Child Development Ch 7 test: 3/29/16

Do the terms growth and development mean the same thing?

Growth: when something gets bigger
Development: increase of changes in physical, emotional, social, or intellectual skills

Head to toe development

Lifting its head up and looks at something, able to grab that object, crawl to it, walk to it

Near to far development

Waving hands, hand-to-eye coordenation, turn towards it

Simple to complex development

Learning a subject, develop large muscle groups, use the muscle to do things

What are developing milestones, and why are they useful?

Developing milestones are skills that children learn at specific time in the average amount of time and they are important as they show progress

Will inherited talents always emerge in children? Why or why not?

NO because it will only be shown if it is practiced

Why is proper nutrition essential for an infant?

So the infant can grow and develop
malnutrition and no wide variety of food= bad

How does good health influence an infant's development?

good health--->activity--->experiences

Is the quantity or variety of experiences a child has that impacts brain development?

Both is key

What makes a place a stimulating environment a child has that impacts brain development?

Interaction with toys, a lot of things to see, taste, smell, hear, and touch

True or false: At one year of age, boys are typically longer than girls


True or false: At birth, boys and girls typically weigh about the same


True or false: Between the ages of 3 and 12 months, girls typically weigh less than boys


Using you understanding of averages, explain when parents should become concerned if their baby is above or below average in weight according to growth charts.

If they are a consistent gainer, there is no need to worry about them. If there are sudden gains/looses then you should be worried.

Describe how the development of depth perception impacts a baby's interaction with the world

It helps then track movements and reach for things by judging how far away they are. (2-3 this happens)

Is rolling over a reflex, gross motor skill, or a fine motor skill?

gross motor skill

Is drinking from a cup a reflex, gross motor skill, or a fine motor skill?

fine motor skill

Is sucking a reflex, gross motor skill, or a fine motor skill?


Is crawling a reflex, gross motor skill, or a fine motor skill?

gross motor skill

Is grabbing a finger placed in the baby's hand a reflex, gross motor skill, or a fine motor skill?


Is picking up with thumb and forefinger a reflex, gross motor skill, or a fine motor skill?

fine motor skill

About what age do babies take their first step alone?

12 months

Why is the development of hand-eye coordination important?

Because it allows them to catch a ball, eat, tie shoes, and color which are necessary to life. (Applies everywhere)

What special precaution must be taken when picking up or holding a newborn?

Making sure the head it held and back. (Head is 1/4 of body)

What causes shaken baby syndrome? What are its possible consequences?

The causes are people shaking a baby vigorously and the consequences are brain damage, broken bones, or death.

A month-old baby will nonstop crying. The parent is starting to feel angry and is afraid of losing control. What would you recommend?

Put the baby in a safe place, calm down, ask someone responsible to take care of the baby, call someone and talk about it.

Why should you remove stuffed toys from the crib when putting the baby to bed?


How should you position a baby in bed to help prevent sudden infant syndrome?

Put them on their back

Ten minutes after putting the 10 day old child down it is
crying, what should you do

Check its...
how hungry

Give 2 examples of baby's first solid foods

Watery rice cereal
strained fruits/veggies

Why do experts discourage giving babies fruit juice during their first 6 months?

Because it promotes tooth decay and may limit child's appetite.

Three advantages of breast feeding

easy to digest

What are two possible reasons for using formula?

Not every mother can breast feed
specially made to meet nutritional needs

How much should an infant be allowed to eat?

As much as they want

When a baby begins to self-feed, some foods should be avoided because of choking. Which ones?

Raw veggies
hot dogs

Why is it necessary to burp a baby during a feeding?

Because baby's swallow air and need to get it out

What is weaning? About when does it happen?

Weaning is changing from drinking from bottles or breast. Happens after the baby learns to crawl/walk

When the baby is ready for solid foods, new foods should be introduced at least 4 days apart. Why?

So you can tell which food gets what reaction

What condition could result if a baby does not receive enough of the right types of foods?


About how warmly should you dress a baby compared to an adult?

1 more layer than an adult

Give two characteristics you would look for when buying clothes for babies?

Loose fitting
easy on and off

When babies reach the age of two or three months, about how often should you bathe them?

2-3 times a week

What are the symptoms of cradle cap?

Yellowish, crusty patches on the scalp

How can you treat diaper rash?

change the diaper often exposing the area and with clean hands apply cream

Briefly summarize the steps involved in changing a diaper

remove diaper and clean baby
put on fresh diaper
throw everything away

At about what age do babies teeth?

4-6 months

Give three signs of teething.

low-grade fever

How can you reduce a baby's risk of injury from falling

Not leaving the baby alone on any raised area

How do immunizations work to protect against disease?

Gives baby practice fighting certain disease so when they get it they know how to fight it