AP Euro #1 pt 2

Henry VII

1485-1509, New Monarch in England

Henry VIII

1509-1547, Church of England

Edward VI

1547-1553, weak and sickly son

Mary I

1553-1558, Catholicism

Elizabeth I

1558-1603, balanced power between Protestants and Catholics,

James I

1603-1625, divine right of kings, created tensions for English Civil War

Charles I

1625-1649, deposed and beheaded in 1649 because fought with Parliament, created forces for English Civil War

Oliver Cromwell

1649-1658, Lord Protector (puritans)

Charles II

1660-1685, restored English monarchy, was an effective ruler, created balance of power with Parliament

James II

1685-1688, Catholic, tried to force toleration and was deposed, Glorious Revolution

William and Mary

1689-1702, after Glorious Revolution, accepted Bill of Rights

Charles VII

1422-1461, New Monarch in France

Francis I

1515-1547, Habsburg-Valois wars

Henry IV

1589-1610, Henry of Navarre, settles Wars of Religion with Edict of Nantes (1598)

Louis XIII

1610-1643, begins French absolutism, *Cardinal Richelieu

Louis XIV

1643-1715, Sun King, *Colbert

Louis XV

1715-1774, continues French absolutism, ruled during Enlightenment

Pope Leo X

1513-1521, Renaissance Pope, Michelangelo, symbol of excesses of Renaissance popes

Pope Paul III

1534-1549, Counter Reformation, Council of Trent

Pope Alexander VI

1492-1503, Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

Ferdinand and Isabella

1474-1516, New Monarchs, unified/created Spain, Reconquista

Charles V

1519-1556, Global Monarch (King of Spain and HRE), fought against the Ottomans and the Reformation

Philip II

1556-1598, monarch during height of Spain, sent Spanish Armada

Prince Henry

1394-1460, the Navigator, Exploration, maritime advance

Maria Theresa

1740-1780, set up Austria as an effective state

Joseph II

1780-1790, Enlightened despot, set up Austria as an effective state

Charles V

1519-1556, HRE, had power because of holdings (half of Europe, i.e. King of Spain), Habsburg, Peace of Augsburg (1555)

Charles VI

1711-1740, Pragmatic Sanction

Ivan III

1462-1505, consolidates Muscovite princes, gets rid of Mongols

Ivan IV

1583-1594, the Terrible, first Czar, consolidated monarchy

Peter the Great

1689-1725, builds Russian absolutist state, westernizes Russian nobility

Catherine the Great

1762-1796, Enlightened despot, division of Poland

Michael Romanov

1613-1645, establishes Romanov dynasty, is elected to power

Frederick William I

1713-1740, Soldier King

Frederick the Great

1740-1786, Enlightened despot, uses army to double the size of Prussia

Frederick William

1640-1688, the Great Elector, takes Prussia from a minor state to an effective, powerful state, joins Brandenburg and Prussia, gets King title for descendents