EKG Chapter 2

Where does the main source of brain energy come from??


Which of the following is the primary connector between the brain and the heart??

?Vagus nerve

What is the process of inhaling and exhaling by breathing called??

External respiration

Hypertension disease has a strong link to the body retaining which of the following??

Excessive fluids

What system is often referred to as the heart's "fight-or-flight" response??

?Sympathetic nervous system

What type of strokes are caused by a blood clot that forms somewhere in the body and travels to the brain, where the clot then blocks blood flow??


The human body is composed of approximately what percentage of water??


What is the most common disease associated to autonomic nerve damage or autonomic failure??


Without intervention, what disease can lead to end stage renal disease and kidney dysfunction??


What is the process of gas exchange within the systemic capillaries called??

?Internal expiration

What is the process of stabilizing the body's internal environment so that all of the body's organs work optimally??


Which of the following is the only physiological way the body can lose heat??


High blood potassium, called hyperkalemia, can cause which of the following??

?Irregular heartbeat

Normal breathing is approximately how many respirations per minute in an adult??


Which of the following is a progressive lung disease that worsens over time, preventing a person from being able to breathe because of damage to the alveoli or thickening of the bronchi??


Which of the following is considered a waste product in the body??

Carbon dioxide

Which of the following occurs when the body's core temperature is reduced below normal??


Excessive perspiration is usually not normal and is called ____________.?


What hormone is secreted from the ventricles of the heart when the heart is under increased pressure and stress??

?Brain natriuretic peptide

What is the function of the parathyroid gland??

?To regulate the calcium levels throughout the body

Hormones from what gland control the other glands in the endocrine system??


Through metabolism all the ____________ in the body are regulated.?


The parathyroid needs what hormone released by the thyroid gland in order to function??


What is the diaphragm's main purpose??

?To control breathing

What is the primary function of the thyroid gland??

What is the primary function of the thyroid gland??

Which of the following, left untreated, can increase the risk of irregular heartbeats or in cardiac compromised people, can increase or worsen the risk of heart failure due to oxygen starvation??

?Sleep apnea

Which of the following keeps the heart beating by circulating blood systemically??


Where is calcium stored in the body??


Which of the following is body heat lost through sweating?


One early warning sign that a diabetic patient presents with is the development of__________ in the urine.?


Kidney stones are often a result of the kidney's inability to absorb __________.


Urine is formed in the kidneys by tiny blood capillary units called ____________.?


Fatty deposits (plaque) and cholesterol can cause the arteries that lead to the brain to become blocked, causing what type of stroke??


Within the lungs, tiny sacs called __________ act as the component responsible for the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.?


Which of the following glands of the endocrine system are responsible for secreting glucose which controls blood sugar level??

?Pancreatic islets