EKG intervention

Premature atrial complex

Correct the underlying cause:
-Stress reduction
-Reduce coffee

Supreventrivcular Tach

If stable:
-First try vagal maneuvers
-Next try adenonsie 6mg IV push followed by flush may repeat but give 12 mg two times.
If unstable:
Go straight to cardioversion

Atrial flutter

If rapid ventricular rate control with calcium channel blocker.
If serious S/S synchronized cardioversion

Atrial fibrillation

If patient stable with rapid ventricular rate try the following:
If cardiac function is normal:
-Calcium channel blocker
-Beta blocker
If Cardiac function impaired:
Serious s/s: Synchronized Cardioversion

Junction Escape Rhythm

If the symptoms are related to slow HR consider:
-Atropine: 0.5 mg stable 1.0 mg unstable max 3 mg

Second Degree type 1

If heart is too slow and s/s caused by slow HR consider atropine and/or temporary pacing

Second Degree type 2

If symptomatic:
Transcutaneous pacing should be stated until transvenous pacemaker insertion can be done. THIS BLOCK USUALLY REQUIRES A PERMANENT PACEMAKER.

Third degree block

If QRS is narrow and pt symptomatic:
-Atropine and/or transcutaneous pacing
If QRS is wide and patient symptomatic:
Transcutaneous pacing until preparations for transvenous pacemaker

Premature Ventricular complex

Most patients with PVC require no treatment

Ventricular Tach

Stable with symptoms less than 150bpm:
Unstable without a pulse HR higher than 150bpm:
-Syncronized cardio version
-Begin CPR until a defibrillator arrives

Torsade de pointe

Magnesium 1-2 g IV


-Code blue
-Begin CPR until defibrillator available
-On arrival of defribillator give UNSYNCHRONIZED SHOCKS
EPI 1mg every 3 min Vasopressin 40 units can replace 1st or second dose of EPI
Amiodarone 300mg bolus IV/IO the second 150 mg
-Prepare for en

When to defribullate

-Pulseless V-tach


-code blue
-crash cart/defibrillator
-EPI 1 mg every 3 min Vasopressin 40 units can replace 1st or second dose of epi.
-Get ready to intubate


-Perform CPR
-confirm by 2 leads
-EPI 1 mg every 3 min Vasopressin 40 units can replace 1st or second dose of epi.