Chapter 11: Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence


transition between childhood and adulthood


flood of biological events leading to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity

adolescence brings about

vastly expanded powers of reasoning - teenagers can grasp complex scientific and math principles, grapple with social and political issues, and delve deeply into meaning of poem or story

adolescent thought mainly takes place

at school

biological & social forces

jointly determine adolescent psychological change

Margaret Mead's theory

social environment is entirely responsible for range of emotional teenager experiences. Later researchers found that Samoan teenagers not as troubled as she thought. But she showed that to understand adolescent development, must pay more attention to soci

Piaget's Formal Operational Stage

age 11+, develop capacity for abstract, systematic, scientific thinking, can come up with new, more general logical rules through internal reflection

Hypothetico-deductive reasoning

first stage of Formal Operational Stage, when faced with a problem, adolescents start with a hypothesis - prediction about variables that might affect outcome, from which they deduce logical, testable inferences. Then they systematically isolate and combi

propositional thought

adolescents' ability to evaluate logic of propositions (verbal statements) without referring to real-world circumstances
Formal Operational Stage

attention in adolescence

becomes more selective, focused on revelant information, and better adapted to the changing demands of tasks
information processing view

inhibition in adolescence

both of irrelevant information and of well-learned responses in inappropriate situations in improves - supports gains in attention and reasoning
information processing view

adolescence strategies

become more effective, improving storage, representation, and information retrieval
information processing view

adolescence knowledge

increases easing strategy use
information processing view

adolescence metacognition

(awareness of thought) expands, leading to new insights into effective strategies for acquiring information and solving problems
information processing

adolescence cognitive self-regulation

improves, yielding better moment-by-moment monitoring, evaluation, and redirection of thinking
information processing

adolescence speed of thinking and processing capacity

increase. More information can be held at once in working memory & combined into increasingly complex, efficient representations, opening possibilities for growth in the capacities just listed & improving as a result of gains in those capacities

imaginary audience

adolescent belief that they are the focus of everyone else's concern & attention - causes self-consciousness

personal fable

big ego,

Topics of Adolescence

� Puberty:
o Growth spurt
o Hips widening in females
� Body image
� Acne
� Dating
� Braces
� Sexual activity
o Lack of knowledge can result in STDs

Boys Sex differences in Body Growth in Adolescence

o Growth spurt: starts at 12.5
o Proportions: shoulders broaden, longer legs
o Muscle-fat makeup: gain more muscle, aerobic efficiency

Girls Sex differences in Body Growth in Adolescence

o Growth spurt: Starts age 10
o Proportions: Hips broaden
o Muscle-fat makeup: Add more fat

Adolescent Brain Development

Synaptic pruning continues Prefrontal cortex Cognitive advances: attention, planning, integrating information, self regulation
Expansion of synaptic connections, myelination Linkages among cortical regions strengthen Cognitive advances: attention, plannin

The reason risky behavior and moral center of adolescent brain isn't fully wired and set up yet

o Not thinking ahead on the consequences


o The passage from childhood to adulthood


o Process that leads to sexual maturity or fertility
o The shift body wise
o Also change in responsibility- you're no longer a kid. If you screw up there are consequences
o Social network shifts
o First jobs

Adolescent Growth Spurt

� A rapid increase in height and weight
� Teens become concerned about appearance
� A lot of time they struggle with the changes
� Different clothing desires

Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence

� Menarche
o Change from 17 years during 1800s to 13 years
o Changes due to nutrition
o 9,10,11 first time getting menstruation
� first time for adolescent male "wet dreams" also confusion on what' s happening to their body

Primary Sex Characteristics

� Females
o Uterus
o Vagina
� Males
o Testes
o Scrotum
� Many turn to peers to ask - feel uncomfortable talking to parents


o Change from 17 years during 1800s to 13 years
o Changes due to nutrition
Argument today: steroids and hormones and foods we eat has triggered and earlier onsets of menstrual cycle
o Estrogen in girls and testosterone levels in boys rise

Female secondary sex characteristics

breast development
pelvis changes

male secondary sex characteristics

o Broad shoulders
o Facial hair
o Vocal chords need to enlarge by 50% by adult

African American girls often develop before Caucasian girls

no definitive evidence

Two Major Brain Changes in adolescence

� Growth Spurt
o Chiefly in frontal lobes
Prefrontal cortex- impulses, morals- example: Famous Phineas Gage story- which was beginning of real studies
o Reasoning, judgment, and impulse control
� Gray matter growth
o Facilitated maturation of cognitive ab

growth spurt

o Chiefly in frontal lobes
Prefrontal cortex- impulses, morals- example: Famous Phineas Gage story- which was beginning of real studies
o Reasoning, judgment, and impulse control

gray matter growth

o Facilitated maturation of cognitive abilities
Adolescence don't think of consequences of sexual activity- don't think of STDs and pregnancies


� US teens are more likely to be overweight than previous generations
o Average teen girl needs ~2200 calories/day
o Average teen boy needs ~2800 calories/day
Males start to gain more muscle- eventually in adulthood males to females muscle mass is 2:1

average teen girl needs

~2200 calories/day

Average teen boy needs ~2800 calories/day

Males start to gain more muscle- eventually in adulthood males to females muscle mass is 2:1
Not enough exercise
Type 2 diabetes, self conscience, bullying, heart issues- then don't want to go out and socialize

Eating disorders

o Bulimia and anorexia
o 10-15% of anorexics die of starvation (low immune system)
Pica: eating non-edible objects- ex. Gravel, dirt... self injury
Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence


eating non-edible objects- ex. Gravel, dirt... self injury
Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence


� Behavioral characteristics
o Excessive dieting, compulsive exercising
� Physiological characteristics
o Loss of 15% of body weight, slowed heart rate, body temp down, body hair grows in odd spots (on breasts- wants to give warmth to keep from dying, min


� Behavioral characteristics
o Vomiting (even vomiting up lining- looks black), laxatives, diuretics, diet pill abuse
� Physiological characteristics
o Weight fluctuates due to gorging and fasting
� Emotional and cognitive characteristics
o Usually wants

adolescent sleep needs

� Sleep decline to less than 8 hours at age 16- adolescents do not get enough sleep
� Changes in circadian timing and melatonin- shifting to what you'll see as an adult
� School schedules

Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence

� Substance abuse
o Marijuana at 50% usage rate
o Alcohol
75% consumption rate in college and 76% in high school students
Alcohol abuse can cause long term brain damage

adolescence marijuana usage rate


adolescence alcohol usage

75% consumption rate in college and 76% in high school students
Alcohol abuse can cause long term brain damage

U.S. Adolescent Pregnancy Statistics

� About 727,000 teen pregnancies in most recently reported year
o 12,000 younger than age 15
� 1 in 4 end in abortion
� 87% of births to unwed mothers

Risk Factors for Drug Abuse

� Difficult temperament
� Poor impulse control and sensation seeking
� Early and persistent behavior patterns
� Attitudes toward drug use and early initiation
Whiny kids- cortisol in uterus

Adolescent Changes in Information Processing

� Structural increases in processing capacity
o Expansion of working memory
� Functional
o Increased ability to obtain, handle, and retain information
o Mathematical and scientific reasoning

imaginary audience

(everyone is always looking at them)
o Adolescents belief that others are interested in them

personal fable

o Adolescents unique and invincible - injuries
Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence

high school dropouts

o Earn 43% less than graduates
o Dropouts rates declined
Financial limitations

High School Dropout Prevention Strategies

� Remedial instruction
� Personalized counseling
� High-quality vocational training
� Addressing personal factors related to dropout
� Extracurricular participation

Teen Species Boys: (TLC VIDEO)

� Voice box grows 50% by puberty
� At age 14 boys can grow up to 4 inches in one year