Theology (2018 Yamnitz)


first five books of the bible


the belief and worship of many gods


the belief and worship of one god


God has human characterictics


belief that God created the universe and people, Genesis telling


belief of the origins of our universe and us as people based on scientific evidence

right relationship

all is well and just between Gog and a person or the people

original sin

the sin of trying to be God, stems from desire for power, fame, and/or comfort

naming speech

-woman talks in the bible
-tells us who the woman is and who the child will be

social sin

-the impact that every personal sin has on other people
-sin that directly attacks another life, freedom, dignity, or rights
-the collective effect of many people's sins over time which corrupts society ans its instructions by creating "structure of sin

abrahamic faiths

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism


mother of Ismael, cast out into the wilderness and is protected by God


a binding sacred agreement between human beings or between God and people holding each to a particular course of action


son of Abraham and Hagar, cast out into the wilderness and is protected by God


married to Abraham, is barren for many years until God blesses her with a child at an old age


-father of nations and faith
-made a covenant with God


son of Abraham and Sarah


Isaac's wife who favors her younger son


-Isaac and Rebekah's son
-liked more by his mother
-stole brother's birthright
-falls in love with Rachel


-Isaac and Rebekah's son
-has the birthright
-liked more by father


this woman had six sons, who would become the patriarchs of half of the twelve tribes of Israel


the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, Jacob's beloved

-only son
-Isaac sacrificed a ram, Jesus sacrificed the lamb of God
-Isaac carried the wood for the sacrifice up the hill, Jesus carried his cross

How does Isaac foreshadow Jesus?


name some imperfect people god chosen

-shift in description of God's role
-God does not physically state what God will do
-faith is maturing

What was the significance of the servants retelling?

-shows that heaven and earth are closely connected (god and people)
-reminds Jacob of the covenant

What is the significance of Jacob's ladder?

he struggled with God and men and prevailed

What is the significance of Jacob's name change?


savior of the enslaved people in Israel


-the first book of the bible
-the origins of the people of Israel


-written in the Babylonian exile
-mark the beginning of the Israelite's history as a separate nation
-shows us that God frees the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, made a covenant with them

Babylonian Exile

-the enslavement of the Israelites


-a handbook of instructions for Israel's worship
-the great concern the Jews held for reverent worship & holiness


-priestly regulations and inspiring stories
-journey with the Israelites through the wilderness to the Promised Land


-means "second law"
-period just before the Israelites entered the promised land
-insight into the essential spirit of Judaism, which is wholehearted love for God

Jews in Babylon had similar experiences to Israelites in Egypt

Why is Exodus ans important narrative the the Jews?

Shiphrarah and Puah

two midwives who avoided killing babies when the woman gave birth


Moses's sister who watched over him while he floated down the river as a baby


Moses's brother


means "I am who am



-sedar meal

What is the relationship between Passover, the Last Supper, and the Mass?

-right relationship
-not given as a burden to the Israelsites

In what way are the ten commandments a law that frees?

Holiness code

Worship is expressed in everyday life, through just and compassionate relationships


means "listen or understanding


this man is totally faithful and trusting in God

the Ban

-devotion to God for destruction
-destroy everything in conquered town: the people, possessions, animals, etc


-write the history of Israel
-try to answer: What went wrong?

a tribal leader through whom God delivers the people from destruction

What is a judge?


the deep and abiding love of God

1-fall into sin
2-sin leads to calamity
4-God shows mercy and raises up a judge
5-faithfulness and peace

What is the cycle of sin?

1-How the nation of Israel came to be after the judges
2-How being a nations "like other nations" affected Israel themselves

What were the Dueteronomists of the exile hoping to explain?

-Israel is divided
-the Philistines are coming
-Judges are temporary form of leadership

Why was there a need for unity after the time of the Judges?

A king will draft children away for service, will take land and resources

Why did Samuel warn against monarchy?


first king of Israel, insecure, does not trust God


Known as the greatest king of Israel, devoted to God, slayed Goliath


the worst king of Israel, made the oppressive system


non-writing prophet who calls David out for his sins and anoints Solomon


non-writing prophet of Israel, warns Israel of monarchy, anoints Saul


capital city of Israel, ideally located between northern and southern


david is from this city, Jesus is born here

Messianic promise

Messiah ("the anointed") will come from the House of David

they included it to give Jews in the Babylonian Exile hope. This tells us the always stay faithful to God even when we sin

Why did the Dueteronomists include David's great sin in their narrative? What message does that give to us?

Power struggles, betrayals, greed, oppression, lust for wealth and honor, idolatry

What went wrong in the monarchy?


someone who speaks God's truth to human power


loving relationships with God, self, others, and all creation so all can thrive

Kingdom split

North: Israel
Capital: Samaria
South: Judah
Capital: Jerusalem


a prophet who calla forth fire in the name of God


prophet who focuses on the magic and glory of God


-young man who does NOT want to be a prophet
-Warns Judah against their injustice

the still small voice

God is not in the wind, the earthquake, the fire but God is......


means "God with us


-Farm worker - from the lowest rung of society
-Message: exploitation will bring ruin, but a time of justice and peace WILL come


-Fictitious satire with a serious point
-Theme: God cares for all people, including Israel's enemies