CSAI Quiz 2


List of statements enclosed in curly brackets

What is the difference between a while and a do-while loop?

A Do-While loop will run the statement once then check for correct iteration, a While loop will only check for correct iteration


A loop that tracks the amount of iterations the loop execute

Init Statement

Initialization statement, first statement executed in a loop

Loop Variable

Variable declared inside for, declared inside of loop and scope is inside body of loop


Exits the innermost loop


Skips the remaining statements and start new iteration

Iterate and Keep Track Idiom

Declare variable before loop and output variable after loop to see result

Nested Iterative Construct

One iterative construct inside of another, may be more than two loops deep, all loops can be nested together, loop body may contain other code


Named group of statements carrying out a particular task that accepts values and computes the result

Function Name

Identifier distinguishing the function from others


The value accepted by the function to use in computation

Return Value

Value computed by the function

Function Call/Function Invocation

Executing function code from elsewhere in program

Nested Function Call

Use of one function call as argument to another

In expression Function Invocation

Return value replaces invocation in expression evaluation

Example of in expression function invocation

result = sqrt(9.0 - myVar * 5)

Standalone Function Invocation

Return value is ignored

Example of Standalone Function Invocation


Predefined Function

Libraries of code that can be reused in programs

Function may have more than one argument

result = pow(myVar, 55);

An argument is an arbitrary expression

result = sqrt(myVar * 2 + 9.0);

How is an include directive related to predefined functions?

Specific include directives must be used to use certain predefined functions

Include Directive

Libraries that are already in the C++ language

What are type changing functions and why are they needed?

Functions that can change the type of a variable for a specific situation. Needed to correctly operate between variables of different types

Type Casting

Explicit type conversion

Example of Type Casting

double c=static_cast<double>(a)/b;

Type Coercion

Implicit type conversion

Example of Type Coercion

double c = a + 30;


Returns number of seconds since 01/01/1970, good for initializing unique series, needs <ctime>


Returns a new integer random number in the series, can be used multiple times in a program, no argument


Initializes random number generator, needs to be invoked once in the program, no return value


Integer, selects the pseudo random series


The maximum a random number can go up to

Ranged Number Idiom

Take a remainder of that range

Example of Ranged Number Idiom

Random number between 0 and 9:
int myRandValue = rand() % 10;


Named collection of statements that can be called later in the program

Predefined Function

Libraries of code that can be called in programs through an include directive

Programmer-Defined Function

Function that the programmer creates to call later in the program


The value accepted by the function to use in a computation


Local variables of the callee that are initialized to the value of arguments at invocation

Return Value

Value computed by the function

Function Call/Function Invocation

Executing function code from elsewhere in program


Function that invokes another


Function that is being invoked

Function Definition

Specifies instructions that the function executes


returnType functionName (parameter)


Includes collection of statements and return statement

Function Prototype

Declares the function

Function Prototype Expanded Form

Mentions parameter types and names: names are optional but sometimes desirable for clarity EX: int add1 (int i);

Function Prototype Abbreviated Form

Mentions only parameter type EX: int add1 (int);

Local Variable

Variable that can only be used inside a specific block

Global Constant

A constant declared outside any function definition


Area in which a variable can be used


Changing the value of the parameters ( does not affect values of the original arguments)

Executable Statement

Machine code is generated by the compiler. EX: assignment statement, looping/branching constructs, function invocation

Non-executable Statement

No machine code generated. EX function prototypes, variable and constant declaration, #include directives

header file

A file that is found in the same directory as the rest of the code. Called on with #include "filename.h

How is a header file different from an include file?

they are actually the same

What is the difference between include <filename> and #include "filename.h

include "filename.h" calls a file that is in the same directory as your code while #include <filename> is found in a standard system-dependent

Why are programs included in multiple files?

It makes the program easier to maintain and allows the programs to be compiled separately

Object File

Unlinked machine code files from source code

How are object files related to a multiple-file program?

The source program and include files are compiled into an object file


Turning an object file into executable code

How are multi-file programs linked?

#include "filename.fileExtention

Multiple Inclusion Protection

Structuring a header file in case of multiple inclusion of a specific file

Void Function

A function that does not return a value, can only be used as a standalone statement, Void is specified as return type


Can a Void Function be invoked as an expression?


Function whose return value is boolean

How can a Predicate be used?

As an expression in a looping or branching construct

Program Stack

Means of RAM allocation for local function variables

Function Frame

Unit of call stack allocation

Active Frame

Frame of currently executing function


Passing arguments to a function copies the actual value of an argument into the formal parameter of the function


Parameter passing discipline that allows the function to modify the arguments, it assigns parameter the same memory location as argument, affects the argument

How are Call-By-Value and Call-By-Reference different syntactically?

Call-By-Reference has an & before the identifiers of the parameters


Can an expression be passed by reference?


List of statements enclosed in curly brackets

What is the difference between a while and a do-while loop?

A Do-While loop will run the statement once then check for correct iteration, a While loop will only check for correct iteration


A loop that tracks the amount of iterations the loop execute

Init Statement

Initialization statement, first statement executed in a loop

Loop Variable

Variable declared inside for, declared inside of loop and scope is inside body of loop


Exits the innermost loop


Skips the remaining statements and start new iteration

Iterate and Keep Track Idiom

Declare variable before loop and output variable after loop to see result

Nested Iterative Construct

One iterative construct inside of another, may be more than two loops deep, all loops can be nested together, loop body may contain other code


Named group of statements carrying out a particular task that accepts values and computes the result

Function Name

Identifier distinguishing the function from others


The value accepted by the function to use in computation

Return Value

Value computed by the function

Function Call/Function Invocation

Executing function code from elsewhere in program

Nested Function Call

Use of one function call as argument to another

In expression Function Invocation

Return value replaces invocation in expression evaluation

Example of in expression function invocation

result = sqrt(9.0 - myVar * 5)

Standalone Function Invocation

Return value is ignored

Example of Standalone Function Invocation


Predefined Function

Libraries of code that can be reused in programs

Function may have more than one argument

result = pow(myVar, 55);

An argument is an arbitrary expression

result = sqrt(myVar * 2 + 9.0);

How is an include directive related to predefined functions?

Specific include directives must be used to use certain predefined functions

Include Directive

Libraries that are already in the C++ language

What are type changing functions and why are they needed?

Functions that can change the type of a variable for a specific situation. Needed to correctly operate between variables of different types

Type Casting

Explicit type conversion

Example of Type Casting

double c=static_cast<double>(a)/b;

Type Coercion

Implicit type conversion

Example of Type Coercion

double c = a + 30;


Returns number of seconds since 01/01/1970, good for initializing unique series, needs <ctime>


Returns a new integer random number in the series, can be used multiple times in a program, no argument


Initializes random number generator, needs to be invoked once in the program, no return value


Integer, selects the pseudo random series


The maximum a random number can go up to

Ranged Number Idiom

Take a remainder of that range

Example of Ranged Number Idiom

Random number between 0 and 9:
int myRandValue = rand() % 10;


Named collection of statements that can be called later in the program

Predefined Function

Libraries of code that can be called in programs through an include directive

Programmer-Defined Function

Function that the programmer creates to call later in the program


The value accepted by the function to use in a computation


Local variables of the callee that are initialized to the value of arguments at invocation

Return Value

Value computed by the function

Function Call/Function Invocation

Executing function code from elsewhere in program


Function that invokes another


Function that is being invoked

Function Definition

Specifies instructions that the function executes


returnType functionName (parameter)


Includes collection of statements and return statement

Function Prototype

Declares the function

Function Prototype Expanded Form

Mentions parameter types and names: names are optional but sometimes desirable for clarity EX: int add1 (int i);

Function Prototype Abbreviated Form

Mentions only parameter type EX: int add1 (int);

Local Variable

Variable that can only be used inside a specific block

Global Constant

A constant declared outside any function definition


Area in which a variable can be used


Changing the value of the parameters ( does not affect values of the original arguments)

Executable Statement

Machine code is generated by the compiler. EX: assignment statement, looping/branching constructs, function invocation

Non-executable Statement

No machine code generated. EX function prototypes, variable and constant declaration, #include directives

header file

A file that is found in the same directory as the rest of the code. Called on with #include "filename.h

How is a header file different from an include file?

they are actually the same

What is the difference between include <filename> and #include "filename.h

include "filename.h" calls a file that is in the same directory as your code while #include <filename> is found in a standard system-dependent

Why are programs included in multiple files?

It makes the program easier to maintain and allows the programs to be compiled separately

Object File

Unlinked machine code files from source code

How are object files related to a multiple-file program?

The source program and include files are compiled into an object file


Turning an object file into executable code

How are multi-file programs linked?

#include "filename.fileExtention

Multiple Inclusion Protection

Structuring a header file in case of multiple inclusion of a specific file

Void Function

A function that does not return a value, can only be used as a standalone statement, Void is specified as return type


Can a Void Function be invoked as an expression?


Function whose return value is boolean

How can a Predicate be used?

As an expression in a looping or branching construct

Program Stack

Means of RAM allocation for local function variables

Function Frame

Unit of call stack allocation

Active Frame

Frame of currently executing function


Passing arguments to a function copies the actual value of an argument into the formal parameter of the function


Parameter passing discipline that allows the function to modify the arguments, it assigns parameter the same memory location as argument, affects the argument

How are Call-By-Value and Call-By-Reference different syntactically?

Call-By-Reference has an & before the identifiers of the parameters


Can an expression be passed by reference?