EKG study guide ( anatomy of heart) NHA


is a hollow muscular organ, located in thoracic cavity between lungs behind sternum.

how many layers of the hearts is there?

3. enodocardium, myocardium, epicardium


innermost layer of the heart. forms lining and folds back onto itself to form the 4 valves. where conduction system is found


thick middle muscle layer of the heart; pumps blood through the circulatory system, made of striated muscle fibers.


outermost layer of the heart. (also called the visceral)


protective sac enclosing the heart composed of two layers with fluid between (Visceral & Parietal)

Visceral pericardium

the innermost of the two layers of the pericardium. ( Also called the Epicardium)

Parietal pericardium

the tough outermost layer of the pericardium that is attached to the diaphragm and the sternum. also lines the fibrous pericardium.

serous fluid

lubricates the organs and allows them glide without friction. prevents friction as the heart beats.

Superior Vena cava

receives blood from the head and arms and chest and empties into the right atrium of the heart. (basicially the upper body)

Inferior Vena Cava

receives blood from lower limbs and abdominal organs and empties into the posterior part of the right atrium of the heart. (basically lower body)

pulmonary Vein

one of two pairs of vessels carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart. (the only vein in your body that carries oxygenated blood)

Pulmonary Artery

vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. (the only artery in your body that carries deoxygenated blood)

Right atrium

The upper right chamber of the heart, where deoxygenated blood is received from the vena cava and then sent to the right ventricle.

Right Ventricle

the chamber on the right side of the heart that receives venous blood(oxygen poor) from the right atrium and pumps it into the pulmonary trunk (pulmonary vein)

Left Atruim

left upper portion of the heart; recieves blood rich in oxygen as it returns from the lungs via the left and right pulmonary veins

Left ventricle

the chamber on the left side of the heart that receives arterial blood (oxygen rich blood) from the left atrium and pumps it into the aorta. (thickest chamber in the heart)

The heart is actually _____ sided pump sepereated by ______?


The upper chambers of the heart ?

right and left atrium

Lower chambers of the heart

left and right ventricle.

both ____ contract together then ____ ?

Atria , ventricles

what is the purpose of the heart valves?

The valves open and close to let the blood flow in only one direction. prevents backflow of blood in the heart.

Atrioventricular valves

Separate the atria and the ventricles. Right sided tricuspid, left sided bicuspid. (Atrio-Ventricular) between.

Tricuspid valve

valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle. has three cusps

Bicuspid valve

located between the left atrium and left ventricle. 2 cusps. also called the mitral.

semilunar valves

located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery and between the left ventricle and the aorta. half- mooned shaped cusps

Pulmonary valve

a semilunar valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. prevents blood from flowing from the artery back into the heart.

Aortic valve

a semilunar valve between the left ventricle and the aorta. prevents blood from flowing from the aorta back into the heart


abnormal sounds that may be heard during ventricular systole or diastole (contraction and relaxation) cuased by diseases.

what produces heart sounds?

closure of valves.

sound one

due to closure of bi cuspiud (mitral) and tricuspid

sound two

due to closure of aortic & Pulmonic valves

autonomic nervous system (ans)

the part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands. sepereated in two parts sympathrtic and parasymphatetic

Sympathetic nervous system

affects both the atria and the ventricles by increasing heart rate conduction and irritability

Parasympathetic nervous system

affects the atria only by decreasing heart rate, conduction and irritability


Ability of the cardiac muscle to intiate a electrical impulse


ability of a cell membrane to conduct electrical impulses


the ability to conduct an electric current. ( recieve an electrical impulse)


ability to contract forcefully when stimulated


sodium rushes into neuron through membrane, potassium ruses out; results in a change in charge. ( usualy contraction)


recharging of the myocardial cell from a contracted state back to a resting state. Relaxation

Sa node (sinoatrial node)

primary pacemaker of he heart and has a normal firing rate of 60-100 bpm

internodal pathway

links the sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular node.Path in which impulses travel to signal the atria to contract.

AV junction

av node + bundle of his

Av node

-a back-up node for heart

bundle of his

a bundle of modified heart muscle that transmits the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles causing them to contract

Bundle branches

Part of the conduction system of the heart; the electrical signal travels down the interventricular septum. function of which is to conduct the electrical impulse to the purkinje fibers

purkinje fibers

fibers in the ventricles that transmit impulses to the right and left ventricles, causing them to contract