Children and Families

Who was behind of significant changes being made in the field of special education

IEP- form of communication between school and family, developed by the group of people responsible for the education of a child with special needs

The strengths of IDEA

educate children with disabilities from ages 3-21, Inclusion, nondiscriminatory, free and appropriate education

Prevention of substance abuse

NCLB- school must provide info about harmful affects of drug, collaboration with parents and community members, confidential identification, assessment, and referral to treatment programs, substance abuse use should be monitored within the school. Penalti


roots are found in families dysfunctional way of solving problems as well as communities racism, sexism, classism, and high unemployment. Children who are surrounded by violence are more likely to be violent

How families can become involved in their child's school

1.Decision making- determining school programs and policies
2.participation- working in the classrooms
3.partnership- providing home guidance

How many hours do children spend in front of a TV set?

3-5 hours

What aspects of family interaction can TV viewing interfere?

sleep habits, meal arrangement, leisure time, conversation patterns

Ways exposure to violence on television can affect children

more prone to behave aggressively then are children who do not watch tv violence, learning to, behave violently, becoming desensitized, becoming fearful, become more accepting of aggressive behavior, increase aggressive behavior resulting from the increas

Form of media that is considered to be the expression of the youth subculture

audio media

How reading differs from other types of media influences

stimulates child's imagination and creativity
language reading and cognitive development. Serve as models of gender roles, careers, values, attitudes, promote social skills, and healthy behaviors. Help to understand feelings

Social Control

The community has the means to enforce adherence to community values. This may be group pressure to conform and or formal laws.

How high population density affects social relationships

excessive social contact. can result in more violence, higher crime.

California Department of Heath Services

study showed regarding how environmental noise affects children's development
linked freeway noise to poorer school test scores.
Noisy schools did less well academically in reading and writing

How neighborhoods affect children

homogeneous- include people of similar backgrounds, have few opportunities to interact with people from diff backgrounds. Less opportunity to observe the work world of adults. usually small/suburban
heterogeneous- people of diff backgrounds. more likely t


communal, cooperative, close, intimate, and informal interpersonal relationship


associative, practical, objective, and formal interpersonal relationships

School without walls" in Philadelphia

higher then average percentage of students went on to college

National and Community Service Trust Act

gives grants to schools to develop and implement student involvement projects.

Preventative services

seeks to lessen the strains of everyday life

Supportive services

seek to maintain the health, education, and welfare of the community.

Family preservation services

1.keep the family safe
2,avoid unnecessary placement of children in substitute care improve family function so that the behavior that lead to crisis will be less likely to reoccur

Who are included under the child welfare umbrella?

care for individuals who may be indigent, neglected, abused, deserted, sick, disabled, maladjusted, or delinquen

What does the Woman, Infants, and Children Program provide?

supplemental foods, health care referral,s and nutrition education for low income breastfeeding women and to infants and children

Values Clarification

the process of discovering what is personally worth while or desirable in life. Influenced by culture, family, politics.

Development of attitudes

influences by age, cognitive development, family peers and others in the microsystem

Models children identify with most-

powerful and admirable

First step in development of prejudice

Awareness being alert to seeing, noticing, and understanding differences among people even though they may never be described or talked about

Influences formation of attitudes

Parents- modeling, instruction, reinforcement and punishment. Peers, mass media, community, school.

Extrinsic motivation

doing an activity to attain some separate outcome, to get a reward or avoid punishment

Intrinsic motivation

doing an activity for inherent satisfaction or enjoyment

Locus of control

relates to one attribution of performance, or sense of personal responsibility for success or failure. May be internal or external
Internal locus control- perception that one is responsible for ones own fate
External locus control- perception that others

Characteristics children with high expectations for success show

on a task usually persist at it longer and perform better, higher grades.

Helplessness firsts appears

in infants

Strategy that can be used to foster a sense of self-efficacy in children

provide instruction in specific learning strategies, help students make short term and long term goals, make reinforcement contingent on performance reward students for mastery, give encouragement, provide positive adult and peer role models

Characteristics of competent children

uses adult recourses, capable of expressing affection, can lead and follow, compete with peers, communicate, anticipate consequences, deal with abstractions, and understand other points of view.

Family influences on the development of self-esteem

parental approval, level of achievement demands, strictness, and consistency with which rules were enforced. extent to which child was allowed to participate in decision making, extent to which child was allowed independence, and extent to which child was

Self regulation

related to self-control, to inhibiting antisocial or aggressive behaviors and exhibiting prosocial or altruistic ones.

What age self regulation can begin?

beginning at age 2

Types of aggression

Instrumental- goal is to obtain an object, privilege, or a space
hostile- goal is to harm another person


voluntary actions that are intended to help or benefit another person or group of people without the actors anticipation of external rewards.

Preschool teachers can help minimize aggression

organize the environment, establish standards and consequences, provide alternative ways of solving problems

Who are preschoolers more likely to help

more likely to help friends, or people they are more familiar with

Direct reinforcement

reward for altruistic act

Vicarious reinforcement

observing someone else engaging in the act and getting reinforced for it.

Why is it important for teachers to model appropriate behavior to children?

encourages children to behave similarly. Helpful models=helpful behavior.

Factors affecting moral development

Develops through social interaction in a societal context. Temperament, self control, self esteem, age, education, social interaction, emotions, family variables.

How can a teacher enhance moral development in her class?

build a sense of community, provide opportunities, give reason for consequences, discuss differences, provide opportunities, consider feelings of others, role play experiences, fairness, and unfairness, provoke higher stage reasoning, be a role model and

Sex typing

begins at birth, classification into gender roles based on biological sex.

What so females exhibit opposed to males?

greater verbal ability