premature ventricular contraction

- wide, bizarre QRS complexes in the absence of P waves, usually followed by a fully-compensated pause
-commonly seen in early digoxin toxicity

normal sinus rhythm

sinus bradycardia

sinus tachycardia

sinus dysrhythmia

sinus arrest

Mobitz type I second-degree AV block

-the PR interval is growing increasingly prolonged before each QRS, then a P-wave occurs with no QRS present
-usually resolves by itself

atrial flutter

saw tooth" pattern

types of atrial tachycardias

sinus tachycardia
atrial fibrillation
atrial flutter

Causes of atrial tachycardias

-excess alcohol consumption
-stress or extreme emotions
-caffeine ingestion
-digitalis toxicity
-coronary artery disease
-myocardial infaction (MI)
-cor pulmonale (right ventricular enlargement due to a pulmon

Torsades de Pointes

-type of ventricular tachycardia
-characterized by an irregular change in amplitude of QRS complexes that appear to twist around the ECG baseline
-administer magnesium sulfate as Torsades is often caused by hypomagnesia

Third-degree AV heart block

-regular P waves and regular QRS complexes; however, they have no relationship to each other and "march out" separately
-almost always require a pacemaker to prevent compromise or death from severely decreased cardiac output

Normal PR interval

0.2 seconds or less

Mobitz type II second-degree AV block

regular PR interval with a QRS wave missing every third beat

EKG finding indicating tissue ischemia

inverted or depressed T wave

Hyperkamia EKG changes

peaked t waves

Atrial Fibrillation

Ventricular Tachycardia

-common causes are hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and hyperkalemia
-Wide QRS waveforms, with the absence of P waves, accompanied by an elevated rate at 100

MI EKG Changes

-pathological Q-wave
-and T-wave inversion

Calculate HR on EKG

-Multiply the number of QRS complexes by six
-Count number of p waves for atrial rate
-Count number of QRS complexes for ventricular weight