Chapter 4

The most profitable product for Cyrene was

medicinal herbs

Irrigation in Iran was different than other areas because of the large desert plain. How did they compensate for this?

vertical shafts provided access to underground irrigation

Iran's mineral resources, though exploited on a limited scale in antiquity, included which of the following?

all of the above (copper, iron, gold, silver)

The Medes were the first Iranian people to

reach a complex level of political organization

The founder of the Achaemenid Persian empire in 550 BC was


Early Iranian social organization was


After uniting Media, Anatolia, Lydia, and Persia, Cyrus conquered


Cyrus and his son ruled their empire by following a practical approach of

respecting local priests and native traditions

Persia, under the rule of Darius, was divided into 20 provinces and administered by

Satraps or hereditary provincial governors

Which was not a method by which the Persians strengthened their empire?

Using a unified, comprehensive law code like Hammurabi's

Though Greek sources depict elite Persian women as political pawns, recent findings suggest that Persian women of the elite class

owned property and had political influence

Which of the following most directly contributed to the interconnectedness of the persian empire under Darius?

Well-maintained and patrolled roads

Who would not have traveled with the emperor's entourage in persia?

magi (priests)

Darius established the administrative center of his empire in Susa, however, he began an imperial and ceremonial center for the empire in


Which of the following is not a tenet of Zoroastrianism?

belief in the reincarnation of the dead

Although Greece is described as "resource poor" in the chapter, it economically prospered

through access to foreign resources, markets, and ideas

Which of the following best describes the geography and resources of Ancient Greece?

all of the above
(numerous islands, limited arable land, many natural harbors, plentiful olives, grapes, and barley)

Greece was organized into city states called


Despite the adoption of their alphabetic system from the Phoenicians, literacy in greece

remained elusive for several centuries, relying on oral traditions

After emergence from the Dark Ages, the population of Greece increased as much as five-fold. Which of the following was not a reason for the population increase?

dramatic increases in agriculture needed more labor sources

The fortified high point of the polis which offered refuge in an emergency was the


the greek dark age was a period of

poverty, isolation, and depopulation

The Archaic period in Greece began

because of the renewed contacts with Phoenicia

Which change inaugurated the advent of the Greek Archaic Period around 800 BCE?

When Phoenician ships started visiting the Aegean Sea

Which of the following is not true of Greek poleis or city-states?

They featured an acropolis and an agora

Close formed ranks of soldiers, called up in times of war, were called


coins were significant in all of the following ways except

they were used to pay the professional soldiers

The term the Greeks used to describe someone who seized and held power in violation of political norms of the community was called a


The emerging middle classes in Greece were constituted by which group of people?

craftsmen and merchants

An oligarchy is a society in which

the wealthy members of society have political power

The Greek concept of democracy included political participation by all free, native-born, adult males and this group:

all Athenians

The Greek gods and goddesses were seen as

superhuman and immortal, but otherwise anthropomorphic

The Greeks believed that their gods gave advice through


Worship and sacrifice to the Greek gods was done in the hope of

a bestowal of favors in return

The Archaic Greek development of humanism, a lasting feature of Western civilization, was

a valuing of the uniqueness, rights, and talents of individuals

Greek Philosophers emphasized which perspective of viewing the world?

Rational explanations for the world around them rather than reliance on religious conceptions

An example of the sophistication of the Greek thinkers was the development of the theory that the world is composed of


The father of history in the Western tradition is


One of the primary internal rivals to Athenian power in the Greek empire was


Spartan foreign policy was

cautious and isolated

The Greek leader who led Athens to a full participatory democracy for all males was


The final battle of the Persian wars that defeated Xerxes was at which site?


What was the primary instrument of Athenian naval success?

The trireme

The Persian defeat in the wars with Greece was due to all of the following exept

domestic political tumoil

The first of the three Greek classical philosophers and the one whose actions lead to his trial and execution was


The transition to a literary, rather than orally based, culture is notable in the works of


How does the Peloponnesian War reveal an inherent flaw in Greek society?

The independent poleis fostered rivalry and mistrust among neighbors

The Thesmophoria was

a three day festival of Athenian women

Phillip II planned to invade which area before his untimely death?


Which of the following in not among the policies used by Alexander the Great to control his vast empire?

He promoted local militias

When Alexander the Great died, his vast empire broke into three Macedonian dynasties: The Seleucid, the Antigonid, and the


Which of the following were not "cosmopolitan" featured of Hellenistic societies?

Homogenous societies

The Seleucid kingdom, after the death of Alexander, retained which portion of the empire?


The term Hellenistic Age refers to the

political and cultural influence of Greece over foreign subjects in North Africa and Western Asia

Comparatively late development of irrigation for domesticated agriculture meant that Persia

had less dense population and late urbanization

The period of Iranian history associated with the rule of Cyrus the great was known as


The Greeks added vowel sounds to what system of writing in order to develop the first true alphabet?
