Child Life: Mer's tests

Research has shown that music provides all of the following benefits for hospitalized children EXCEPT:
A.Decreased distressed
B.Decreased time to first ambulation after surgery
C.Increased Coping with traumatic effects of illness and treatment
D.Reduced a

Decreased time to first ambulation after surgery

Which of the following in the GREATEST stressor for most hospitalized preschool children?
A.Painful procedures
B.The hospital environment
C.Separation from parents
D.The lack of apparent routines

Separation from parents

Fundamental to an adolescent's successful coping is maintaining their sense of
A.Mastery and control
B.Physical limitations
D.Family Support

Mastery and control

When prioritizing child life care, what is the MOST crucial factor?
A.A child with a chronic illness
B.A child ceases play when the nurse is present
C.Hospitalization may pose a threat to the family's ability to cope
D.A child has imminent or recent exper

A child has imminent or recent experience of intensive care, trauma, or emerygency room care

When a terminally ill eight-year-old expresses feelings about death, such as despair and loneliness, during expressive play, the child life specialist should:
A.Change the subject and refocus the play on a lighter topic to avoid further upsetting the chil

Continue to support the child in play, trusting that the child will open up to others only to the extent they feel safe in doing so

A passive response to the stress of hospitalization is MOST likely illustrated by a child who:
A.Exhibits fear of needles
B. Sleeps excessively
C.Crises incessantly
D.Clings to parents

Sleeps excessively

Preparing parents for a child's hospitalization ideally should begin
A.During the pre-admission assessment visit to the hospital
B. Through a private phone call to the parents initiated by a designated pediatric staff member
C.During a scheduled pre-admis

In the physicians office as soon as the admission is scheduled

Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess were two psychiatrists who research findings determined nine identifiable traits in newborns that remain intact for life. These traits are the basis of:
B. Verbal skills
C.Cognitive Development
D.Gross Motor


The MOST beneficial play activities for children in health care settings are:
A.Emotionally charged
B.Highly structured


To prepare orientation activities for students and volunteers, it is advisable to minimize the use of:
B.Audio-visual format
C.Active-involvement format
D.Lecture format

Lecture format

A definitive sign of ataxia in a child would be:
A.Difficulty breathing
B.Refusal to eat
C.Problems with speech
D.An unsteady gait

An unsteady gait

Preparation of a preschool child for a medical procedure is MOST effective when performed:
A.Immediately before the procedure
B.A few hours before the procedure
C.A few days before the procedure
D.A few weeks before the procedure

A few hours before the procedure

Qualitative methods of research
A.Are seldom used due to the medical community's preference for quantative data for complete statistical analysis
B.Are considered to be of limited value to child life specialists.
C.Refer to research procedures which produ

Refer to research procedures which produce descriptive data

All of the following, defined by James Robertson (1958) and John Bowlby (1960), describe a young child's response to separation EXCEPT:
A. Protest
B. Denial
C. Despair
D. Detachment


Which of the following statement(s) is/are accurate for school age siblings?
I. Sibling presence often enables play for the hospitalized child
II. School-age siblings who are developing normally are no longer vulnerable to the use of fantasy to explain th

I and III only

All of the following areas are essential when orienting students and volunteers EXCEPT:
A.Summarizing the philosophy and goals of a program
B.Presenting the needs and roles of the child and family during the hospital stay
C.Discussing the disadvantages of

Explaining children's developmental concepts of grief and death

Which age group is MOST likely to think that death is reversible?
A.Infants (0-1)
B.Toddlers (1-3)
C.Preschoolers (3-6)
D.School-Age (6-9)

Preschoolers (3-6)

Which of the following will BEST facilitate coping in a preschooler child who is intubated and in an intensive care unit?
A.Regular multidisciplinary teaching rounds
B.Opportunities for dramatic play
C.Practice that increase environment predictability

Pratice that increase environment predictability

The term "correlation"
A.Refers to change in a dependent variable as a function of manipulation of one or more independent variables
B.Refers to one variable consistently increasing or decreasing in unison with another variable.
C.Generally implies causat

Refers to one variable consistently increasing or decreasing in unison with another variable

To hold, rock, and pat young children, give massage, and return hugs initiated by patients are examples of
A.Positive positioning
B.Physical Conditioning
C.Vestibular interventions
D.Positive touch

Positive touch

Which of the following is a common passive manifestation of psychological upset exhibited by hospitalized children?
A.Peer difficulties
B.Self-Destructive behavior
C.Aggressive Behavior
D.Decreased activity level

Decreased activity level

A research study randomly assigns children to one of the three different preparation approaches. Which kind of research design is this study using?


The child life specialist has determined that a newly diagnosed nine-year old is acting withdrawn. The FIRST step in the care plan should be to
A.Interview the patient to identify specific concerns
B.Develop a supportive relationship and build trust

Develop a supportive relationship and build trust

Based on Erik Erikson's developmental theory, which of the following stages applies to infancy?
A.Trust vs. mistrust
B.Industry vs. inferiority
C.Initiative vs. Doubt
D.Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

Trust vs. Mistrust

A child life specialist teaches a child coping skills for a procedure. The success of the intervention is measured by how
A.Much the child cries during the procedure
B.Soon the child returns to the playroom after the procedure
C.The child uses the coping

The child uses the coping skills during the procedure

All of the following are principles from the Code of Ethical Responsibility for the Child Life Council members EXCEPT:
A.Recognizing when personal needs are interfering with professional duties
B.Demonstrating respect for all healthcare professionals

Demonstrating resect for all health care professionals

An accurate statement about coping strategies employed by hospitalized children is that they
A.Can be acquired, changed, or eliminated through personal experiences
B.Are innate and stimulated by traumatic events
C.Have limited value for preschool children

Can be acquired, changed or eliminated through personal experiences

A job description for volunteers should
A.Clarify expectations and responsibilities
B.List expectations for volunteer experiences and talents
C.Identify names of individuals to whom volunteers report
D.Clarify terms of termination

Clarity expectations and responsibilities

The BEST method for preventing separation anxiety during a procedure is
A.Having the parents present
B.Having a child life specialist present
C.Consistently having the same physician perform all procedures
D.Having the parents leave a transitional item wi

Having the parents present

According to Bowlby what are the 3 phases of separation anxiety?
A.Distress, ambivalence, and depression
B.Trust, mistrust, and guilt
C.Protest, despair, and depression
D.Protest, despair, and detachment

Protest, despair, detachment

Characteristics of a preschool child that would used while preparing him/her for medical procedures would include
A.A sense of autonomy
C.Limited Language skills
D.A sense of industry


All of the following contribute to an assessment of a child's potential vulnerability in a stressful situation EXCEPT
A.Chronological age
B.Response to similar situations in the past
C.Performance level in school
D.Parental Stressors

Performance level in school

Health care providers facilitating preparation for health care experiences should first and foremost consider the child's
A.Family structure
B.Developmental level
C.Medical condition

Developmental level

The age range of children MOST vulnerable to psychological upset related to hospitalization is
A.Birth to two and one-half years
B.Six months to four years
C.Two years to three years
D.Three years to six years

Six months to four years

A child being prepared for a hernia repair. Which age group would MOST likely need to be assured that their condition in not the result of thoughts or actions?
A.1-3 years
B.3-7 years
C.7-9 years
D.9-11 years

3-7 years

Children who use passive or avoidant coping strategies to deal with a venipuncture are MOST likely to benefit from
A.Comprehensive information about the procedure
B.Sedation during the procedure
C.Cognitive-behavioral therapies
D.Distraction strategies

Distraction strategies

To be comprehensive, the child life specialists developmental assessment should include physical, cognitive, affective, and which of the following other domains?


Which of the following activities would be MOST effective in helping a toddler address the issues of autonomy and separation/
A.Reading a book on separation
B.Discussing separation
C.Playing "hide and seek"
D.Playing "house

Playing "hide and seek

Problem-solving behaviors directed towards changing something in the environment are referred to as
A.Problem-focused coping
B.Emotion-focused coping
C.Stress appraisal
D.Unconscious stress

Problem-focused coping

Which of the following authors was instrumental via film and writing in establishing hospital policies regarding unlimited parental visitation?
A.James Robertson
B.Anna Freud
C.Margaret Mahler
D.John Bowlby

James Robertson

Which of the following does NOT demonstrate a child life specialist's commitment to collaboration?
A.Advocacy efforts
B.Projects to further the mission of the health care facility
C.Participation in committee work
D.Distribution of goals for patient care

Distribution of goals for patient care to other team members

Of the following, which is the MOST appropriate way for a schoolteacher to provide support at home for in the hospital for a child who is ill?
A.Maintain contact and support by various methods
B.Make certain that all schoolwork is collected and sent to th

Maintain contact and support by various methods

Observations of children engaged in health care play gives accurate information about all of the following EXCEPT:
A.Coping effectiveness
B.High levels of anxiety related to health care events
C.Understanding of the health care procedures

Developmental status

The mother of an eight-year-old child with leukemia reports frustration regarding her daughter's ability to cope with the medical experience. One of the interventions a child life specialist suggests is a daily schedule, for the following reasons.

Control, independence, and predictability

One characteristic of good volunteer supervisors in the ability to
A.Coach his/her volunteers
B.Give feedback only at scheduled meetings
C.Problem solve for volunteers
D.Allow volunteers to interact with children by trial and error

Coach his/her volunteers

A child with neutropenia has which of the following?
A.Decreased blood flow to the lings
B.An enlarged liver and spleen
C.Calcification of the joints
D.A decrease in the number of circulating white blood cells

A decrease in the number of circulating white blood cells

When engaging in medical play with a child, the child life specialist should do all of the following EXCEPT
A.Provide realistic materials
B.Allow the child the choice of avoiding play
C.Correct any apparent misconceptions as they are revealed
D.Monitor mi

Monitor misconceptions revealed through play

The coping effort in which one's behavior is directed towards dealing with the distressing thoughts and feelings that accompany stressful situations is
A.Problem focused coping
B.Emotion focused coping
C.Resolution focused coping
D.Equilibrium focused cop

Emotion focused coping

The child life program must have written policies and procedures to meet the requirements of accrediting agencies and to
A.Ensure a level of quality and consistency of care and practice within the program
B.Ensure equal status with other disciplines in th

Ensure a level of quality and consistency of care and practice within the program

Which of the following is an appropriate guideline to follow when preparing a child for potential stress inducing events?
A.Young children need to have their preparation accompanied with appropriate audio-visuals while adolescents prefer verbal explanatio

Preparation of each individual child should be the responsibility of one person should be supported by other staff members

Of a 6-year old who announces " I'm here for my methotrexate, " it can accurately be stated that the child:
A.Knows the technical name for the medication
B.Is not fearful of the treatment and has accepted the illness
C.Knows what to do to get through the

Knows the technical name for the medication

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the sequence of the physiological development of motor skills?
A.Motor Development begins when the child reaches age 6 months
B.The development sequence is disordered in children with cerebral palsy

Motor development proceeds from the head downward to the lower body, and from the center of the body outward to the extremities

A 3-year old child brought into an emergency department assumes that the unfamiliar items in a tray on a counter are to be used in her treatment. Piaget would explain this behavior as an example of:


A child repeatedly asks questions during a blow draw. According to Lazarus, this behavior is best identified as
A.Primary appraisal
B.Problem-focused coping
C.Emotion-focused coping
D.Secondary Appraisal

Problem-focused coping

According to theories related to body image, at which age would female patients be expected to become most distressed about learning that chemotherapy is likely to cause hair loss?
A. 7 years
B. 10 years
C. 14 years
D. 20 years

14 years

The child life specialist should observe a child's intensity of response, distractibility, adaptability to changes in routine, persistence, and attention span, in order to determine the child's:
A. Predominant pattern of behaving
B. Developmental level

Predominant pattern of behaving

The child life specialist should interpret with caution certain nonverbal behaviors such as eye contact noted among parents in the hospital, since these behaviors
A.May change under the stress of hospitalization
B.Seldom provide reliable information about

May vary greatly among differing cultural groups

When talking with parents in a health care setting, the child life specialist should
A. Be accepting of silence
B. Refrain from asking questions
C. Talk about ones own experiences
D. Give advice and offer suggestions

Be accepting of silence

After working on an individual school project for weeks, a patient learns that hospitalization will prevent its completion. According to the work of Erikson, at which stage is a child most likely to be distressed by the situation?
A. Autonomy vs. shame an

Industry vs. inferiority

Knowledge of the child's temperament provided by the parents generally
A.May reflect the child's behavior when healthy, but is likely to have little or no relation to behavior in the hospital
B.Offers helpful information about preschool children but littl

Can provide child life specialists with valuable clues as to know to interact with the child

Which of the following instruments is most appropriate for assessing personal-social, fine motor, and gross motor skills of children under 6-years of age?
A. Child behavior checklist
B. Denver Developmental Screening tool
C. Brazelton Behavioral Assessmen

Denver Developmental Screening tool

Developmental assessment of a 6-month old infant indicates that the child is in the lower part of the normal range of performance for that age. The infant's parent is concerned that the child will have difficulties in the later years. A child life special

Infant assessments are not good predicators of later outcomes

The most critical factor associated with a child's vulnerability to the stresses of hospitalization is the
A. Age of the patient
B. Level of family support
C. Medical condition
D. Length of hospitalization


Children who have experienced trauma or loss require continuous assessment of which behavior?
A. Changes in interactions with siblings
B. Parent-child interactions
C. Responses to peer pressure
D. Self-blame


Preschool children typically conceptualize illness as something
A.Located inside the body
B.Caused by proximity or magic
C.Linked to death
D.Caused by physical contact with a person or object


An accurate statement about emotional stress is that it is:
A.Experienced by fewer hospitalized children today than in the past
B.Seen frequently in the hospital but rarely observed after discharge
C.Common during the period of hospitalization and followi


Which of the following statements most supports the use of temperament theory and its dimensions in child life assessments
A.The child life specialist should consider a cognitive-affective approach with an angry child
B. A temperamental child requires foc


Which statement is true about nondirective medical play?
A.Medical play and preparation are synonymous
B.The adult should follow the child's lead
C.The play is accompanied by positive affect and is not intense or aggressive
D.The child should be the only


When families can visit hospitalized children only occasionally and the children exhibit difficulty coping with the separation, the most helpful action is to
A.Encourage staff and volunteers to assume parental roles
B.Avoid upsetting the child by talking


Which of the following would be most useful in helping a child work through a just completed medical procedure?
A. A visit to the activity center
B. Separation play
C. Interacting with peers
D. Medical Play


Which of the following determines priority goals in planning therapeutic play interventions for a child?
A. Health care team's treatment plan
B. Child Life Specialist's observations
C. Child's needs and milieu
D. Parent's concerns


A child life specialist should play for a child when the child:
A.Is either to ill, physically unable, or withdrawn to engage in play
B.Has exhibited inappropriate play behavior
C.Expresses feeling so inadequacy about performance on a game or project


The effect of a child life specialist using a standardized plan to prepare a 5-year old for different types of medical procedures is that:
A.The child's individual needs may not be met
B.Preparation standards are consistently reinforced
C.The specialists


When working with an adolescent struggling with lack of trust issues, the child life specialist should:
A.Encourage patient journal writing
B.Document interactions with patient and peers
C.Maximize communication opportunities
D.Organize a medical team con


Filmed modeling is believed to be an effective way of preparing children for health care experiences primarily based on:
A. Pavlov's model for classical conditioning
B. Skinner's theory of behavior shaping
C. Erikson's psychosocial theory
D. Bandura's soc


A researcher is designing a study to investigate whether reduced anxiety in children is associated with preparation before a medical procedure. To ensure confidence in the results, the most appropriate research design would be to:
A.Randomly select a grou


One of the most important forms of support for the families of children with special needs is:
A. Physician to parent support
B. Child to parent support
C. Parent to parent support
D. Child to child support


A primary benefit of the development of a supportive relationship is that it enhances the child life specialists ability to:
A.Engage in therapeutic interaction with the patient
B.Elicit cooperative behavior from the patient
C.Plan activities for the chil


A correct statement about the use of health care teams to meet the needs of children is that the:
A.Family is a critical member of the team
B.Professions represented on the team are consistent from patient to patient
C.Composition of the team remains the


Which approach is most appropriate for evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention designed to reduce fear, stress, and anxiety in a selected group of patients
A. Anecdotal reports
B. Critical pathway note
C. Behavioral rating scale
D. Cost/benefit an


A child life specialist has determined that a child is experiencing separation anxiety, identified an appropriate play intervention, and engaged the child in that play. The specialist's next logical step would be to:
A.Engage the child in conversation abo


To investigate the effectiveness of a hospital preadmission program for children undergoing day surgery, a researcher plans to randomly select a small group of patients who completed the program and a small group who did not, and then observe the child's


A female child is mature and willingly compliant in managing the frequent treatments associated with her chronic illness. At 14 years of age however, she begins to skip medications and misses other treatments and appointments. She does not exhibit signs o


Which of the following chart notes is appropriate for a child life documentation in a medical record?
A.Provide mother with ongoing psychotherapy
B.Provide consistent emotional support to reduce child's depression
C.This child must have anesthesia inducti


A child has not been prepared for a procedure during which the parent will not be present. During the procedure, the child cries softly. This response:
A.Demonstrates that the preparation was successful since the child maintained control.
B.Gives little i


When developing a child life care plan, theoretical assumptions:
A.Guide the goals, choices of interventions, and conclusions of all child life specialists
B.Affect the process of care indirectly, and have little direct relevance to care plans
C.Are of li


An effective supervisor of child life volunteers will do which of the following?
A.Minimize directive feedback in order to facilitate use of the volunteer's natural abilities
B.Make performance expectations clear and provide continuing feedback


A child life specialist notes in a patients chart that the patient "is very depressed today." A primary problem concerning this entry is that it:
A.It ignores the fact that depression is a common state among hospitalized children
B.Fails to say why the pa


Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of the Child Life Council Standards of clinical practice?
A.To establish the authencity and validity of child life interventions as they related to larger service delivery systems
B.To assure st


A non- child life staff member consistently fails to collaborate with the child life specialist's best efforts to work with a certain patient and family. The most effective starting point for resolving this issue is to:
A.Speak with the staff member about


In planning a special event for pediatric patients, the most important consideration is whether the event
A.Is sufficiently entertaining for children from all social strata
B.Is appropriate and safe for the developmental age of the children
C.Has any publ


Which of the following is a major component of the Official Documents of the Child Life Council?
A.Child Life Competencies
B.Vision to action statement
C.Articles of incorporation


The person primarily credited with the development of the child life role is:
A Gene Stanford
B Thesi Bergmann
C Emma Plank
D Anna Freud


A student at the beginning of the a child life internship is in a critical phase of affirming professional self-worth. The best way for a child life specialist to assist the intern is to provide
A Time in the first staff meeting for the intern to present


A parent has given informed consent for a 7-year old child to participate in a research project conducted by the child life specialist. However, before the researchers proceed, it is most important that they:
A.Be certain that the child is assigned to the

No answer on key

During a discussion with a personal friend, a child life specialist mentions the name and diagnosis of a patient and makes comments about the patient's family. This discussion is:
A.Inappropriate unless the friend is able to keep the information confident

No answer on key

When teaching adults:
A.An open structure, active learner approach is often the most meaningful
B.A passive learned approach is most effective, because most adults have experienced it in previous schooling
C.The formal lecture format is recommended, becau

No answer on key

A major factor in volunteer retention is
A.Encouraging volunteers to work independently with little assistance from staff
B.Matching volunteers needs with volunteers roles
C.Encouraging volunteers to work with very challenging children
D.Providing minimal

No answer on key

A child life student states angrily that the final internship evaluation performed by the child life specialist supervisor contains subjective opinions. The supervisor's most helpful action to address the students concerns would be to
A.Support the evalua

No answer on key

What are the child variables in child life planning in a stress potential assessment?
A. Responses to previous separation from home and family
B. Siblings and reaction to hospital
C. Anticipation of treatment and procedures
D. Values of health care profes

Responses to previous separation from home and family

When interviewing a family, which of the following is most important to assess?
A. Child's interests and talents
B. Child's position in the family
C. Developmental level of the child
D. Child's grade in school

Developmental level of the child

When prioritizing patients, regarding potential for psychological upset, which factor should be taken into consideration?
A. Age
B. Gender
C. Cultural Identity
D. Socio-economic status


A 14-year old siblings response to his sister who is dying is " I don't know why everyone's so concerned about. She will pull through, she always does." What type of coping effort best describes the comment?
A. Psychological
B. Emotion focused
C. Physiolo


What is a passive response to the stressors of hospitalization?
A. Whining
B. Excessive sleeping
C. Displaying compulsive behavior
D. Gaze avoidance

Excessive sleeping

Which of the following best describes why typical development may be interrupted for children with chronic health conditions?
A. Frequent medical visits
B. Difference from peers
C. Falling behind in school
D. Lack of social skills

Frequent medical visits

Which of the following is the primary reason for the child life specialist to conduct an initial assessment of the patient's and family's needs?
A. Plan interventions based on the patient's and family's interests
B. Formulate realistic patient and family

Formulate realistic patient and family treatment goals

The child life specialist may achieve which of the following through observing a child's play?
A. An assessment of the child's regression to earlier levels of development
B. An ability to interject parts of the child's play that are missing due to distres

An ability to interject parts of the child's play that are missing due to distress

What is the sequence of reactions of young children to separation from primary caregivers?
A. Sadness, anger, and depression
B. Protest, despair, and detachment
C. Regression, rage, and sadness
D. Anger, longing, and hopelessness

Protest, despair, and detachment

Children in which age group typically believe that a person who has died will come back to life?
A. 3-5
B. 6-9
C. 10-12
D. 13-18


What is an example of egocentrism in a 16-year old who is in a health care setting?
A. Believing others are preoccupied with their appearance
B. Rejecting attention from staff
C. Displaying a lack of empathy for other patients
D. Inquiring about personal

Believing others are preoccupied with their appearance

What should a child life specialist look for when assessing a child and family?
A. A wide range of variables and systems that influence the successful management of stressors
B. Adaptive behaviors and how the child reacted to past medical experiences and

A wide range of variables and systems that influence the successful management of stressors

A family's level of coping is most directly related to which of the following?
A. Social class
B. Support system
C. Level of education
D. Religious denomination

Support system

Which of the following child life practices is a key element of family-centered care?
A. Establishing a pediatric playroom
B. Developing a sibling support group
C. Working in partnership with families
D. Providing for rooming-in

Working in partnership with families

Which of the following examples demonstrates effective cross-cultural communication?
A. Being open and respectful to differences
B. Learning new gestures and facial expressions
C. Speaking in a loud voice with clear articulation
D. Paraphrasing everything

Being open and respectful to differences

When a parent does not want to tell his/her 9-year old child the diagnosis and prognosis of a life-threatening illness, which of the following is likely to occur?
A. Shielding from the truth may decrease anxiety
B. At this age the child is not able to und

The child will be unsure of who to trust

Hospital policies which encourage on-going peer relationships demonstrate responsiveness to which developmental group?
A. 11months-2 years
B. 3-5 years
C. 6-11 years
D. 12-18 years

12-18 years

When parents are provided information and emotional support, which of the following is most likely to happen
A. Children will regress
B. Fears will disappear
C. Anxiety will decrease
D. Dependency will escalate

Anxiety will decrease

Which of the following characterizes a 4-years old's thinking about death?
A. Perceives death as temporary and reversible
B. Understands the physiological cause of death
C. Empathizes with feelings of other family members
D. Comprehends that death is fina

Perceives death as temporary and reversible

Who is the best person to inform a child about the death of a family member?
A. An adult who they trust
B. Child Life Specialist
C. Psychologist
D. Grandparent

An adult who they trust

Which of the following is an example of behaviors that strengthen the predictability and reliability of supportive relationships between child life specialists, children, and families?
A. Hello and Goodbye rituals
B. Regular playroom hours
C. Permission f

Hello and Goodbye rituals

When facilitating a transition from hospital to home after an extensive stay in the hospital, which of the following is important for a child life specialist to initiate?
A. Encourage immediate return to normal activities
B. Discuss child's limitations wi

Inform parents about children's typical post-discharge behaviors

A child expresses reluctance to return home following an extended stay in the hospital. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the child life specialist?
A. Document concerns and share the information with the team
B. Refer the child an

Validate the child's feelings while addressing specific concerns

Why is early and continual assessment of the child's and family's changing medical and psychological situation necessary?
A. Identify the best ways to help reduce stress and promote coping
B. Create a positive professional image
C. Determine if the parent

Identify the best ways to help reduce stress and promote coping

A typically developing 16-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital the day before a scheduled surgery for a shunt revision. Outside of the patient's room, his mother states that her son does not know that he has a shunt and she does not want him to know.

Explore the mother's feelings and reasons, and discuss the concept of consent/assent

What is an important guideline to follow when providing support to children and families?
A. Highlight the area's of weaknesses in the parent/child relationship
B. Add to, but does not detract from the parent/child relationship
C. Center interventions aro

Add to, but does not detract from the parent/child relationship

Which of the following is a guideline for supportive listening?
A. Give constructive feedback
B. Provide gentle guidance
C. Minimize periods of silence
D. Use open ended questions

Use open ended questions

Which of the following best describes interactions that help children and families learn health care information?
A. Individualized, accurate, and age appropriate
B. Integrated with playful techniques and humor
C. Focused on being positive and minimizing

Individualized, accurate, and age appropriate

What is the purpose for providing opportunities for children to engage in health care play?
A. To normalize the environment
B. To provide opportunities for role identity
C. To distract patients from expressing feelings
D. To avoid the use of real medical

To normalize the environment

In preparing a 4-year old for surgery, which of the following should be included?
A. Sensory information
B. Abstract Ideas
C. Privacy Issues
D. Detailed pictures

Sensory information

What should the child life specialist do when preparing children for healthcare experiences?
A. Provide honest, accurate information using age-appropriate language
B. Use medical terminology so that children can become accustomed to this language
C. Omit

Provide honest, accurate information using age-appropriate language

What is an outcome of providing psychological preparation?
A. Decrease in crying and protesting
B. Healthcare provider is seen as less threatening
C. Decrease in anxiety and stress
D. Patient does not move during procedure

Decrease in anxiety and stress

Which of the following is an important strategy found to be helpful when preparing 3-4 year old children for surgery?
A. Offer appropriate choices to secure a sense of control
B. Prepare them one week before surgery
C. Provide preparation over the phone w

Offer appropriate choices to secure a sense of control

What is the purpose of encouraging patients who are 13-18 years old to dress in their own clothes and maintain personal grooming and hygiene during hospitalization?
A. Maintain hospital cost containment measures
B. Encourage independence and self responsi

Facilitate adjustment by normalizing the hospital environment

What should be considered when evaluating a child life plan of care?
A. Goal of achievement
B. Available resources
C. Patient satisfaction scores
D. Results of formal questionnaire

Goal of achievement

In addition to child oriented atmosphere creative materials, hospital objects, and meaningful play for children in healthcare also requires which of the following?
A. Private space to get away from others when desired
B. Other hospitalized children for pl

A permission-giving responsive adult

Which of the following is theoretical basis in support of the play behavior in hospitalized children?
A. Children are under stress and thus require adult guidance during play.
B. Directed play activities are most therapeutic
C. Specialized equipment is ne

Children may express ideas and feeling in play that they are unable to express verbally

What is the most important reason for the child life specialist to involve a child's family in the planning of the child's birthday celebration?
A. The family is responsible for what happens with the child
B. Involvement of the family supports the natural

Involvement of the family supports the natural role of the family

When a child expresses negative, hostile, or aggressive feelings during play, what should be the child life specialist's response?
A. Use distracters to redirect the child
B. Validate the child's feelings
C. Ignore the child's remarks
D. Help the child em

Validate the child's feelings

Which of the following should a child life specialist do to assess and effectively interact with infants, children, adolescents, and families?
A. Complete an academic program and internship in child life
B. Organize daily routines and calendars for play r

Match interactions and activities to developmental level, emotional state, and individual needs

Which of the following describes the obligation of the child life specialist to demonstrate veracity?
A. Being truthful
B. Being Timely
C. Being trusting
D. Being tenacious

Being truthful

According to the Child Life Council Code of Ethical Responsibilities, what is the minimum length if time required to lapse before a professional relationship may turn to a personal relationship with a patient or family member?
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 1.5

2 years

What is the benefit of interdisciplinary collaboration?
A. Enhance patient care
B. Delineation of professional roles
C. Evaluation regarding child life services
D. Recognition of diversity

Enhance patient care

When a conflict arises between a child life specialist's plans and a co-worker's plan for the patient, it is most useful for the child life specialist to employ which of the following strategies?
A. Educate the co-worker about child life practice
B. Sched

Invite the co-worker to create a collaborative care plan

A 13-year old recently discharged from the hospital and has lost his/her hair due to treatment. Which of the following would be most helpful for this adolescent going back to school?
A. A home tutoring program
B. A school reentry program for the teens cla

A school reentry program for the teens classmates and teachers

Which of the following represents the effective process for problem solving?
A. Problem identification, implementation, problem analysis, and idea generation
B. Self evaluation, professional boundaries, respecting diversity, and problem analysis
C. Proble

Problem identification, problem analysis, idea generation, and implementation

Other than salary, what is the largest expense when hiring a new child life specialist?
A. Consumable supplies
B. Tuition reimbursement
C. Travel/ conference fees
D. Employee Benefits

Employee Benefits

How should the use of statistics, numerical analysis, and databases be beneficial to a child life program?
A. Assist in the evaluation and program development
B. Provide standards for rewriting job descriptions
C. Provide framework for evaluating competen

Assist in creating staff development programs

Members of the child life team are aware of hospital wide staff reductions in the next fiscal year. The staff seeks to maximize efficiency in their department. How should the staff begin?
A. Collect data to show how many children and families are receivin

Collect data to show how many children and families are receiving child life services and the outcomes

What is the primary research technique in a co-relational study?
A. Perform experimental manipulations of independent variables to assess their effects on dependent variables
B. Perform simultaneously comparisons of a cohort in terms of age of subjects an

Describe the relationships between variables without experimental manipulations

Why is child life assessment important?

It is an effort to reduce the negative impact of hospitalization on pediatric patients.

Child Life Assessment:

Variables Associated with a child's ability to cope with hospitalization

How studies identify factors associated with coping

� Quantative and correlational in design
� Linked to self-report scales completed by children and parents.

� Four categories of variables:

.) Child variables
o 2.) Family variables
o 3.) Illness variables
o 4.) Medical Experiences.


the duty to respect and foster self-determination and freedom of action of the individual


the duty to be fair, impartial and equitable and to avoid any discriminatory practices


the obligation to be truthful, essential to foster trust


the duty to keep promises


the duty to attain and maintain adequate skills and abilities to perform

emancipated minor

self-supporting and/or not living at home, married, pregnant, in the military or declared emancipated by a court

Mature minor

younger than the statutory age of consent, still dependent upon parents at the age of discretion and capable of making sound judgements

principle 1

Hold paramount the welfare of children, youth and families whom they serve

principle 2

maintain objectivity, integrity and competence in fulfilling the mission, vision and values and operating principles of their profession

principle 3

obligation to serve children and the their families regardless of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, economic statues, values, national origin or disability

principle 4

respect the privacy and maintain confidentiality of their children and families. ensure the standard of verbal and written communication of their employer

principle 5

promote effectiveness by continuous efforts to improve professional services and practices

principle 6

continually seek knowledge and skills that will enhance their understanding of all relevant issues

principle 7

individuals engaged in study/research shall be guided by conventions of scholarly inquiry and shall recognize their responsibility for ethical practice in research

principle 8

obligation to engage only in areas in which they are qualified

principle 9

act with respect for the duties, competencies and needs of their professional colleagues and shall maintain integrity

principle 10

shall use integrity to assess and amend any personal relationships or situations that may interfere with professional effectiveness

principle 11

recognize that financial gain should never take precedence over the delivery of service

principle 12

when supervising or training others, there is responsibility to teach professional values and provide optimal learning experiences

principle 13

refrain from illegal conduct in their professional practice

longitudinal research

one group of subjects who are the same age and measured over years

longitudinal-sequential reserach

2+ groups of subjects w/ differing ages measured repeatedly with age

cross-sectional reserach

2+ groups of subjects with differing ages measured once at the same point in time

retrospective research

designed after subjects have experiences the event


Classical conditioning


believe most neglect group in the hospital is adolescents

responenses to stress

passive, regressive, overt/active

passive response to stress

excessive sleeping, decreased communication, decreased activity and eating

regressive response to stress

alterations in sleeping, eating too much or too little, anxiousness, overly concerned with body and/or compulsive behaviors

overt/active response to stress

crying, screaming, whining, clinging to parents

skinner's operant conditioning theory-behavior shaping

behavior can be shaped/modeled by reinforcing responses that are closer to the desired behavior

Operant conditioning

the process by which a response is gradually learned via reinforcement or punishment

goal of operant conditioning

to increase appropriate behavior and decrease inappropriate behavior

john watson

established the psychological school of behaviorism

Bolig's types of child life programs

diversionary, therapeutic, child development, comprehensive

diversionary child life program

divert attention away from thinking about experience

therapeutic child life program

assist in expression of emotional and fantasies related to their experiences

child development child life program

program activities that emphasize normal development

comprehensive child life program

maintain the objectives of providing socialization experience, normalizing environment, facilitating expression of feelings and family involvement

james robertson and john bowly's sequence of reaction of young children to separation

protest, despair, detachment


strong expectation that parent will return, example upset pt


increasing hopelessness, will suffer long term, example quiet and withdrawn


respond to parent with indifferencw

james robertson

advocated unlimited parental visitation. children should be prepared for hospitalization no earlier than one week prior to the child's admission.

Mildren Parten's Categories of Play

Unoccupied, Onlooker, Solitary, Parallel, Associative, Cooperative

Unlooker Behavior Play

no focus or interest

Onlooker Play

consciously observing (child not actively involved in play)

Solitary Play

playing but no effect to interact with others, playing alone

Parallel Activity Play

play beside but not with others

Associative Play

play and interact with each other but there is no plan, unorganized

Cooperative or Organized Supplementary Play

group goal developed and lead by 1 or 2 player

Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory (Psychosexual Stages)

Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital

Oral Stage

0-1, pleasure on mouth

Anal Stage

1-3, toilet training

Phallic Stage

3-6, fondles genitals, wants their parent of opposite sex

Latency Stage

6-11, drives are stable

Genital Stage

12+, sexual development and reproduction

Anna Freud and Rene Spitz

maternal deprivation

Emma Plan

Mother of child life, "working with Children in hospital", Founder of ACCH 1967-Association of the Care of Children in Hospitals which later changed to Associate of the Care of Children's Health

Banduras Social Learning Theory

An application of behaviorism that emphasizes that many human behaviors are learned through observation and imitation of other people (Nature)

Modeling (Meladment and Siegel)

the process in which people observe and then copy the behaviors of others. Filmed modeling is an effective way of preparing a child

Preparation, play and parent=

less psychosocial upset

Prugh 1954

first experimental designer research study to prove that adverse psychological upset resulting from hospitalization could be changed by unlimited parental visitation, preparation and play

Children under three are...

most susceptible to circumstance surrounding hospitalization

Trust vs. Mistrust

0-1, come to trust that basic needs will be met

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

1-3, most acquire a sense of independence or else they will develop feelings of shame about their individuality, become independent or feel shameful about dependence

Initiative vs. Guilt

must feel free to act, create and take risks. Children who are inhibited by these pursuits become overwhelmed by guilt. If they aren't brave enough to take initiative, guilt arises.

Industry vs. Inferiority

6-12, Must feel competent with skills and valued by society. Failing too often will bring about feelings of inferiority. Skills not valued=inferiority

Identity vs. Role Confusion

12+, try to figure out who they are. Establish sexual, political, and career identities and are confused about what role to play

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Young Adulthood, willing to risk offering themselves to others or become isolation by fear and rejection

Generativitiy vs. Stagnation

Mature Adult, must gain a sense that they have contributed to the world in some lasting fashion.

Integrity vs. Despair

Older Adulthood, must feel great accomplishment and satisfaction in the events of their lives.

Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory

a grand theory of human development that focuses on the structure and development of thinking, which shapes people's attitudes, beliefs and behaviors

Piaget's stages

Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operation, Formal Operations


1-2 Relay on action and sense to know things, purely reflective (w/o though) through movement and perception.
Toward end of stage object permanence occurs


2-6 Use of symbols and Internal thought to solve problems. Thinking is tied to concrete objects and they are fooled by the appearance of things.
Egocentrism-everything is though of as how it relates to them
Can only focus on one thing at a time

Concrete Operations

6-12vUse early logic to solve problems. Require concrete objects to learn.
Reversiblity-reverse direction of their thoughts

Formal operations

12+ can think abstractly and hypothetically

Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development

the task requires thinking just above student level of current mastery. The zone in which the student can learn with help from others.
The right amount of information to teach a specific age group in order for them to comprehend on their own development l


Self Causation, pt's under 7, number of hospitalizations, length of stay determines psychological upset in the child. Child may begin to fear: punishment, mutilation, death or abandonment


Resilience, protective factors found in individual response to stress of risk, the ability to bounce back. Variables: Personal features, Family cohesion, External support to reinforce coping

Kohlberg's Moral Judgement Development

Preconventional, Conventional, Postconventiional


biological affects


environmental affects

Age most vulnerable to psychosocial upset by hospitalization

6 months-4 years

Development assessment includes

physical, cognitive, affective, social

most effective way of helping a toddler cope with separation

is a game of hide and seek

APIE format

Assessment, Planning, Interventions, Evaluation

SOAP formate

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan

Core values

respect, strengths, choices, information, support, flexibility, collaboration, empowerement

affects of hospitalization-Infants

immune to psychological effects of hospitalization

affects of hospitalization-Toddlers & Preschool

most susceptible to circumstance surrounding hospital care

affects of hospitalization-School Aged

deal better because they are better with separation and make friends with other hospitalized children

affects of hospitalization- Adolescents

challenged with developmental aspects, physical development and privacy issues

A children's attachment behavior is

activated by pain, fatigue, and anything firghtening

Alert/Active Responses to Situations

crying, screaming, whining, clinging to parents, self-destructive, fighting, resisting meds and treatment

Passive Responses

Excessive sleeping, decreasing communication, decreasing activity,

Regressive Behavior

alterations in sleeping patterns, eating too much or too little, being tense anxious restless, concerned with body image

elements related to the degree of psychological upset

unfamiliar setting,

authoritative parents

has clear rules and beliefs, kids are well adjusted. High warmth, moderate discipline with much discussion, high communication between parent and child

Indulgent parents

wants to keep you happy, permissive. Kids are aggressive and have low achievement. Non-serious delinquent. No boundaries, accommodate everything

Authoritation parents

uses physical punishment. Kids are anxious, conflicted and not aggressive. Low warmth, strict physical discipline more parent to child communication

Neglecting Parents

don't care about child. Child has low self-esteem, is moody. High rate of deliquency

cognitive appraisal

process of evaluating what is happening for his/her well being, appraisal=familiarization


process of managing stress and emotions generated

strategies to coping

relaxation techniques, systematic desensitization, medical play, distraction, calming self talk

ways of avoiding stress

denial, regression, withdrawal, impulsive acting out

ways of accepting stress

altrusim/the helper, humor, sepression, anticipation, sublimation

Young Infants

max parental participation, Max info to parents, Provide stimulation

Older Infants

separation is great concern, support max parental participation and info, provide age appropriate stimulation


express through play, continue mother-child relationships, familiar routines, structure, mastery and control


fears of castration and mutilation, imaginative thoughts and fantasy, preparation is necessary,

School Aged Child

fear of anesthesia and death, feels that death is something they caused, separation concerns


neglected group in hospital, social life, body image and self worth are tied to peer groups


medical infomation, development information, environment information, idiosyncratic information, issues with child & fam

factors to be considered

age of pt, high risk children, medical conditions, manifested problems

facilitation coping behaviors

choices, honesty, reassurance

coping with emotional conflict through play

normalize situation, mastery through play, self espression

staff response to play

monitoring regress, understanding fears and feelings, enhance communication, education and prepare

Jean Piaget

Assimilation and Accomodation


continually learning through actions and explorations and taking in information


the process of altering old patterns of thinking to allow further assimilation of information

Physical Development

activities that are appropriate for the child's level of development and medical conditions. Should adapt to the physical abilities of the child

Intellectual development

stimulating activies for all age groups, direct exploration of the unique aspects of the hospital environment. CL should coordinate to see the child's schooling continues

Social Development

adequate space and differing age areas should be provided for play and interaction. Encourage inter patient mingling. CL should structure and facilitate group activites

Emotional Development

provide materials for self-expression. Be open and non-judgement of child's play. Summarize child's feelings

Importance of play to hospitalized children

monitoring regression, understanding fears and feelings, enhancing communcation, educate and parpare

case advocacy

problems handled on an individual basis

class advocacy

a general change in rules of practices affecting children and parents as agoup

emotional support

success of mental health depends on the establishment and maintenance of supportive relationships

preparation for health care procedures

may include play activities, specific sensory information, rehearsal, filmed modeling, teaching of coping skills and various combinations of these

play activities

children can actively participate in the learning process, better understand the information being presented and become familiar with impending procedures. Dramatic play provides opportunities for children to rehearse and express feelings

sensory information

to reduce stress, children need accurate minimally threatening descriptions of the sensation they will experience before and after the event


can help improve non-hospitalized children's attitudes toward hospital and medical events

coping technqieus

relaxation techniques, distracting imagery, comforting self talk

stress point preparation

designed to psychologically prepare children for potentially threatening or painful procedures using appropriate communication techniques. Prior to procedures children were give age appropriate education about procedure and sensations possible and then ha

parental involvement

anxiety and discomfort may be reduced by providing parents with information and emotional support, preparing parents well can not only reduce their stress but also the psychological upset of their child


children may use play to cope with stress accompaning healthcare,children who are willing to do medical play are less anxious than others after d/c

two aspects of psychological stress

event, children's response to that event

major goals of CL programming

to minimize or remove sources of stress, to help children and families with their situations as effectively as possibl

problem focused coping

trying to solve the problem by changing something in the environment

emotion focused coping

dealing with the distressing throughts and feelings that accompany stressful situations

learned helplessness

children who have repeated experiences of ineffective coping may develop the maladaptive syndrome, may never learn to deal properly

communication techniqures

consistent supportive interactions, psychological preparation, antcipatory guidance, play interactions, expressive activities

Stress vulnerability

chronological and developmental age, response to current and previous healthcare, abilities to communication


positively influencing cognitive appreasial by decreasing uncertainty

anticipatory guidance

provision of information that can influence cognitive appraiseal

cognitive appraisal

personal evaluate the significance of what is happening of his or her well-being, harm, loss challenges threat


Learn through senses and reflexes, manipulate materials


Form ideas based on their own perceptions, can only focus on one variable at a time, overgeneralize based on limited experience

Concrete Operations

Form ideas based on reasoning, limit thinking to objects and familiar events

Formal operations

think conceptually and hypthetically

Strength gained from trust vs. mistrust


Strength gained from autonomy vs. shame and doubt


Strength gained from initiative vs gult


Strength gained from industry vs. inferiority


Strength gained from identity vs role confusion


Strength gained from intimacy vs. isolation



Disruption in normal routines seen in Fussiness and irritability
Immediate physical response to pain-seeks comfort
Stranger anxiety begins at 6 months


Stranger anxiety, fear of strangers
immediate physical response to pain and unfamiliarity
Regression in skills (motor, language, toilet)


Separation anxiety
Anxiety about intrusions and mutilation
Anxieties aroused by egocentric thought, fantasies, and magical thinking
Fear of punishment aroused by guilt
Regression can occur

School Age

Fear of pain, body injury and mutilation, loss of control,
Fear of anesthesia
Cognitive regression can be seen
Separation concerns related to daily routine, school and peers
Modesty Concerns


Anxiety related to long term implications of illness and disability
separation concerns related to peers
anxiety related to body injury and pain
Concern for body image changes in physical appearance
Concern for privacy and modesty
Cognitive regression can