Topic 4: Lymphatic System

Lymph nodules are
Select one:
a. small, bean-shaped structures.
b. the site of erythrocyte production.
c. located in the loose connective tissue of the digestive system.
d. composed of an outer cortex and inner medulla.
e. connected together in a series.

c. located in the loose connective tissue of the digestive system.

Describe the wall of lymphatic capillaries.
Select one:
a. Thin-walled, with tightly joined squamous cells
b. Thin-walled, with tightly joined cuboidal cells
c. Thick-walled, with overlapping squamous cells
d. Thick-walled, with tightly joined squamous ce

e. Thin-walled, with overlapping squamous cells

Peyer patches are lymphatic nodules found in the
Select one:
a. lymph nodes.
b. spleen and tonsils.
c. appendix and tonsils.
d. small intestine and appendix

d. small intestine and appendix

The thymus is where ____ mature and become functional immune cells.
Select one:
a. pre-T cells
b. pre-B cells
c. macrophages
d. null cells
e. C cells.

a. pre-T cells

The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the
Select one:
a. abdomen.
b. upper part of the body.
c. right arm, right chest, and right side of head.
d. right side of the body.
e. left arm, left chest, and left side of head.

c. right arm, right chest, and right side of head.

Nonencapsulated lymphatic tissue called MALT includes all of the following except:
Select one:
a. tonsils.
b. Peyer patches.
c. lymph nodes.
d. diffuse lymphatic tissue.

c. lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes are surrounded by a dense connective tissue called
Select one:
a. cortex.
b. capsule.
c. reticulum.
d. trabeculum.
e. basement membrane.

b. capsule.

Structurally, lymph vessels are most similar to
Select one:
a. veins.
b. arteries.
c. arterioles.
d. capillaries.
e. venules.

a. veins.

The thoracic duct drains lymph into the
Select one:
a. left subclavian vein.
b. right subclavian vein.
c. right internal jugular vein.
d. left brachiocephalic vein.
e. left subclavian artery.

a. left subclavian vein.

The only structures that filter lymph is/are the
Select one:
a. tonsils.
b. spleen.
c. lymph nodes.
d. thymus.

c. lymph nodes.

Which of the following statements concerning the spleen is true?
Select one:
a. Splenic arteries enter the organ at the periarterial sheath.
b. The spleen can act as a blood reservoir.
c. The white pulp is associated with the venous supply.
d. The red pul

b. The spleen can act as a blood reservoir.

The white pulp of the spleen
Select one:
a. contains lymphocytes that can stimulate an immune response.
b. filters lymph as it flows through the spleen.
c. destroys defective red blood cells.
d. stimulates immune responses, filter lymph, and destroys defe

a. contains lymphocytes that can stimulate an immune response.

Bacteria and debris are actively removed from the lymph by _____ in the sinuses of lymph nodes.
Select one:
a. trabecular cells
b. germinal cells
c. macrophages.
d. lymphocytes
e. plasma cells

c. macrophages.

The lymphatic system is involved in
Select one:
a. lipid absorption from the digestive tract.
b. transporting lymph from the intestines to the liver.
c. maintenance of pH in the tissues.
d. production of erythrocytes.
e. protein metabolism.

a. lipid absorption from the digestive tract.

The lymphatic system plays a role in maintaining fluid balance within the body by
Select one:
a. adding lymph to GI tract secretions.
b. returning interstitial fluid to the plasma.
c. transporting lymph from tissues to the liver.
d. carrying excess fluid

b. returning interstitial fluid to the plasma.

Germinal centers are the sites of
Select one:
a. increased blood flow to the lymph nodes.
b. fluid production.
c. increased flow of lymph from infected tissues.
d. entrance of lymph into lymph nodes.
e. proliferation of lymphocytes in the lymph nodes.

e. proliferation of lymphocytes in the lymph nodes.

Select one:
a. increase in size in adults.
b. are located in both the oral and abdominal cavities.
c. provide protection against bacteria entering the oral and nasal cavities.
d. contain red pulp and white pulp.
e. are not functional in children.

c. provide protection against bacteria entering the oral and nasal cavities.

Lymphatic tissue contains an interlaced network of reticular fibers that functions to
Select one:
a. produce lymphocytes.
b. produce capsules around lymph nodes.
c. attack microorganisms.
d. line the walls of lymphatic vessels.
e. trap microorganisms.

e. trap microorganisms.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the lymphatic system?
Select one:
a. Defending from infection caused by microorganisms and other foreign substances.
b. Aiding in erythropoiesis of red blood cells.
c. Maintaining fluid balance by returning exce

b. Aiding in erythropoiesis of red blood cells.

The lymphatic system differs from the cardiovascular system in that
Select one:
a. the lymphatic system only carries fluid away from tissues.
b. the lymphatic vessels have their own "pump" to assist flow.
c. lymph capillaries do not contain any fluid.

a. the lymphatic system only carries fluid away from tissues.