Exam 1 Practice for Final

Which of the following is an example of a plant family


Which of the following is not true in regards to using scientific names over common names

Common names are used internationally to refer to a particular plant

Which is the correct way to write the scientific name for Variegated Spider Plant

Chlorophytum commosum 'Variegatum'

The best choice of container type for a plant that prefers to stay dry for the plant owner who tends to over-water is

unglazed clay container with drainage holes

What is the most common cause of houseplant death

Improper watering

It is always safer to __ a plant than to __

under-water; over-water

Another term for asexual propagation is

Vegetative propagation

In regards to light intensity, a __ exposure receives the greatest intensity for the longest period, while a __ exposure receives the least intensity for the shortest period

south-facing; north-facing

When watering plants by any method, you should do all the following except

Allow the container to sit in water for an extended period of time

__ is a plant response in which the plant bends in one direction toward light. It can be corrected by periodically __

Phototropism; rotating the plant

The most challenging aspect of growing herbs indoors is

Adequate light

How often should you water a plant

As needed depending on the water requirements of the specific plant

Which of the following is the best fertilizer formulation for most house plants


The three principle elements required by plants are

Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium

When applying fertilizer to your plants, it is important to

Apply when the media is moist

Plants are most susceptible to pests when the plants are


A common maintenance practice for many plants is pinching to control growth. When pinching or pruning a plant, you should always

Cut just above a node

Black sooty mold is

A mold that grows on "honeydew" that is secreted when a plant is infested by piercing/sucking insects

Piercing/sucking types of insects are common pests that affect our houseplants and can cause serious damage. Which of the following is not a piercing/sucking type of insect


Fungus gnats rarely cause much damage to plants; they are mostly just a nuisance. The most effective and sustainable means of controlling fungus gnats is to

Allow the soil to dry out a bit