Child development unit 2 test

What are two main functions that families Perform?

Meeting basic needs and Preparing children to live in society

four basic needs?

Physical, emotional,social and intellectual


Food, shelter and water


loving them and encouraging them


communicating with them and putting them in sports, going to family functions


school and teaching them

How do families pass on values?

They teach them to their children and it gets passed on through generations.

Nuclear family

includes a mother and father and at least one child

Single-parent family

includes either a mom or dad and at least one child

Blended family

when a single parent marries another person, who may or may not have children

Extended family

includes a parent or parents, at least one child, and relatives other than a parent to child who live with them

custodial parent?

the parent in the divorce or split that is responsible for child

extended family?

relatives that live with family also(cousins, grandparents, etc.)

legal guardian?

who is designated legal process to assume responsibility for child

foster care?

staying in a home while their parents work out problems

Family life cycle-Beginning Stage

a couple works to establish a home and their marriage relationship

Parental Stage 1

this is the expanding stage. The couple prepares for and adjusts to parenthood

Parental Stage 2

this is the developmenting stage. As children grow, parents work to meet children's changing needs and help them develop independence

Parental Stage 3

This is the launching stage. Children gradually leave home to support themselves. Parents help their children adapt to life on their own.

Middle Age

In this stage, a couple renews their relationship and prepares for retirement. If they had children who have left home, this is called the "empty nest" stage


In this stage, the couple stops full-time work and adjusts to having more free time.


Many families live far away from each other

workplace changes?

parents have to move by themselves or families have to travel with them


kids are using cellphones to communicate with friends constantly and less time for family.

Aging population?

since people are living longer parents not only care for their kids but for their own parents as well

How are children affected by deprivation?

They are in an environment where their emotional, physical and intellectual needs are not met.

Assertive-democratic parenting

kids get a say in the parenting but limits are still set


Rules are very strict. Parents are boss


carefree not much care in what child does

Identify and give an example of three basic ways that parents can encourage appropriate behavior.

-being a role model
-Positive reinforcement
-setting limits

How does setting limits help children grow into responsible adults?

it helps them understand expectations and acceptable behavior, and to develop self-control