AP 2452K Final exam 1/3 (Martini chapters 18, 19, 22)

This hormone is released in response to PTH and its actions are synergistic to PTH.


A crime scene investigator found that a biological fluid sample contains a large amount of IgA-type antibody. This fluid is probably


Stress can affect the immune response in all of the following ways except by

inhibiting glucocorticoid release.

The various classes of immunoglobulins are differentiated on the basis of their

heavy-chain constant segments

All of the following are true of the primary response of humoral immunity except that

it depends on memory B cells.

Macrophages develop from


Alpha cells are to ________ as beta cells are to ________.

glucagon; insulin

Most of the iron that is removed from degraded hemoglobin is

recycled to the red bone marrow.

The function of red blood cells is to

carry oxygen to the cells and then carry away carbon dioxide.

A red blood cell that contains excessive amounts of hemoglobin would be called


During a bacterial infection you would expect to see increased numbers of


The pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production by the mammary glands is


The merging of ________ forms the right lymphatic duct.

the right jugular, right subclavian, and right bronchomediastinal trunks

All of the following are functions of blood except

generating action potentials

The portions of an antigen to which antibodies bind are the

antigenic determinant sites

Blood that has clotting proteins removed is termed


The process of fibrinolysis

dissolves clots

Place the following steps of NK cell killing in order.
1. Secretion of perforin
2. Realignment of Golgi apparatus
3. Lysis of abnormal cell
4. Recognition and adhesion

4, 2, 1, 3

The most abundant component of plasma is

water (92%)

If a diabetic patient received too much insulin, the low blood sugar could be corrected by injecting


The function of hemoglobin is to

carry dissolved blood gases.

A small white blood cell with a large round nucleus would be a


Which of the following is not a property of an IgG heavy chain?

binds antigen at both ends

A kinase is an enzyme that performs


A person's blood type is determined by the

presence of specific glycoproteins on the cell membrane

The process of lymphopoiesis occurs mainly in the

red bone marrow

Which group of hormones cause an anti-inflammatory action?


Approximately 45 percent of blood volume is composed of the

formed elements

Which of the following vitamins is needed for the formation of clotting factors?

Vitamin K

During fetal development the primary site(s) of red blood cell production is/are

Liver and spleen

Each hemoglobin molecule contains

four iron atoms

Leslie has a severe sore throat and the lymph nodes in her neck are swollen. This would indicate that

the lymph nodes contain an increased number of lymphocytes

Cells that help regulate the immune response are ________ cells.

Helper T

The heart secretes the hormone

atrial natriuretic peptide

The extrinsic pathway of coagulation is initiated by the

release of tissue factor (Factor III) by damaged endothelium.

Follicle cells synthesize a protein called


In an experimental situation, a rabbit is exposed to a viral antigen to which it makes antibodies. These antibodies are then purified and injected into a human with the same viral disease. This is an example of

passive immunization

Suppressor T cells act to

inhibit T and B cell activities.

A fibrin network that contains trapped blood cells and platelets is called a(n)

blood clot

The pituitary hormone that controls the release of glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex is


The first line of cellular defense against pathogens are the


T cells and B cells can be activated only by

exposure to a specific antigen at a specific site in a plasma membrane

If the thymus shrank and stopped making thymosins, we would expect to see an immediate decrease in the number of

T cells

Tissue factor is a factor in the ________ pathway.


The total volume of blood in the body of a 76-kg man is approximately ________ liters.


Where does the chemical reaction between thyroglobulin and iodine take place?

in the follicle cavity

Lymphatic capillaries are known for all of the following except

allowing nutrient and gas exchange.

________ are clusters of lymphatic nodules deep to the epithelial lining of the small intestine.

Peyer's patches

Natural killer cells are one of the functional classes of


Which of the following directly regulates the secretion of insulin?

blood glucose concentration

A hormone might

alter a membrane channel by changing its shape, thereby affecting what can go through it.

Class II MHC molecules are found on which of the following?

lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells

Reduction of fluid losses at the kidneys due to the retention of Na+ is the action of


Helper T- cells do all of the following except

provide a rapid response to a future exposure to the antigen.

Dividing lymphocytes can be found in the ________ of the lymphatic nodule

Germinal Center

Which of the following substances activates protein kinases and thus acts as a second messenger?

cyclic AMP

Red blood cell production is regulated by the hormone


Hormones called ________ are involved in regulation of white blood cell populations

colony-stimulating factors

________ are fixed macrophages found in the liver.

Kupffer cells

A person whose platelet count is 40,000/�l is suffering from


Hormonal actions on cells affect all of the following except

thickness of the plasma membrane

Anti-A and Anti-B blood typing antibodies are of which class?


The term lymphadenopathy refers to

a chronic or excessive enlargement of lymph nodes.

In adults, erythropoiesis exclusively takes place in

red bone marrow

Jane has Type A blood; therefore, she

has antibodies to B agglutinogens.

A T cell can only become activated after being physically or chemically stimulated by the abnormal target cell in a process called


A measure of antibody level in the plasma is

antibody titer

Upon binding of a single first messenger to a plasma membrane, thousands of second messengers may become activated. This effect is known as


In an emergency situation, a patient may be given plasma expanders while blood typing occurs. The plasma expanders are used to

increase blood volume and maintain osmolarity

All of the following are true of steroid hormones except that they...
-bind to receptors within the cell.
-are produced by reproductive glands.
-are derived from cholesterol.
-are lipids.
-are produced by the adrenal medulla.

are produced by the adrenal medulla.

The thyroid gland is composed of many ________ that produce and store thyroid hormone.


The phase of hemostasis that involved clotting of blood is called


Each of the following hormones is an amino acid derivative except
Each of the following hormones is an amino acid derivative except
A.) testosterone.
B.) thyroid hormone.
C.) epinephrine.
D.) norepinephrine.
E.) melatonin.


Adipocytes produce a peptide hormone called ________ that acts on the hypothalamus.


A hormone that helps to regulate the sodium ion content of the body is


Partial antigens that do not cause B cell activation alone are called


The hormone related to appetite control is


Which of the following would you expect to see in increased numbers in a peripheral blood sample after donating a unit of blood?


If the hypophyseal portal system is destroyed, the hypothalamus would no longer be able to control the secretion of which of the following hormones?


When hemoglobin does not have oxygen bound to hemoglobin it is termed


The phagocytic antigen-presenting cells belong to the ________ group.


Hormones from the adrenal cortex that regulate electrolyte balance are


Erythropoiesis is stimulated when

blood flow to the kidney declines.

A moving blood clot is called a(n)


The function of platelets is to assist in the

process called hemostasis.

Lymphatic capillaries are not found in

cornea of eye

The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland can be divided into three parts: the pars distalis, the pars intermedia, and the pars


Types of WBCs (leukocytes) - see image here - all WBC's originate from bone marrow but some multiply + become non-naive in the lymph node (lymph drainage acts as a sewer system of antigens; cell recognizes antigen, goes from na�ve ? activated; multiplies)

What formed element of blood begins as a megakaryocyte.
