EKG monitoring pg 128-131

EKG monitoring are used to?

- monitor a patients heart rate
- evaluate pacemaker functions
- evaluate the response to medication
-evaluate the effects due ti diseases or injury to the heart
- to always obtain a baseline recording before, during and after a medical procedure

Electrodes are

paper, plastic, or metal device that contains conduction media which is applied to the patients skin

cables are

the wires that attaches to the electrode and conducts current back to the EKG monitor

Leads are

a recording of electrical activity between two electrodes.

Leads allow viewing of what planes of the heart

Frontal, (coronal) and Horizontal (transverses)

What does a 12 lead EKG do?

provides views of the heart in both the frontal and horizontal planes and views the surface of the left ventricle from 12 different angles using 10 electrodes

How many electrodes does a 12 - lead need?


the three types of leads are

- standard limb leads,
- augmented leads,
- chest leads

leads have 2 factors, the first factor is

the dominance of the left ventricle

the 2nd factor is

the position of the positive electrode on the body, and determines which portion of the left ventricle is seen by each lead

a straight line is classed as an

baseline or isoelectric line

a waveform(defection) is

a movement away from the baseline in a + (upward) or - (downward) direction

A biphasic waveform is

partly positive and partly negative

the right foot is considered to be

a positive, negative and ground lead

the frontal plane read the heart in

Superior, inferior, right and left

The horizontal plane reads the heart in

anterior, posterior, right and left

how many leads does it take to view the heart in the frontal plane?

3 bipolar leads, 3 unipolar leads

which leads are standard limb leads / bipolar?

lead I, II and III

which leads are unipolar leads?


the A stands for


the V stands for


The R stands for

Right arm

the L stands for

Left arm

The F stands for

left foot

the 6 precordial leads (chest leads) are

V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6

the types of chest leads are

leads that view the heart in the horizontal plane

what leads are considered positive?

Unipolar leads and chest leads

how to tell if lead I is positive

count the many L's in left arm (1)

how to tell if lead II is positive

count the many L's in left leg (2)

how to tell if lead III is positive

count the many L's from left arm, left leg (3)

aVR, aVL, and aVF are known as the:

(center, middle, midway, Midpoint)

the electrical activity from the midway between Left arm, Left leg to right arm is

usually negative, if it doesn't produce a negative deflection you may place the leads wires incorrectly

When no electrical activity is detected it's called

a baseline or isoelectric line (a straight line is recorded)

There are three types of leads in this order

Standard limb leads, augmented limb leads, and chest leads

Frontal plane leads view the heart from the front of the body as if it were flat. Directions in the frontal plane are

superior, inferior, right and left.

Six leads view the heart in the frontal plane

3 bipolar leads and 3 unipolar leads.

Standard limb leads or (bipolar)

Consists of two electrodes if opposite polarity

Standard limb leads or bipolar leads are

Leads 1, 2 and 3

Leads that consist of a single positive electrode and a reference point are called

Unipolar leads or augmented limb leads

AVR, AVL, and AVF are

Augmented limb leads which are all positive

Since the negative electrode is found at the electrical center of the heart and

All chest leads are positive and considered unipolar leads or augmented

Lead AVR records electrical activity from midway between the left arm and left leg to the right arm

Is usually a negative deflection, if it does not produce a negative deflection, you might have the lead wires placed incorrectly

is when the heart muscle contracts


is when the heart muscle relaxes


what occurs when the heart relaxes?

the chambers of the heart fill with blood, and a person's blood pressure decreases.

The " lub" is the

first heart sound (S1)

What causes the Lub sound?

by the closure of mitral and tricuspid valves at the start of systole

the second heart sound is

Dub (S2)

what causes the second heart sound?

by the closure of aortic and pulmonic valves, marking the end of systole.

What is the myocardium responsible for?

responsible for the heart's pumping action, which supplies the entire body with blood

What does the myocardium consist of?

cardiac muscle, a type of muscle unlike any other muscle in the body

the ecg is recorded at ____mm/sec, calibrated at ____mm/sec

25, 10

what does the y and x axis represent?

the x axis represents time and the y axis represent amplitude and voltage