Production & Costs

What is Total Physical Product (TPP)?

the amount of output prod when increasing amounts pf a variqble factor are used with a constant amount of the fixed factor

What are Total Fixed Costs (TFC)?

Costs that do not vary as output varies

What are a total Variable Costs (TVC)?

Costs that do vary as output changes

What is Total Costs (TC)?


What is Average Total Cost (ATC)?


What is marginal cost?

Change in TC/ change in Q

What is Average Variable Cost?


What are the sources of EOS?

Specialisation & division of labour
Masses resources

When should a company shutdown?

If AR> AVC the form makes a loss but is better off producing as the cost of production is being met
If AVC> AR the firm should shutdown as the loss is minimised and = TFC

Minimum efficiency scale

Is the lowest point on the LRAC curve which a business achieves productive efficiency

What is allocative efficiency?

This is the price consumers are willing to pay is equivalent to the marginal utility they get