EKG Chapter 5

Blood pressure is measured in ______________.?

?units of millimeters of mercury

Which of the following is a leading cause of secondary hypertension??


What is released when ventricular pressure changes due to worsening symptoms of heart failure??

B-Type Natriuretic Peptides (BNP)

Which of the following is assessed by visual observation of the right side of a patients' neck while the patient is reclining with their head slightly turned to the left with the chin extended??

?Jugular venous pressure

What device is typically a portable battery operated device that is put on a patients' finger and used to measure arterial oxygen saturation and heart rate??

?Pulse oximeter

When using the SOAP assessment mnemonic, where you would place information about what is observed by the medical personnel??


When completely an electronic transfer of information, you will need to obtain the patient's __________ before transferring any information.?

written approval

What test measures a weighted average plasma glucose concentration over prolonged periods of time??

Glycated hemoglobin blood test

What test is used to detect inflammation within the body??

hsCRP blood test

What assessment method encourages the patient to actively provide answers and to provide additional information that may be relevant??


Health care professionals should maintain high ethics by knowing and following established _____________.?

office protocols

Which of the following requires health personnel to protect patients' personal information and to safeguard the electronic exchange of personal information??


When using the SAMPLE assessment mnemonic, under which category would you record eating or diet habits, daily routines, social circle, and life stressors??

?Last oral intake

Where in the body is C-Reactive Protein produced??


What measurement indicates the calories burned in relationship to amount of food ingested??


What is the purpose of hemoglobin??

?To carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in the body

Which of the following refers to how the pain exists in the body??


What test measures the load on the resting heart mediated by respiratory gating??

?Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis

In the OPQRST assessment mnemonic, when the patient identifies what makes the pain worse, this relates to which of the following??


six patient vital statistics typically called "vital signs" are used with patients prior to having a _________.?


Patients must give _____________for release of personally identifiable information.?

?written consent

What HIPAA standard includes anything about the patients' existence in the health care setting??


Which of the following would be documented by description and by duration?

?Quality of pain

Which of the following are formed by individual beliefs, which are often based on upbringing, religious beliefs, and education??


What does blood pressure measure??

?Heart rate

Which of the following measures plaque in the arteries??


What does the "S" stand for in the OPQRST mnemonic acronym for pain??


OPQRST is considered a focused assessment for the evaluation of pain which has brought the patient in for this particular event. What type of questions relate to what the patient was doing when the signs and symptoms first started to occur??


The cholesterol category triglycerides is a type of ____________.?


With a person who has diabetes, the person is not able to metabolize _______________.?


In the SOAP mnemonic acronym, what does the "P" stand for??


Which of the following are considered noninvasive, standard protocol assessment testing because these tests can give a snapshot into a patients' immediate health situation??

?Vital signs

What type of assessment is often used in an emergency room, urgent care center, or at the scene of an accident??


High levels of which of the following may indicate an increased risk for coronary artery disease??

Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)

Which of the following causes microvascular damage in nerves throughout the body and in the nephrons of the kidneys??
