EKG Chapter 6

What does the five lead ECG primarily diagnose??

Ventricular dysrhythmias

What is the purpose of an electrocardiogram??

?To measure heart muscle activity

Which of the following is a function of an ECG??

To detect previous myocardial events

Which of the following are usually specifically identified by color and two or three letters which identify the location to place the electrodes??


According to the North American limb lead color code, what color is used for the left leg (LL)??


The augmented limb leads give views of the heart from what view??


When would informed consent occur??

?In a non-emergency clinical situation

Where is precordial Lead V4 positioned??

?In the 5th intercostal space along a point of reference called the mid-clavicular line

A lead that records the current in only one direction is called a _________ lead.?


What type of leads provide three views from a central point of the heart but only two of the views are of a heart wall??

?Augmented leads

What is the only lead where it is acceptable to place the electrode over a bone??

Lead V3

What lead is orientated toward the left ventricle's inferior wall??

aVF Lead

___________ the ECG procedure is very important for health care reimbursement.?


Which of the following means that the health care practitioner has discussed the procedure, the risks, and the benefits of the ECG and allowed the patient to clarify any questions??

?Informed consent

Which of the following can be made of foam, cloth, or wet gel and come in various sizes from neonate, infant, pediatric, and adult??


What is the purpose of the grounding electrode??

?To reduce electrical interference from outside of the body

The precordial leads are also called __________ leads.?


Which of the following is the first step in patient preparation??

?Obtaining proper patient consent

Which precordial lead provides a transverse plane view of the interventricular septum of the heart??

Lead V1

Electrodes have a shelf life of approximately how many years??


Using the three lead ECG for monitoring can detect _________________.?


What are leads called that carry no current??


What type of ECG is obtained with a 24-48 hour monitoring ECG machine??


On a normal ECG, the electrical current in Leads I, II, and III are all moving in what direction??


All six limb leads view the heart's electrical activity from the anterior to the posterior axis of the ______________.?

Coronal plane

What limb lead shows the potential difference between the left leg and left arm??

Lead III

All six precordial leads are considered _____________leads.?

Positive unipolar

In placing precordial leads, be sure to affix all the electrodes on the left side of the sternum with the exception of which lead??

Lead V1

The three lead ECG uses only which of the following lead combinations??

Right and left arm leads and left leg lead

The electrode for what lead is placed on the right side of the sternum at the 4th intercostal space??

Lead V1

How many leads does the Holter monitor contain??


What bone(s) goes straight down the middle of the chest??


On an ECG, what measures the direction and intensity of voltage being discharged by the heart at a specific time??


Why are ECG electrodes attached to the skin??

?To help with the conduction of the sound

?What type of ECG test is completed while the patient is exercising using the ECG machine and a treadmill or stationary exercise bike?


According to the North American limb lead color code, what color is used for the right arm (RA)??


A __________ view means that the view of a particular wall can be viewed from more than one angle or that additional lead views will provide alternative views when a heart injury is suspected.?


A ___________ is a graphical record which is made up of lines showing the direction and strength of electrical forces.


The first three limb leads are identified as Lead I, Lead II, and Lead III and are all what type of leads??


Which precordial lead provides a view of the anterior wall of the left ventricle from the transverse plane??

Lead V3