Level G Unit 9

acclamation (ak l? m?' sh?n)

(n.) a shout of welcome, an overwhelming verbal vote of approval SYN: ovation, cheering, plaudits ANT: booing, hissing, jeers, catcalls

bucolic (by� k�l' ik)

(adj.) characteristic of the countryside, rural, relating to shepherds and cowherds, pastoral SYN: rustic ANT: urban, metropolitan

calumniate (k? l?m' n? ?t)

(v.) to slander; to accuse falsely and maliciously SYN: defame, libel ANT: flatter, whitewash, praise

chary (ch�r' ?)

(adj.) extremely cautious; hesitant, or slow, reserved, diffident SYN: wary, skittish ANT: heedless, reckless, incautious

collusion (ke l�' zh?n)

(n.) secret agreement or cooperation SYN: conspiracy, plot, connivance, cahoots

dilettante (dil' ? t�nt)

(n.) a dabbler in the arts, one who engages in an activity in an amateurish, trifling way (adj.) superficial SYN: amateur, trifler ANT: professional

imperturbable (im p?r t?r' b? b?l)

(adj.) not easily excited, emotionally steady SYN: unflappable, unexcitable, serene, unruffled ANT: excitable

increment (in' kr? m?nt)

(n.) an enlargement, increase, addition SYN: accretion, gain ANT: loss, reduction, decrease

mandate (man' d?t)

(n.) an authoritative command, formal order, authorization, (v.) to issue such an order SYN: directive ANT: forbid, ban, outlaw

paltry (p�l' tr?)

(adj.) trifling, insignificant, mean, despicable, inferior, trashy SYN: measly, meager, piddling, trivial ANT: gigantic, immense, colossal

paroxysm (par' ?k siz ?m)

(n.) a sudden outburst; a spasm, convulsion SYN: fit, seizure

pedantry (ped' ?n tr?)

(n.) a pretentious display of knowledge, overly rigid attention to rules and details SYN: nit-picking, hairsplitting, petiffoggery

peregrination (per ? gr? n?' sh?n)

(n.) the act of traveling; an excursion, especially on foot or to a foreign country SYN: journey, wandering, odyssey

redolent (red' ? l?nt)

(adj.) fragrant, smelling strongly, tending to arouse memories or create an aura SYN: evocative, reminiscent, aromatic ANT: unevocative, odorless

refulgent (ri f?l' j?nt)

(adj.) shining, radiant, resplendent SYN: luminous, splendid ANT: dim, dark, obscure, dingy, dull, murky

shibboleth (shib' ? leth)

(n.) a word, expression or custom that distinguishes a particular group of persons from all others, a commonplace, truism, or saying SYN: catchphrase, password, slogan

tyro (t?' r?)

(n.) a beginner, novice, one with little or no background or skill SYN: neophyte ANT: veteran, past master, expert

unremitting (?n ri mit' ing)

(adj.) not stopping, maintained steadily, never letting up, relentless SYN: constant, incessant, unrelenting ANT: desultory, intermittent

vacillate (vas' ? l?t)

(v.) to swing indecisively from one idea or course of action to another; to wave weakly in mind or will

vituperative (v? t�' p?r ? tiv)

(adj.) harshly abusive, severely scolding SYN: abusive, scurrilous, insulting ANT: complimentary, laudatory, flattering