EKG Ch 1, coronary anatomy and physiology


top of the heart where the great vessels emerge


bottom of the heart


outermost layer of the heart; the coronary arteries run along this layer


middle and thickest layer of the heart; made of pure muscle and is responsible for contracting; damaged most during a heart attack


thin, innermost later that lines the heart chambers and folds back onto itself to form the valves; watertight to prevent leakage of blood into other layers; cardiac conduction system is found in this layer


double walled sac that encloses the heart; serves as support and protection and anchors heart to diaphragm and great vessels

Pericardial fluid

minimizes friction between layers of pericardium

Right Atrium

Receiving chamber for deoxygenated blood returning to the heart from the body; O2 sat @ 60 - 75%, CO2 concentration high

Right Ventricle

Pumps blood to the lungs for fresh supply of O2; O2 sat @ 60 - 75%, CO2 concentration high - relatively low pressure - muscle bulk relatively thin

Left Atrium

Receiving chamber for blood returning to the heart from the lungs; O2 sat almost 100%, CO2 concentration extremely low

Left Ventricle

Pumps blood out to entire body; major pumping chamber of the heart; O2 sat about 100%, CO2 concentration minimal - generates highest pressure - three times muscle bulk since it has to deliver blood to the entire body against BP - plays the most prominent


primary job: to deliver blood to the ventricles that lie directly below


higher pressure chambers that contract more forcefully to deliver blood into the pulmonary system and systemic circulation

Interatrial septum

muscular band of tissue dividing the heart into right and left sides

Interventricular septum

muscular band of tissue separating the ventricles

Semilunar valves

separate a ventricle from an artery, and have three half-moon shaped cusps

Pulmonic Valve

Semilunar valve located between right ventricle and pulmonary artery

Aortic Valve

Semilunar valve located between the left ventricle and aorta

Atrioventricular Valves

located between an atrium and ventricle; supported by chordae tendonae, which are attached to papillary muscles, and anchor valve cusps to keep the closed AV valves from flopping backward and allowing backflow of blood

Tricuspid Valve

AV valve located between the right atrium and ventricle, as three cusps

Mitral Valve

AV valve, also called bicuspid valve, is located between the left atrium and ventricle, and has two cusps.

Chordae Tendonae

tendenous cords

Papillary Muscles

muscles that outpouch from the ventricular wall


work based purely on changes in pressure, a structure in the heart that prevents the backflow of blood

Valve Closure

responsible for the sounds made by a beating heart


first heart sound, reflects closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves


second heart sound, reflects closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves


Heart beats and expels blood, occurs between S1 and S2


Heart rests and fills with blood, occurs between S2 and the next S1

Superior vena cava

large vein that returns deoxygenated blood to the right atrium from the head, neck, and upper chest and arms

Inferior vena cava

large vein that returns oxygenated blood to the atrium from the lower chest, abdomen, and legs

Pulmonary artery

large artery that takes deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs to load up on oxygen and unload CO2 - only artery that carried deox'd blood

Pulmonary veins

these are large veins that return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium. They are the only veins that carry oxygenated blood


largest artery in the body, takes oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the systemic circulation to feed all the organs of the body

Cardiac Cycle

mechanical events that occur to pump blood

Rapid-filling phase

first phase of diastole; atria have received and are full of blood and therefore have high pressures, unlike the ventricles, which are freshly empty. AV valves pop open because of the pressure difference and the atrial blood flows down into the ventricles


second phase of diastole, pressure in the atria and ventricles begins to equalize as the ventricles fill and atria empty, and blood flow slows down. TL;DR: slowing blood flow

Atrial kick

last phase of diastole, atria are empty, but there is still a little blood to deliver to the ventricle, so the atria contract and propel the remaining blood into the ventricles. Pressures in the ventricles now are high, and atrial pressures are low. AV ve

Atrial depolarization

delivery of electrical stimulus to the atria; in order for atrial kick to occur, the atria must first have been depolarized.

P Wave

represents atrial depolarization. Normal ___ wave is small, rounded, and upright, but many things can alter the wave shape

Isovolumetric contraction

first phase of systole; ventricles are full but the pressure is not high enough to pop the semilunar valves, so the ventricles squeeze in on themselves without bloodflow occuring.

Ventricular ejection

second phase of systole; ventricular pressure is high enough for the semilunar valves to pop open; half the blood empties quickly and the rest a little slower TL;DR: pumping vigorously


third phase of systole; ventricular contraction continues but blood flow slows. Aortic and pulmonary arterial pressures rise. Pressures are equalizing between ventricles and aorta and pulmonary artery. TL;DR: pumping less

Isovolumetric relaxation

final phase; ventriuclar pressure is low because all the blood as been pumped out. Pressures drop in the ventricles even further, aorta and pulmonary artery have higher pressues. TL;DR: relaxing, valves closing to end systole

QRS Complex

represents ventricular depolarization. Normal ___ is spiked in appearance, consisting of one or more deflections from the baseline. Most easily ID's structure on the EKG. Shape can vary.


a wave of electrical current that changes the resting negatively charged cardiac cell to a positively charged one. Necessary before any heart tissue can contract

Coronary arteries

rise from the base of the aorta and course along the epicardial surface, and dive into the myocardium to provide blood supply

Left anterior descending (LAD)

a branch off of the left main coronary artery. LAD supplies blood to the anterior wall of the left ventricle


branch of the LMCA, feeds the lateral wall of the left ventricle.

Right coronary artery (RCA)

feeds right ventricle and inferior wall of left ventricle

coronary veins

returns deoxy'd blood to the right atrium after the myocardium has been fed by the coronary arteries

contractile cells

cause the heart muscle to contract, resulting in a heartbeat

conduction system cells

create and conduct electrical signals to tell the heart when to beat.

autonomic nervous system (ANS)

controls involuntary biological functions, subdivided into sympathetic and parasympathetic

sympathetic nervous system

mediated my norepinephrine (released by the adrenal gland) speeds up heart rate, increases blood pressure, causes pupils to dialate, and slows digrestion. Flight or Fight, triggered by stress, exertion, or fear. TL;DR: ACCELERATOR

parasympathetic nervous system

mediated by acetylcholine, slows heart rate, decreases blood pressure, and enhances digestion.

vagus nerve

nerve that travels from the brain to the heart, stomach, and other areas; secretes acetylcholine

