Chapter 6: Emotional and Social Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood

According to Erikson, toddler autonomy grows out of parenting that emphasizes ______ in the second year.

reasonable expectations for impulse control

An infant's first laughs are most likely to occur in response to

very active stimuli

Which dimension of Rothbart's model of temperament involves self regulation?

effortful control

Which of the following is true about measuring temperament in children?

Parental reports about their children's temperament are moderately related to researchers' observations of children's behavior

Compared with European-American infants, Chinese and Japanese babies tend to be ______

better at quieting themselves

Two-year-old Helena has the short 5-HTTLPR gene. Because she has this "susceptibility attribute," Helena is likely to ______

respond especially well to interventions aimed at reducing parental stress

Which of the following statements about parents' perceptions of sibling temperament is true?

Parents often view siblings as more distinct than other observers do

According to Bowlby's ethological theory of attachment, separation anxiety is displayed during which phase?

clear-cut" attachment

Cross-cultural evidence indicates that the _____ pattern is the most common attachment quality in all societies studied


Compared with securely attached infants, resistant babies tend to

receive disorganized or hostile care

Parents who _____ tend to have securely attached children

discuss their childhoods with objectivity and balance

Research on high-quality child care in Australia and Norway confirms that

full-time child care need not harm children's development

The long term impact of early attachment security ______

depends on the quality of the baby's future relationships

When 3 month olds were shown two side by side video images of their kicking legs, one from their own perspective and one from an observer's perspective, they _________, reflecting an implicit awareness of the self as distinct from the surrounding world

looked longer at the observer's view

Which statement about the development of self control is true?

For most toddlers, assertiveness and opposition occur alongside compliance