EKG Chapter 7

The ECG tracing in the figure below represents what type of artifact??

Electrical interference

What wave is thought to represent repolarization of the Purkinje fibers??


With an irregularly irregular rhythm there is no R-R pattern or similarity between the P-R interval or QRS complexes. Irregularly irregular rhythms are due to abnormalities found in the atria. What disorder that has an irregularly irregular rhythm is illu

?Atrial fibrillation

Which of the following waves sometimes appears as a result of certain antiarrhythmic drug effects, drug toxicity, or electrolyte imbalances??

U Wave

In any artifact, the indication of wavelength errors is not created by the ____________.?


A normal heart rhythm has a heartbeat at regular intervals of how many beats per minute??


What is the R-R interval used to measure??

?Heartbeat rate and regularity

Which of the following occurs during a normal PR segment??

?Atrial depolarization

Which of the following intervals represents the entire ventricular depolarization and repolarization cycle??

?Q-T interval

What is the main reason that precordial leads are not placed where they belong??


A waveform that appears to _________ is one that appears abnormally rapid and sometimes erratic.?


Which of the following limb lead reversal errors does this ECG tracing represent??

?Reversal of left arm and left leg leads

What segment represents a conduction delay "time period" between ventricular depolarization and ventricular repolarization??

?ST segment

Which of the following is defined as a measurable, regularly recurring, impulse of the heart??

Heart rhythm

______________ is the strength or magnitude of the action potential.?


Which of the following is the amount of electrical stimulus or the difference in action potential created by cardiac cell movement within the heart??


?Which of the following precordial lead errors does this ECG tracing represent?

?Reversal of V1 and V6

Which of the following waves peaks at the end of ventricular diastole and the start of systole??

R wave

The morphology of a normal S wave is a ______________.

?small, negative, spiked deflection

During what segment will the atria and ventricles be relaxed, which means the heart is in a diastolic state??

?TP segment

What type of waveforms cross the isoelectric line with part of the waveform being upright and part of the waveform appears as inverted??


?The ventricular relaxation phase is also called ventricular ____________.


The normal T wave is usually what shape in appearance??


Which of the following limb lead reversal errors does this ECG tracing represent??

Reversal of left arm and right arm leads

Which of the following shows up on an ECG tracing as a curved or spiked line either above or below the isoelectric line??


A ___________ on the ECG strip is a "time period" with no electrical activity occurring between waves, and if normal, looks like a flat line.?


When the heart rhythm or heart rate is consistently or predictably irregular or abnormal, or absent, it is known as a__________.?


A heart in ____________ can become deadly with the loss of blood circulation and pulse.?

?fibrillation mode

What type of heart rhythm deviates from a normal rhythm on a regular basis and usually occurs as a patterned event??

?Regularly irregular rhythm

Which of the following heart rhythms, as shown in the figure below, must have all the normal rhythm values plus the P wave must be upright and uniform in Lead II and the rhythm must be consistent with very little deviation??

?Normal sinus

What is measured with calipers??


Which of the following movement errors does the ECG tracing below show??

Wandering baseline

The measurement of a wave starts when the wave departs the____________.?

?isoelectric line

Stress, exercise, general health, previous cardiac events, even sleeping can all alter the heart rate. What type of heart rate does the ECG tracing in the figure below represent?


Lead reversals can be spotted on an ECG usually by the inversion of ___________waves.?


When there is no electrical activity occurring within the heart, the ECG strip will show as a solid flat line called the ____________.?

isoelectric line?

____________ refers to the structural appearance such as the size and configuration of a wave or waveform.?


Calculate the heart rate for the ECG tracing below.?

?140 bpm

Which of the following is calculated by using the horizontal axis on an ECG strip??

?Heart rate

When the sinoatrial node begins the electrical impulse, which of the following waves is created on the grid as both the right and left atria are depolarized??

?P wave