EKG Midterm

health care professionals should maintain high ethics by knowing and following established

office protocols

what test measures a weighted average plasma glucose concentration over prolonged periods of time

glycated hemoglobin blood test

six patient vital statistics typically called "vital signs" are used with patients prior to having a(n)


what assessment method encourages the patient to actively provide answers and to provide additional information that may be relevant?


which of the following are considered noninvasive standard protocol assessment testing because these tests can give a snapshot into a patients immediate health situation?

vital signs

what is the purpose of hemoglobin

to carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in the body

what type of heat tissue is responsible for the heart contractions?


what is the total peripheral resistance (TPR) determined by?

Systemic circulation

what valve when closed holds blood in the right ventricle until a contraction opens the valve and allows the blood to be pumped into the lungs?


the middle layer of the heart wall is composed of what type of tissue?


what is the primary function of the thyroid gland?

To regulate metabolism

Excessive perspiration is usually not normal and is called


Which of the following represents the blood flow between the heart and the lungs?

Pulmonary circulation

what type of tissue is the smooth outer layer of the heart wall where the coronary arteries are located?


Which of the following are very thin and fragile blood vessels?


what is the purpose of the heart septa wall?

To prevent the blood from mixing

when the SA node is not working correctly the heart has a backup pacemaker called the

atrioventricular(AV) node

what plays an important role in preventing friction during the normal movement of the heart during contractions?

pericardial fluid

what type of assessment is often used in an emergency room urgent care center or at the scene of an accident?


OPQRST is considered a focused assessment for the evaluation of pain which has brought the patient in for this particular event. what type of questions relate to what the patient was doing when the signs and symptoms first started to occur?


what test measures the load on the resting heart mediated by respiratory gating?

Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis

Patient's must give _________ for release of personally identifiable information

written consent

which of the following refers to how the pain exists in the body?


what does the "S" stand for in the OPQRST mnemonic acronym for pain?


which of the following left untreated can increase the risk of irregular heartbeats or in cardiac compromised people can increase or worsen the risk of heart failure due to oxygen starvation?

Sleep apnea

through metabolism all the________in the body are regulated


which of the following is considered the heart's primary pacemaker?


when using the SAMPLE assessment mnemonic under which category would you record eating or diet habits daily routines social circle and life stressors?

last oral intake

when using the SOAP assessment mnemonic where you would place information about what is observed by the medical personnel?


what test is used to detect inflammation within the body?

hsCRP blood test

which of the following occurs somewhere within the hearts conduction system such as the SA or AV node?


when the blood clot reduces blood flow in the brain it is called a

transit ischemic attack

which of the following is a leading caused of secondary hypertension?


which of the following can be made of foam cloth or wet gel and come in various sizes from neonate infant pediatric and adult?


all six precordial leads are considered_________leads

positive unipolar

what bone(s) goes straight down the middle of the chest?


what are leads called that carry no current?


why are ECG electrodes attached to the skin?

to help with the conduction of the sound

the electrode for what lead is placed on the right of the sternum at the 4th intercostal space?

Lead V1

the more blood that can fill the ventricles in one atrial contraction equates to a higher

stroke volume

what hormone is responsible for regulating sodium and water balance in the body?


heart disease is responsible for what percentage of deaths in the united states each year


which of the following is the first of three electrical changes the myocardial cells experience?


which of the following is the amount of resistance the heart must use to pump the blood through the cardiovascular system?


what system sets the proper heart rate based on the bodys demand for oxygen?


increased heart rate occurs when the sympathetic nerve fibers release


which of the following is required by the body to build proteins and muscles?


repolarization is synonymous with

resting and recovery

what is the most common disease associated to autonomic nerve damage or autonomic failure?


which of the following occurs when the bodys core temperature is reduced below normal?


normal breathing is approximately how many respirations per minute in an adult?


where in the body is C-reactive protein produced?


which of the following means that the health care practitioner has discussed the procedure the risks and the benefits of the ECG and allowed the patient to clarify any questions?

informed consent

_____the ECG procedure is very important for health care reimbursement
