeding.

breast feeding is cheaper because you do not have to buy the formula, it just comes from the mother. Breast feeding can be less expensive but the mother needs additional food. Bottle feeding= $1200-$2200

What type of doctor specializes in treating children?


Is it a good idea for new parents to develop a budget for the birth of a child? Why?

It is a good idea for them to make a budget and plan but usually the money that will be needed is higher than expected. Budgets allow the parents to set goals for saving and helps them develop a plan to meet their needs.

How does the federal law provide for maternity and paternity leave?

The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected maternity leave.

What is prepared childbirth?How does it benefit a pregnant woman?

prepared childbirth means reducing pain and fear during the birth process through education and the use of breathing and conditioning exercises. It can be beneficial because the mother can learn how the baby grows and develops, they can get warning signs

What is the "bloody show," and what does it mean for the pregnant woman?

This refers to the few drops of blood or a pinkish vaginal stain that occurs when the mucus that plugs the uterus during pregnancy dissolves. This prevents bacteria from moving into the uterus.

Compare and contrast "baby blues" with postpartum depression. How are they similar? How are they different?

The "baby blues" and postartum depression is a condition in which new mothers may feel very sad, cry alot, have little energy, feel overly anxious about the baby or have little intrest in the baby. Both of these deal with depression after giving birth but

Summarize the physical needs of a new mother during the postnatal period.

In the time following the baby's birth, the mother has several physical needs she should meet for her health and the health of her baby such as, rest, excercise, good nutrition, medical checkups.

What is rooming-in? Rooming in means that the baby remains with the mother in her room during the entire hospital stay. what are the benefits of rooming- in?

Rooming in programs have advantages for the entire family. Rooming in babies tend to have only one main caregiver, usually a nurse,attending to their needs. These babies seem to cry less. As a result, a rooming in mother gets more rest and does not worry

What do lactation consultants do?

Are professional breastfeeding specialists trained to teach mothers how to feed their baby. They help women experiencing breastfeeding problems, such as latching difficulties, painful nursing, and low milk production. A lactation consultant also helps bab

Explain what occurs when woman's water breaks.

Your "water breaking" is in fact the rupture of the amniotic sac that signals your baby is getting ready to be born. No one knows for sure what triggers the chemical chain reaction that begins labor around week 40 of pregnancy, but experts point to a numb

What are contractions?

a contraction is the tightening and releasing of the muscles of the uterus. Contractions make the uterus shorten and close which pushes the fetus against the cervix. The uterus relaxes before the next contraction.

What is fetal monitoring?

Fetal monitoring is the watching of an unborn baby's heart rate for indications of stress. What is the purpose of fetal monitoring? One of the most common methods is with an ultrasound device. This method provides a beat to beat picture of the baby's hear

When is labor considered premature?

Labor is considered premature if you deliver your baby before 37 weeks. What are the warning signs? A contraction every 10 minutes or more frequently within one hour (five or more uterine contractions in an hour). Watery fluid leaking from your vagina (th

What does it mean to induce labor?

Why might your doctor induce labor? Inducing labor means starting labor by artificial means. A doctor might induce labor if the baby is still in the womb after 42 weeks. They might also induce labor if the amniotic sac has broken and labor does not begin

How can you distinguish false labor from real labor?

during false labor, the contractions will not be regular, they will not get stronger over time, and they will end with light exercise, such as walking or stretching.

Summarize the three stages of labor

Contractions open the cervix. This is the stage that if needed there is medication. The woman becomes more focused and needs support from her partner. This is the more difficult part of labor.
First child:6-18 hours
Later children: 2-5 hours

What is a breech presentation?

a position of a fetus in which the feet or buttocks appear first during birth. Why is it a complication? They have a difficult time moving out of the pelvis

What is a cesarean birth? Why is this kind of delivery sometimes necessary?

It is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision made in the mother's abdomen. It might be performed due to lack of normal progress during labor or discovering that the baby is in distress or turned in the wrong direction. They might do one if the

What factors increase the chances of premature birth?

Mothers who have had other premature births, are carrying more than one baby, are a teen mom, or have other medical problems are more likely to have a premature birth.

What are fontanels?

Fontanels are an open space found on the baby's head where the bones are not yet joined. THe face of the newborn may be swollen or puffy after birth. Typically the baby will have fat cheeks, short flat noses, and receding chins.

What is lanugo and what happens to it?

Fine, soft hair, especially that which covers the body and limbs of a human fetus or newborn. The hair normally falls off at 5 months of being in the womb, it is then stored in the babies intestines and helps to make the first bowel movements the newborn

What is vernix?

Vernix is a thick, white, pasty substance made up of the fetus's old skin cells and the secretions of skin glands. It acts as protection against constant exposure to the amniotic fluid.

What is the purpose of the Apgar scale?

The Apgar scale is a system of rating the physical condition of a newborn baby. The 5 factors checked are heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, response to stimulation, and skin color.

Identify five other medical procedures that are performed shortly after birth and tell the purpose of each.

Most newborns receive at least one hearing screenings. Blood is taken from the umbilical cord to check the baby's blood type and to test for certain diseases. Blood will be taken from the heel to test for certain diseases and disorders. Some hospitals giv

What is the neonatal period?

The first 28 days of life for a baby

What is bonding?

Is the intense attachment that develops between parents and their baby

What are some things a new mothers can do to begin bonding with her newborn?

The baby can be held by the mother as soon as possible after birth. Sometimes the nurse places the baby on the mother's stomach so the baby can feel its mother's warmth. Parents can touch and talk to the baby. They can look into the baby's eyes and stroke

What is colostrum?

Colostrum is a high-calorie, high-protein early breast milk. It satisfies baby's appetite and provides protection from illnesses.