Chapter 46 Standard EKG*


EKG or ECG; procedure frequently used in diagnosis of heart disease and dysfunction

What can an EKG detect?

cardiac arrhythmia or dysrhythmia, ischemia, electrolyte imbalance, effects of cardiac medications, damage caused by an MI

What is the electrical pathway of the heart's conduction system?

SA node->AV node->Bundle of His->Right and Left Bundle Branches->Purkinje fibers

atria contract

When the SA node is stimulated, what mechanical action happens in the heart?

What has to happen for the ventricles to contract?

Electrical conduction has to pass through the AV node, down the Bundle of His, through the right and left bundle branches, into the purkinje fibers. Once they reach the Purkinje fibers, then the ventricles will contract.

What is the purpose of the gel on the electrodes?

increase conductivity to read the heart's electricity and to amplify the waveforms

Single channel and multichannel

2 types of EKG machines

12 different points of view or angles on ekg

An EKG shows _________ of the heart


How many electrodes are used to perform an EKG?

What is unique about EKG paper?

It is head-sensitive and pressure-sensitive.

1mm x 1 mm

What size is a small block on EKG paper?

5mm x 5 mm

What size is a large block on EKG paper?5mm x 5 mm

Why would a CMA increase the speed of the EKG paper?

If the heart rate were very fast, the speed would be increased to 50mm per second.

0.04 seconds

How much time does each small square on EKG paper represent?

0.2 seconds

How much time does each large square on EKG paper represent?

12 different points of view or angles on ekg

What is another name for amplitude? how tall the tracing is. It is represented by 1x, 2x, or 3x.

standardization mark; 2 large boxes or 10 small boxes

How big is the normal amplitude/gain on an EKG? Upside down U or a rectangle with the bottom out of it; 2mm wide and 10 mm high

it is the process of making sure that an EKG on one machine will compare to the EKG on another machine.

What is the purpose of standardization?

Limb leads

What are the leads RA, LA, RL, LL collectively called?

rhythm strip

A 6 second strip in Lead II is called a

Lead II

Which lead (view) is a rhythm strip usually taken in?; electrical connection between RA & LL

Right leg

Which lead (wire) is always the ground?


Which 3 leads (views) are the augmented leads?

V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6

Which leads (views) are the chest, Precordial or Vector leads?

It is a non-invasive test that won't hurt, have to lie still, clothing should be removed from the waist up, no jewelry, gown open in the front. Any lotion needs to be removed with alcohol pads. Empty their bladder 10 minutes prior to the exam.

What education should you give to your patient before starting the EKG?

supine position, arms at the sides, or semi-fowlers

How should the patient be positioned when performing an EKG?

Where is V1 placed?

4th intercostal space on the right sternum

Where is V2 placed?

4th intercostal space on the left sternum

Where is V3 placed?

Between V2 and V4, 5th intercostal space

Where is V4 placed?

Mid-clavicular line on the left side, 5th intercostal space

Where is V5 placed?

Between V4 and V6, anterior axillary left side

Where is V6 placed?

Mid-axillary line on the left side, 5th intercostal space

V1, V2, V4, V3, V6, V5

What order do you place the chest leads?

Ventricular repolarization (ventricular relaxation)

What does the T wave represent?

ischemia or injury to the heart muscle

An elevation or depression of the ST segment can indicate; lack of blood supply; insufficient oxygenation of tissue

normal sinus rhythm

What is the "normal" heart rhythm?


Depolarization is caused by the influx what main ion

0, 1

Depolarization is occurs during which phase


Slow depolarization occurs during what phase moderated by leaking sodium ion channels and balanced by potassium efflux


Repolarization occurs during what phase


How many large squares on an EKG printout makes up a second


To get heart rate, you must divide this number by the number of large squares


To get heart rate, you must divide this number by the number of small squares


The SA node is dependent on what type of ion influx


Repolarization is caused by the efflux of _______ ion


movement away from line upward (positive) downward (negative)


waveforem plus a segment


middle of clavicle


middle of axillary (armpit)


when electrical system stimulates myocardial cells that results in contraction of the stimulated heart muscle


several waveforms


a specialized interface between the hman body and an EKG machine; sticky skin sensors that attach to the patient


flexible conductors connected to or leading our from an electrical device and placed on the skin to measure eletrical impulses

PQRST waves

standard waveforms found on the EKG tracing. Each wave corresponds to a specific event within the heart's electrical cycle


between the ribs

P wave

atrias contract; polarization; What wave represents atrial depolarization?; which part of the EKG complex is formed when the atria contract?; the first impulse recorded on the ECG paper from the atrial contraction is known as the _______

T wave

heart rests; repolarization; during the recovery of the ventricles, the ______ is produced; What wave represents ventricle repolarization; is after QRS and represents repolarization of the ventricles (time of recovery before another contraction)

negative deflection

a wave that exists below the isoelectric line

positive deflection

a wave that exists above the isoelectric line

EKG performed

__________ is used to detect damage from previous heat attacks, detect enlargement of heart muscles,disturbances in rhythm and other abnormal conditions, cardiac baseline.

Electrocardiogram machines

____________ are multichannel, computerized, digital computer-based, ot single-channel and produce an electrocardiograph.

multichannel EKG machine

12 lead instrument, record the electrical activity of the heart stimultanelusly from 12 views

digital computer-based multichannel EKG machine

simultaneous 12-lead interpretive analysis; data is printed out and also stored in memory; tracing is done is about 1 minute on a single 8" x 10" ECG paper; most commonly used; can quickly show up on a computer are lightweight so they can be easily moved


older model; run one lead at a time; EKG strips that require mounting

baseline of an EKG

isoelectric line; it is the flat line that separates the various waves represents the periods in cardiac cycle where there is no currents

atrial depolarization

when atria contracts this begins the cardiac cycle; it is recorded as P wave on the graph paper;impulse goes to AV node->bundle of His-> spreads to Purkinje fibers which contract ventircles and produce QRS complex on the graph; What does the P wave repres

40-45; then every 5-10 years after baseline reading

Recommended age to establish base reading for EKG

thermal stylus

imprints electrical activity on the EKG paper on non-digital EKG

records voltage

vertical axis of paper

measures time

horizontal axis of paper

paper moves through the machine at a rate of

25mm/sec; small square= 1mm x 1mm and represent 0.04 seconds, large square=5mm x 5mm and represent 0.2 seconds; it will move over 5 squares in 1.0 sec.

Leads I, II, III (limb leads)

standard or bipolar leads; monitor two electrodes; placed on limb electrodes on fleshy part of upper outer arms and inner lower calves; Which 3 leads (views) make up Einthoven's Triange?

Lead I

records electrical voltage difference between right and left arm

Lead III

records voltage difference between left arm and left leg

augmented limb leads AVR, AVL, AVF

are also known as standard or bipolar are the next 3 in a 12 lead EKG

Conduction of heart

SA node-->AV node-->bundle of His-->right and left bundle branches--> purkinje fibers

cardiac cycle

P wave (atrial depolarization/ contraction->systole) QPR complex (ventricle depolarization/ contraction<-systole), T wave (ventricle repolarization. recovery-> diastole)

Red/Green leads (christmas on bottom)

calf leads; RED=Left, Green= Right

Black/white leads (top)

top limbs; Black=Left, White= Right


the routine EKG consists of ____ leads


The patient must be _________ for a good tracing to be obtained.

mild detergent/scouring powder

metal electrodes should be cleaned with __________


A proper amount of _____ must be used with each metal electrode to provide maximum electrical conduction.

EKG standardization

the ______ of the EKG is necessary to enable a physician to judge deviations from the standard; provides a reliable reading; enables provider to judge deviation from the standard

2mm wide and 10mm high

the usual standardization mark is _____ in size.

EKG sensitivity

if the tracing is too large, the ____ button should be turned down to one half.


the tracing paper is normally run at a speed of ______ mm/second.

electrical impulses/activity

all muscle movement produces ______

EKG amplifier

the current enters the electrocardiograph through the wires to reach the ________; Magnifies the heart's electrical signal so it can be recorded.


the amplifier _______ the electrical impulses

QRS complex

when the muscles of the ventricles contract, the _______ of waves is produced on the EKG paper; ventricles contract; polarization; What wave represents Ventricle depolarization; What wave represents Atrial repolarization


means to make larger


Chest leads are also called ______ leads

alternating current

AC or ______ current interference is caused by additional electrical activity.

AV node

In the electrical conduction system, the first area of the heart to receive the electrical impulse is the ______.; atrioventricular node; regulates impulses bewteen atria and ventricles


recording of the hearts voltage difference between the right arm electrode and the central point between the left arm and the left leg.

sinus, right

the impulse routinely begins in the ________ of the ____ atrium

The mounting of the EKG will depend on_____

the machine used to record the tracing

multiple-lead EKG

EKG strips that are already mounted

EKG 1/2 standard

if the tracing is loo large, the sensitivity button should be turned down to_____

electrical impulses of the heart

What does EKG measure?

Leads I, II, III

standard or bipolar leads

Purkinje fibers

carries the electrical impulse across the heart and causes the ventricles to contract; fibers that causes muscles of the ventricle to contract; fibers that serve to conduct electrical impulses through the right and left ventricles

50 mm/sec

if the EKG cycles are too close together, the speed should be changed to_____

length of wave



portion of EKG between two waves; line between two waveforms


momentary surge of current


difference in electrical potential


changes impulses into mechanical motion; fibers that causes muscles of the ventricle to contract

temperature of stylus

_____ can be adjusted to control the thickness of line


reestablishment of a polarized state in a muscle or nerve fiber following contraction or conduction of a nerve impulse; period when heart momentarily relaxes; the resting state of the myocardial wall when there is not electrical activity in the heart

SA node, pacemaker

sinoatrial node; originates impulses that stimulate the heartbeat; an electrical impulse originates in the modified myocardial tissue in the ______;the impulse generator is called the _____ or _____; this impulse generator is called the pacemaker or _____