US HIS Mid_Term Exam Review

Who discovered the new world

Christopher Columbus

What is the name of the explorer who reached the Newfoundland

John Cabot

Who organized Spanish expedition to the East Indies and commanded the first ships that sailed completely around the world

Ferdinand Magellan

Who enforced discipline from 2 Thes. 3:10 in the Jamestown colony

John Smiith

In the winter of 1609-1610, what colony faced the "starving time"that resulted in about 90 percent of colony death?


One reason that Georgia was founded

colony for debtors

Settlers come to America for the following reasons except:

fighting the British

Who. brought peace between Powhatan and English


Dissenter who taught heresy?

Anne Hutchinson

member of Quaker and wanted a peaceful and loved based society?

William Penn

Founder of Maryland

Lord Baltimore

Founder of GA

James Oglethorpe

Founder of NY and New Jersey

Dutch (Henry Hudson and Peter Minuit)

Founder of Pennsylvania

William Penn

GA was founded ONLY as a military buffer zone against Spanish Florida


Maryland was founded as a refuge for Catholics


Sea Dogs were SPANISH ships attacking ENGLISH fleets


Martin Luther preached that salvation is the work of God


Joint-Stock company is a company whose investor share profits


Mercantilists believe that nation's wealth consist of precious metals


Which innovation helped the New World

ALL(Compass, Astrolobe, Caravel)

Who disobeyed the governor of Cuba and conquered the strongest Indian tribe in Mexico?

Hernando Cortes

Sailing on behalf of Spain, who was the first to explore Florida peninsula in 1513?

Juan Ponce de Leon

Who found the Grand Canyon

Francisco de Coronado

Who financed 2 attempts to colonize the New World in an area that he called Virginia?

Sir Walter Raleigh

A colony that was governed by a trade company was called


An indenture was

work contract

America's first college


First American cash cop, AKA "Precious Stink


Holy Experiment" refer the state of


If someone paid for his passage to the New World, the Virginia Company offered him

a headright

The settlers from England who moved to Holland and finally to MA were called the


Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony

John Winthrop

The contract of government drawn up by those on the Mayflower

Mayflower Compact

Dissenter of MA?

Roger Williams

Which was/were the largest group/groups of non- English settlers

Both Dutch and Germans

An important food that Europeans discovered in America


what happened to the population with immigration and high birth rate

population increased

Important source(s) that was used to create houses in colonial times?

All of the above (stone, brick, and wood)

Who founded the Anglican Church/Church of England

Henry VIII (VIII= 8)

Which groups believe that the idea of covenant was the key to understand Bible


Descriptions of church in colonial America?

Plain buildings that were often found in the center of towns

Fictional character that was a house servant?


Fictional character that was a rice farmer?


key part(s) of church services in colonial America

All of the above (Sermon, Singing, and prayer)

no Holy Spirit, no spiritual revival


Many were in the Spiritual lull before the beginning of Great Awakening


Half-Way Covenant increased the number of CONVERTED church members


Puritans believe the basic doctrine of reformation


Malaria claims lives in SC in early colonial days


A pennysheet was paper money that is equivalent to a penny

F (Penny does not exist back then)

Wigs were popular ONLY with bald men

F (wigs r cool)

Indenture Servants work for REMAINS OF THEIR LIVES for the person who paid their passage to the New World


A wigmaker "dressed" wigs with powder and perfume


A favorite American Beverage after the Boston Tea Party was hot cocoa


Puritans wore ONLY dark clothing and did not listen to music


Women in the colonies married much later than women in Europe

F ( No empirical support)

A popular addition to colonial plantation houses was a roofed porch called a piazza


The infant death rate in the colonies, in the late 17th century, was higher than in Europe

F (No empirical evidence)

Who burn 300 protestants and reinstate Catholicism in England?

Queen Mary

Greatest theologian of the Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards

Most outstanding evangelist during Great Awakening

George Whitefield

Founder of First baptist Church in America

Roger Williams

Revived Anglicanism in England

Queen Elizabeth I

Taught about the significance of holy living and founded "log college

Gilbert Tennent

The act that gives the Parliament the right to pass any law regarding to colonial affairs

Declaratory Act

Prohibited settlement beyond the Appalachians

Proclamation of 1763

Placed Internal tax and items produced on colonies

Stamp Act

Placed taxes on glass, paint, paper, and tea

Townshend Act

Colonists have to feed and house British soldiers

Quartering Act

Place tariff/tax on certain imported goods in colonies

Sugar Act

Robert de La Salle claimed Louisiana region in 1692

F (1682)

Queen Anne's, King William's and King George's War all sparked the beginning of French and Indian War


Guerilla warfare were sudden surprise attack by small, hidden groups


Both General Wolfe and general Montclam died at the Battle of Monmouth

F (wrong battle)

Boston Massacre was an incident at which British soldiers killed 5 colonists


Who fought for the cause of independence


British-paid German soldiers


Special units of militiamen




citizen soldiers


professional, full-time soldiers


Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of history


At the battle of Bunker Hill, Patriots were forced to retreat while British took NO losses


Battle of Monmouth was a draw


British won the battle of King Mountain


Treaty of Paris 1783 awarded US all the land WEST of Mississippi river

F (east)

Command in chief of Virginia forces

George Washington

Swamp Fox

Francis Marion

Last major battle of the Revolutionary War

Battle of Yorktown

President chosen in election of 1796

John Adams

President chosen in election of 1800

Thomas Jefferson

Vice-President chosen in election of 1796

Thomas Jefferson

Vice-President chosen in election of 1800

Aaron Burr

the Act that restrict immigrants

Alien Act

Writer of ordinance of 1784

Thomas Jefferson

First President of the United States

George Washington

Who led an uprising among farmers in Massachusetts

Daniel Shays


Alexander Hamilton

Father of the Constitution

James Madison

the NY governor that used the pen name "Cato

George Clinton

the head of Department of War

Henry Knox

Who negotiated with the British and come back with a treaty that avoided war with Britain

John Jay (NOT ADAMS)

Who offered the Great Compromise?

Roger Sherman

Attorney general in Washington's cabinet

Edmund Randolph

Washington chose Thomas Jefferson as head of Department of State


First ten amendments were called Judiciary act


Federalists were sometimes called Jeffersonians

F (Hamiltonians)

Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality to avoid involvement with the war b/t France and Britain


Citizen Genet tried to stir up pro french feelings to persuade America to side with French


Result of Jay Treaty: avoided war with France

F (Britain)

Washington served THREE terms


Thomas Jefferson was elected as President in 1796

F (1800)

In election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams tied in electoral college


In Washington's farewell address, he urge the country to avoid political ties to Europe


Oliver Hazard Perry

Battle of Lake Erie

Monroe's Secretary of State

John Quincy Adams

Who sent worships to fight barbary pirates

Thomas Jefferson

British Armies won here while marching to DC

Battle of Bladensburg

Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?

Francis Scott Key

His Picture was rescued when the British attacked DC

George Washington

Andrew Jackson is the commander in which battle

New Orleans

Whose expedition occurred about the same time Lewis and Clark were exploring?

Zebulon Pike

Europeans should not intervene in the Western hemisphere

Monroe (Monroe Doctrine)

US nation anthem was written during this battle

Fort McHenry

President during war of 1812

James Madison

US commander during the battle of Tippecanoe

William Henry Harrison

Barbary Pirates was defeated here


Tecumseh's brother was defeated here


Black Hawk was an Indian Leader who waged war in Illinois


DEPENDENT Treasury was Van Buren's replacement for state banks

F (Independent)

Nullification is a doctrine proposed by John Adams


National Road was an internal improvement ending in Vandalia, Illinois


pet was the name for states banks in which Jackson placed federal deposits

T (sounds weird but ok)

How much was the Louisiana Purchase

15 million

The Reason that President Madison gave for going to war against Britains?

All of the Above (Impressment, hindrance of trade, stirring up trouble by encouraging Indians)

Case that established judicial review

Marbury v. Madison

loyalty and devotion to one's nation


Winner of 1836 Election

Martin Van Buren

Winner of 1840 election

William Henry Harrison

Series of Religious services held outdoors

camp meeting

Founder of Mormonism

Joseph Smith

Father of American Methodism

Francis Asbury

First African American Episcopel Church bishop

Richard Allen

traveling between different settlements to preach

circuit riding

set a date for Christ's return

William Miller

developed new measures

Charles Finney

Early proponent of transcendentalism

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lead the revival at Yale

Timothy Dwight

Believe that God created the universe and left it alone


developed interchangeable parts

Eli Whitney

perfected the plow

John Deere

inventor of telegraph

Samuel F.B. Morse

Militant abolitionist

William Lloyd Garrison

Brought textile manufacturing to America

Samuel Slater

Author of Eclectic reader series

William H. McGuffey

Reformer in mental health

Dorothea Dix

Developed the first successful steam boat

Robert Fulton

American Missionary to Burma

Adoniram Judson

Led dozens of slaves to freedom

Harriet Tubman

Creator of this set
