ANP II Exam 3

Which of the following events would cause a decrease in mean arterial blood pressure?

an increase in ADH production

When there is a drop in blood pressure, the body reacts immediately by way of the

baroreceptor mechanism

The chemoreceptor reflexes help maintain homeostasis

when carbon dioxide levels increase

Which of the following would occur as a result of increased renin release by the kidneys?

an increase in blood volume

Lymphocyte proliferation begins by increasing the number of

helper T cells

The lymphatic system differs from the cardiovascular system in that

the lymphatic system only carries fluid away from tissues

The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the

right arm, right chest, and right side of the head

What is the function of thymosin?

maturation of T cells

When innate immunity is activated,

each exposure produces the same response.

The two major types of phagocytic cells are

neutrophils and macrophages

In a patient experiencing a parasitic worm infection, which of the following immune cells will greatly increase in number?


Circulatory changes that occur in inflammation include

increased vascular permeability

Lymph containing a high lipid content is called


Lymphocyte activation can occur in several ways. However, in all cases

lymphocytes must recognize an antigen

Which of the following is true of adaptive immunity?

the second response is faster and stronger than the first response

Antibodies are produced by

B cells that differentiate to form plasma cells.

Which of the following is correctly matched?

IgA - found in saliva and tears

The type of cell responsible for the secondary response is a

memory cell

Cell-mediated immunity would be least effective against

extracellular antigens

A traditional method of providing temporary immunity for a person who is suspected of being infected (usually be an animal bite) with rabies is classified as

passive artificial immunity

Active natural immunity occurs when

an individual develops a disease.

When the inspiratory muscles contract,

thoracic volume increases

During expiration, the alveolar pressure must be

greater than atmospheric pressure

Which of the following functions is associated with the nose?

all of the above (initiating the cough reflex, external respiration, warming the air, producing mucus to trap debris from the air, warming the air and producing mucus to trap debris from the air)

During swallowing, the opening into the larynx is covered by the


The respiratory zone of the tracheobronchial tree includes which of the following?


Which of the following statements regarding the lungs is correct?

the left lung contains two lobes while the right lung contains three lobes

Contraction of the _______ will increase the superior-inferior dimension of the thoracic cavity.


Oxygenated blood is carried to the tissues of the lungs from the heart via the

bronchial arteries

Dr. Wills exhales normally; then, using forced expiration, she exhales as much air as possible. The volume of air still remaining in her lungs is called

residual volume

The volume of air inspired or expired with each breath is the

tidal volume

What is the volume of air that can be forcibly inspired after inspiration of the tidal volume?

inspiratory reserve volume

Most oxygen is carried in the blood _______; but most carbon dioxide is ______.

bound to hemoglobin; associated with bicarbonate ions in the plasma

The pontine respiratory neurons

play a role in switching between inspiration and expiration.

(T/F) Mean arterial pressure (MAP) approximates heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) only. If either HR or SV goes up, so does MAP.


(T/F) Carbon dioxide is the major regulatory chemical that affects ventilation rate and/or depth.


(T/F) The larget of the laryngeal cartilages is the cricoid cartilage, also known as the Adam's apple.


(T/F) Contraction of respiratory muscles are responsible for the movement of air out of the lungs in quiet (relaxed, unstressed) expiration.


The movement of fluid from interstitial spaces into capillaries in response to decrease in blood pressure to maintain blood volume and vice versa is called the ______ mechanism for long term regulation of mean arterial pressure


Any foreign substance (specifically a large molecule) that stimulates the specific immune system is called a


_______ cells are part of cell-mediated immunity while _______ cells are part of antibody-mediated immunity

T; ?

Cytotoxic T cells secrete _______


The _____ is a passageway for both air and food


Hormone that causes increased reabsorption of sodium and water by the kidney


Hormone that causes increased water in the urine


Hormone that causes increased reabsorption of water in the kidney and vasoconstriction


Hormone that converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin and stimulates release of aldosterone


A protein that interferes with virus production and infection


An enzyme found in body fluids such as tears that destroys certain bacteria


Plasma proteins that increase vascular permeability, stimulate the release of histamine, activate kinins, lyse cells, and promote phagocytosis


Stimulate fever production


Released from mast cells, basophils, and platelets. Stimulate mucus and tear production, gland secretion, vascular permeability and vasodilation


Polypeptide derived from plasma proteins that stimulates pain receptors and attracts neutrophils as well as increasing vascular permeability and vasodilation


List two distinct functions of the spleen

removes defective RBC's / removes foreign substances

Identify the correct flow of lymph by putting in correct order, the following vessels starting with lymph leaving tissues:
lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic ducts, lymphatic nodes, lymphatic trunk, lymphatic vessels

L. capillaries --> L. vessels --> L. nodes --> L. trunk --> L. duct

List two distinct ways antibodies work

activates compliment and promotes phagocytosis

Put the following structures in the correct order for a molecule of O2 entering the lungs:
alveoli, bronchioles, external nares, larynx, nasal cavities, pharynx, primary bronchi, respiratory bronchioles, secondary bronchi, terminal bronchioles, tertiary b

external nares --> nasal cavity --> pharynx --> larynx --> trachea --> primary bronchi --> secondary bronchi --> tertiary bronchi --> bronchioles --> terminal bronchioles --> respiratory bronchioles --> alveoli

List the 6 structures of the respiratory membrane in the correct order for a molecule of CO2 leaving the blood

capillary endothelium --> basement membrane of capillary endothelium --> interstitial space --> basement membrane of alveolus --> alveolar epithelium --> fluid film

Dr. Wills hypoventilates and retains too much carbon dioxide in her blood. What will happen to blood pH? Briefly outline how heart rate and ventilation will change to return her blood pH to homeostasis. How do these changes effect blood pH? In other words

Blood pH will go down, heart rate and ventilation increase to get more oxygen in the system while pushing CO2 out. The more CO2 that can be pushed out will bring pH back to normal levels. Amount of CO2 is a direct factor in blood pH. Having too little or

List one effect of aging on the respiratory system

decreased tidal volume