Social Work 2

3-1. Of the following, which represents the most accurate description of a social system?
a) Families, work groups, play groups, and organizations are social systems, although neighborhoods and communities are not.
b) A social system is a group of people


3-2. With respect to transactions, ____ refer(s) to the resources and opportunities available to the system.
a) processing
b) inputs
c) providing and receiving feedback
d) outputs


3-3. The resources available to a system are referred to as ___.
a) output
b) feedback
c) input
d) processing


3-4. Which of the following most accurately applies a social systems view to Alanda Morrison and her family?
a) Alanda is part of the Morrison family's environment.
b) Alanda is a subsystem of the Morrison family.
c) The Morrison family is a subsystem of


3-5. Ted Anderson is taking a course on social work and systems theory. He can expect that the social work perspective will be characterized as ___.
a) atomistic
b) holistic
c) transactional
d) social interactionist


3-6. In the information and energy exchange, the selection, analysis, synthesis, and utilization of environmental resources is called ___.
a) output
b) feedback
c) input
d) processing


3-7. Jane's social work class is learning about the theoretical underpinnings of the ecosystems perspective. Jane now knows that the ecosystems perspective incorporates ideas from ___.
a) psychoanalytic theories
b) general systems theory and ecology
c) hu


3-8. Alex is evaluating and making modifications to his actions based on comments he receives from his peers. With respect to transactional exchanges, which element is he using?
a) input
b) output
c) feedback
d) processing


3-9. Pearle Jensen is one of several elderly persons who has need of community-based services in order to return to her own home after hospitalization. If the social worker considers the person :environment focus, intervention planning will focus on ___.


3-10. As a generalist social worker, Kari knows that ___.
a) an individual's problems require individual or micro-focused solutions
b) the sources of both problems and solutions may be located in larger social structures
c) the sources of both problems an


3-11. In relation to intervention, the person:environment focus ___.
a) mandates a dual focus on the person and environment
b) mandates a focus on the person rather than the environment
c) mandates a focus on the environment rather than the person
d) has


3-12. Effective social functioning means that clients ___.
a) activate personal, interpersonal, and institutional resources to deal with difficulties
b) are vulnerable to the onset of problems Answer
c) experience difficulties that result in their inabili


3-13. Which of the following persons is most likely considered "at risk" in social functioning?
a) someone who is serving time in prison
b) a person with a disability who is underemployed
c) a family caught up in serious communication conflicts
d) an olde

c or b

3-15. Which of the following is not an example of environmental press?
a) unemployment
b) discrimination
c) environmental resources
d) architectural barriers


3-16. Sarina is a family counselor. Her typical day-to-day activities most likely reflect ___.
a) microlevel intervention
b) mezzolevel intervention
c) macrolevel intervention
d) working with the profession


3-17. Helen Washington's direct work with the Morrison family represents ___.
a) microlevel intervention
b) mezzolevel intervention
c) macrolevel intervention
d) working with the profession


3-18. Of the following, which is the best example of a mezzolevel target of change? Question here.
a) family members
b) an organization
c) a community
d) a legislative initiative


3-19. Roberta's job in child welfare involves legislative advocacy. Her legislative advocacy most likely represents
a) microlevel intervention
b) mezzolevel intervention
c) macrolevel intervention
d) working with the profession


3-20. Louis facilitates a strategic planning initiative for a local corporate organization. This work most likely represents ___.
a) microlevel intervention
b) mezzolevel intervention
c) macrolevel intervention
d) working with the profession


3-21. Social planning to create social change represents ___.
a) microlevel intervention
b) mezzolevel intervention
c) macrolevel intervention
d) working with the social work profession


3-22. Janelle presents her research on the benefits of social supports to family caregivers at a regional NASW conference. Her involvement in this conference most likely represents ___.
a) microlevel intervention
b) mezzolevel intervention
c) macrolevel i


3-23. Kelly finds that her associations with professional colleagues help to build her professional identity, and that her participation in peer review processes have helped her develop her professional skills. Kelly's activities represent ___.
a) microle


3-24. Casework ___.
a) encompasses work with individuals and their families
b) emphasizes reforming individuals' moral character
c) involves work with individuals but not with families
d) focuses on analyzing case records


3-25. The integrated generalist model means that generalist social workers ___.
a) Primarily define their method as casework
b) are Jacks (or Jills) of all trades and masters of none
c) focus on the interactions between people and their environments Answe


3-26. From the point of view of transactions, feedback is the element that completes the loop of information and energy exchange.


3-27. Neighborhood systems are usually more highly organized than family systems.


3-28. Generalist social workers believe the source of issues and needs is always within individuals.


3-29. All systems are parts of larger systems.


3-30. As an empowerment-oriented social worker, Jake is likely to focus his work on helping his clients adapt to their environments.


3-31. Enriched environments create the conditions of environmental press that affect individuals' levels of social functioning


3-32. Generalist social workers limit the focus of their work to a single system level.


3-33. Social reform results from mezzolevel interventions.


3-34. Community organizing, organizational development, and social reform are all strategies associated with group work.


3-35. Casework is the only traditional social work method.


4-1. Jose is a professional social worker at the State Department of Human Services. Jose most likely works for a ___.
a) private agency
b) sectarian agency
c) professional association
d) public agency


4-2. Heather a social worker at Run and Play Day Care, is compiling material for the day care's United Way funding
application. Run and Play Daycare is most likely a ___.
a) private agency
b) primary setting
c) professional association
d) public agency


4-3. Amy Hartmann is employed as a professional staff member by a national association for family service workers. Her job responsibilities are LEAST likely to include ___.
a) family counseling
b) policy development
c) research
d) information clearinghous


4-4. Which of the following is the LEAST likely source for creating a voluntary agency?
a) a state mandate
b) a fraternal order
c) a religious organization
d) a state mandate


4-5. The Child Welfare League of America, the Alliance for Children and Families, and the American Public Human Service
Organization are examples of ___.
a) agencies
b) host settings
c) associations
d) public auspices


4-6. Granger is employed as a social worker in a primary setting. In which setting is he most likely employed?
a) a school
b) a family service agency
c) a hospital
d) a home health agency


4-7. Reginald has been hired for a social work position in a home health care agency. He most will be working in a(n ___.
a) primary setting
b) professional association setting
c) independent practice setting
d) host setting


4-8. Sue Olson is employed as a social worker in a host setting. She is most likely employed in a(n) ___.
a) family service agency
b) school
c) mental health center
d) urban social service planning agency


4-9. The Jewish Federation's Family Service Agency is an example of a(n) ___.
a) independent practice setting
b) sectarian social service agency
c) professional association
d) nonsectarian social service agency

4-10. The Jewish Federation, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Service, and Church World Service are all ___.
a) ecumenical agencies
b) public agencies funded by religious bodies
c) sectarian agencies
d) non-sectarian agencies c

4-11. Maria, a licensed social worker, is a partner in a private practice, Social Work Associates. This arrangement is most likely a ___.
a) not-for-profit social service agency
b) sectarian social service agency
c) public social service agency
d) for-pro


4-12. Which is least characteristic of urban settings?
a) obvious poverty
b) unemployment
c) wide array of social services
d) homogeneous population


4-13. Harold Clarke is hoping to work for an agency located in a rural area. Which of the following is he MOST likely to encounter?
a) easily accessible services
b) a high density population
c) well-developed natural helping networks
d) adequate health ca


4-14. Imposing rules and regulations to restrict access to services is a form of ___.
a) Privatization
b) a request for proposal
c) purchase of service contracting
d) bureaucratic disentitlement


4-15. Documents that specify the guidelines for applications and indicate any restrictions on the availability of grant money are ___.
a) requests for proposals
b) purchase of service contracts
c) endowments
d) bureaucratic titles


4-16. The state agency on aging services is going to offer grant funding for cutting edge community support services for older adults. In order to solicit grant applications, the agency will most likely issue a ___.
a) purchase of service contract
b) requ


4-17. The trend toward ___ has resulted in increased numbers of for-profit businesses delivering social services.
a) bureaucratic disentitlement
b) fees-for-services
c) privatization
d) sectarian settings for social welfare services


4-18. The expansion of entrepreneurial business ventures in social service delivery represents ___.
a) competitive funding
b) bureaucratic disentitlement
c) agency turfism
d) privatization


4-19. The origins of business ventures in the social service delivery network can be traced to ___.
a) the Social Security Act of 1935
b) the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996
c) the Medicare and Medicaid Amendments o


4-20. Funding resources are extremely limited in the community's agency for the homeless. The board of directors has decided that services should be offered only to those who seem to be highly motivated and "reachable." This policy illustrates ___.
a) com


4-21. Dena is an intake worker at a township social service agency. Part of her job involves screening clients for emergency
needs. This facet of her job involves ___.
a) privatization of services
b) social triage
c) bureaucratic disentitlement
d) purchas


4-22. Gene, who recently earned his Associate's degree, is a client advocate/caseworker aid with the local agency serving
persons with disabilities. He is most likely a ___..
a) paraprofessional
b) licensed social worker
c) specialized professional
d) bas


4-23. Lucille serves as a board member for the local family service agency. She is a(n) ______ volunteer.
a) administrative
b) advocacy
c) direct service
d) policy making


4-24. Which of the following characteristics is typical of self-help groups?
a) theory-based intervention
b) avoidance of social policy issues
c) mutual participation of the helper and the persons being helped
d) positive relationships with social work pr


4-25. The service-user involvement movement ___.
a) is limited to participation in self-help groups
b) has a singular focus on social policies
c) provides a venue for redressing power inequities
d) creates barriers to consumer involvement


4-26. There are clear lines of demarcation, that is, very few interconnections, between private and public sector agencies.


4-27. Social workers practicing in voluntary agencies volunteer their professional services.


4-28. Agencies that have a nonprofit status return their profits to investors.


4-29. Few, if any, states regulate the independent practice of social work.


4-30. Social workers practicing in international settings are likely to work in rural settings.


4-31. Federal and state funds supply both public- and private-sector social services.


4-32. Large corporations play a minor role, if any at all, in the delivery of social services.


4-33. Studies indicate that volunteers are least likely involved in direct service roles in social service agencies.


4-34. Given the security of firewalls and other privacy protection strategies, social workers do not need to be concerned with potential breaches of confidentiality in their use of computer-based information systems.


4-35. Ideally, coordinated services involve a broad base of stakeholders - consumers, providers, and community members - in a process that develops service delivery policies.


3-14. Typically, prevention activities targets social functioning that is ___.
a) abnormal
b) at risk
c) maladaptive
d) dysfunctional
