red rules

13a. Capitalize the first word in every sentence

red rule

13b. Capitalize the pronoun I

red rule

13c. Capitalize the interjection O

red rule

13d. Capitalize the first word in both the salutation and the closing of a letter

red rule

13e. Capitalize proper nouns.
(2) Capitalize geographical names.
(3) Capitalize the names of planets,stars,constellations,and other heavenly bodies.
(4) Capitalize the names of teams, organizations, institutions,and governmental bodies.
(5) Capitalize the

(7) Capitalize the names of religions and their followers,holy days and celebrations,sacred writings, and specific deities
(8) Capitalize the names of buildings and other structures
(9) Capitalize the names of monuments,memorials and awards
(10) Capitaliz

13f. Capitalize proper adjectives.


13g. Do not capitalize the names of school subjects, except course names followed by numerals and languages


13h. Capitalize titles.
(1) Capitalize a persons title when the title comes before their name
(2) Capitalize a word showing a family relationship when the word is used before or in place of a persons name,unless the word follows a possessive noun or a pro


14a. Use a period at the end of a statement(or declarative sentence)


14b. Use a question mark at the end of a question (an interrogative sentence)


































