EKG chapter 1

A major vein located within the heart that begins along the anterior ventricles in the apex of the heart is known as the _________________ vein.?

?great coronary

?A typical adult male heart weighs approximately how many ounces?

?10-12 ounces

Blood pressure, vascular resistance, and body temperature are decreased and blood flow and heart rate are increased in _____________________.?

? vasodilatation

Cardio myocytes consist of cardiac working cells responsible for ___________.?


In the heart, the mid-sagittal plane is often divided along what heart wall?

Vertical septa

Most of the veins of the heart muscle drain into which of the following vessels??

?Coronary sinus

Smooth muscle cells are found in blood vessels and provide which of the following functions??

?Moving and controlling fluids through the blood vessels.

The heart is surrounded by a protective fibrous membrane called the__________.?


The largest blood vessel in the body is an artery called the _____________.?


?The largest part of the human heart is composed of four hollow cavities referred to as the _______________________.

?heart chambers

The middle layer of the heart wall is composed of what type of tissue??


The process of creating aNo____________can only occur in the pacemaker cells that are found in specific regions of the heart.?

?electrical impulse

The process of creating an electrical impulse can only occur in what type of cells??


Veins carry what type of blood back to the heart so the cycle can repeat??


What artery carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs from the right ventricle??


What do intercalated discs allow? ?

Cardiac muscle to create synchronized contractions.

What is returned to the heart via several major veins??

?Metabolic waste

What is the purpose of the heart septa wall??

?To prevent the blood from mixing.

What is total peripheral resistance (TPR) determined by??

?Systemic circulation

What muscular membrane separates the heart chambers medially into right and left sides??


What plays an important role in preventing friction during the normal movement of the heart during contractions??

?Pericardial fluid

What type of circulation is blood flow to the entire body except the lungs??


What type of heart tissue is responsible for the heart contractions??


What type of muscle tissue has the ability to contract and conduct electrical impulses??


What type of tissue is the smooth outer layer of the heart wall where the coronary arteries are located??


What type of tissue is thicker in the ventricles than it is in the atrium because the muscle is needed to push blood into the lungs or body with each contraction??


What valve, when closed, holds blood in the right ventricle until a contraction opens the valve and allows the blood to be pumped into the lungs??


When all four heart valves are operating correctly, the valves should open and close completely once each ______________.

?cardiac cycle

When the SA node is not working correctly, the heart has a backup pacemaker called the ____________________.?

?atrioventricular (AV) node

Which of the following are very thin and fragile blood vessels?


Which of the following cells provide protection from microbial invasions, selective absorption, and transcellular transportation?


Which of the following contains a tough inelastic outer surface known as the parietal pericardium??

?Pericardial sac

Which of the following controls systemic blood flow and determines total peripheral resistance??


Which of the following decreases blood flow and heart rate??


Which of the following means a formation that is platelike or consisting of scales??


Which of the following plays the important role of exchanging oxygen and nutrients or waste for the other vessels to transport??


Which of the following represents the blood flow between the heart and the lungs??

Pulmonary circulation

Which of the following veins drains deoxygenated blood from the body below the heart into the right atrium??

?Inferior vena cava

Within the four heart chambers, the _________ is/are upper or superior right and left chambers.?


Within the heart, what type of muscles hold the tricuspid and mitral valves in place along the ventricle walls??
