Ch.8: Psychosocial Development during the First Three Years

Baby Elise is irritable, does not follow regular patterns of eating and sleeping, and has intense reactions to what goes on in her environment. Elise's temperament can be characterized as:


Goodness of Fit" implies that parents should deal with children behavior problems by:

Helping their child make some adaptions but essentially accepting their child's temperament.

Two-week-old Jamie is lying quickly in her bassinet. Suddenly, she utters a loud, piercing cry and holds her breath. She is probably:

In pain

Which of the following statements about temperament is correct?

Temperament appears to be largely determined by a person's biological makeup.

When 1-year-old Tommy's grandmother comes to his house to take care of him while his parents go out, Tommy starts to fuss and cry as his mother gets ready to leave. Tommy is demonstrating:

Seperation anxiety

Peter, age 1, rarely cries when his mother leaves him a babysitter. When his mother returns, he seems angry and refuses to let her hold him. Peter's pattern of attachment would best be classified as:


Baby Eddy's schedules are predictable. He adapts easily, is pleasant, and responds well to change. Which kind of temperament does he have?


Picking up crying infants spoils babies.


The best way to respond to an infant who is crying is to:

Respond regularly with tender, soothing care.

Mothers who respond sensitively to their infants end up with babies that fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and wake less often.


Gretta and her mother have a reciprocal, enduring emotional tie. This emotional tie between an infant and a caregiver is called:


Self regulation is:

The control of a child's own behavior to conform to social expectations.

Our image of ourselves is called our:


During Erikson's basic sense of trust vs. mistrust stage, children:

Determine whether on not the world can be relied on.

Lucy is a quiet infant who is mild in her responses, both positive and negative. She shows a distinct dislike for new situations, but eventually adjusts and enjoys new things. Thomas and chess would classify Lucy as a(n):


Negativism is typically a(n):

Expression of the need for autonomy.

Which of the following is NOT one of the foundations of psychosocial development?

Fine Motor Skills

Securely attached infants, when studied between ages 3 and 5, tend to be _________ than insecurely attached infants.

More curious

Which of the following is a preferred way to measure attachment between a mother and a baby?

The reaction of the baby when the mother returns.

The earliest smile, a reflex smile, appears:

Shortly after birth

The most developmentally sound approach to comforting a distressed baby is to:

Prevent distress, so there will be less need for soothing.

Around 8 or 9 months, babies often show discomfort and warriness around individuals they do not see on a regular basis. This behavior is called:

Stranger anxiety

_________ attachment is the least secure pattern.


According to Erikson, which conflict occurs during toddlerhood?

Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt

When a baby "reads" the expression of a caregiver for a clue as to how to act in a ambiguous situation, it is referred to as:

Social referencing

Temperament is:

One's style of approaching people and situations.

Research on sibling relationships in infancy indicates that:

The quality of each child's attachment to the parents predicts the quality of the sibling relationship.

Roberto and his mother are at the house of a cousin whom they rarely visit. Roberto stays with his mother when they first arrive but then begins to explore his new surroundings and discovers a playroom. Even though he appears to be comfortable, he still c


Kora did not learn sufficient trust during the first stage of development. In her adult years, one might expect her to display:

Difficulty forming close relationships

The longest- lasting relationship a person will likely have is with his or her:
